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Clinical Trials on Abnormal Blood Oxygen Pressure
Total 1606 results
European University Miguel de CervantesValladolid University Clinical Hospital. Cardiology Department.RecruitingBlood Pressure | Heart Rate | Oxygen SaturationSpain
Hamilton Health Sciences CorporationMcMaster University; Population Health Research Institute; Cloud DX Inc.CompletedBlood Pressure | Respiration | Temperature | Heart Rate | Oxygen Saturation | Pulse RateCanada
Vastra Gotaland RegionGöteborg UniversityRecruitingBlood Pressure | Respiratory Rate | Oxygen Saturation | Body Temperature | Pulse RateSweden
Klinik für Kardiologie, Pneumologie und AngiologieCompletedEndothelial Dysfunction | Oxygen Saturation | Microcirculation | FMD | IMT | Oxygen Pressure | Carbon Dioxide Pressure | Forced Expiratory Volume After 1 SecondGermany
Istanbul UniversityCompletedHeart Rate and Rhythm Disorders | Blood Pressures | Oxygen DisordersTurkey
GE HealthcareTerminatedBlood Pressure (Low, Normal, High)United States
United States Army Research Institute of Environmental...TerminatedHypoxia | Inadequate or Impaired Breathing Pattern or Ventilation | Effects of High Altitude | Abnormal Blood Oxygen PressureUnited States
Umeå UniversityCompletedIdiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
VitalTracer Ltd.St. Justine's HospitalNot yet recruitingHypertension | Blood Pressure | Children | Intensive Care Unit | Oxygen Saturation | Vital Signs | NeonatalCanada
University Hospital, Basel, SwitzerlandRecruitingIdiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (INPH)Switzerland
DeepsonbioRecruitingIdiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (iNPH)Korea, Republic of
Uppsala University HospitalUppsala University; Swedish Society for Medical ResearchActive, not recruitingIdiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (INPH)Sweden
Johns Hopkins UniversityUniversity of Utah; Integra LifeSciences CorporationCompletedIdiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (INPH)United States, Canada, Sweden
University of BolognaCompletedHigh-Normal Blood PressureItaly
Mayo ClinicTerminatedNormal Pressure Hydrocephalus PatientsUnited States
Umeå UniversityCompleted
Dokuz Eylul UniversityRecruitingNPH (Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus)Turkey
University Hospital Hradec KraloveCompletedHydrocephalus | Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus | Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus PatientsCzech Republic
University of ZurichActive, not recruitingIdiopathic Normal Pressure HydrocephalusSwitzerland
Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine,...Westlake UniversityUnknownIdiopathic Normal Pressure HydrocephalusChina
Translational Research Center for Medical Innovation...Johnson & Johnson; Codman & Shurtleff; Eisai Limited; Nihon Medi-Physics Co., Ltd. and other collaboratorsCompletedIdiopathic Normal Pressure HydrocephalusJapan
Gangnam Severance HospitalCompletedHypertension | Prehypertension | Normal Blood Pressure | Low Blood PressureKorea, Republic of
Johns Hopkins UniversityNational Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)Active, not recruitingIdiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (INPH)United States, Canada, Sweden
University of ZurichETH ZurichCompletedIdiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (INPH)Switzerland
Erasmus Medical CenterUMC Utrecht; Medtronic; Albert Schweitzer Hospital; Isala; University Medical Center... and other collaboratorsCompletedIdiopathic Normal Pressure HydrocephalusNetherlands
Linkoeping UniversityActive, not recruitingIdiopathic Normal Pressure HydrocephalusSweden
Xuanwu Hospital, BeijingRecruitingHydrocephalus | Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus | CSF | Glympathic System | OmicChina
CereVasc IncRecruitingNormal Pressure HydrocephalusUnited States
Military University Hospital, PragueRecruitingNormal Pressure HydrocephalusCzechia
University Hospital, ToulouseCompleted
Rabin Medical CenterUnknown
Yonsei UniversityRecruitingNormal Pressure HydrocephalusKorea, Republic of
Johan VirhammarSwedish Society for Medical ResearchRecruitingHydrocephalus | Normal Pressure HydrocephalusSweden, Finland, Italy
University of California, IrvineTerminatedNormal Pressure HydrocephalusUnited States
University Medicine GreifswaldUnknownNormal Pressure HydrocephalusGermany
University College London HospitalsTerminatedNormal Pressure HydrocephalusUnited Kingdom
Codman & ShurtleffCompletedHydrocephalus | Normal Pressure HydrocephalusUnited States
International Neuroscience Institute HannoverHospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon; University of Copenhagen; University... and other collaboratorsUnknownNormal Pressure HydrocephalusGermany
Vanderbilt University Medical CenterTerminated
Peking Union Medical College HospitalUnknown
NeuroDx DevelopmentJohns Hopkins UniversityWithdrawnNormal Pressure HydrocephalusUnited States
Johns Hopkins UniversityTerminated
Codman & ShurtleffAmerican Association of Neurological SurgeonsCompleted
Northwestern UniversityNational Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI); American Society for TransplantationWithdrawnHigh Blood Pressure | Liver Transplant | Renal Function AbnormalUnited States
Devogelaere VisionCompletedGlaucoma | Homocysteinemia | Elevated Retinal Venous Pressure | Abnormal Steady State Pattern ElectroretinographyBelgium
China National Center for Cardiovascular DiseasesRecruitingHypertension | High-normal Blood PressureChina
Johns Hopkins UniversityOhio State University; Henry Ford Health System; Rhode Island Hospital; Virginia... and other collaboratorsCompletedNormal Pressure HydrocephalusUnited States
GE Healthcarei3 StatprobeTerminatedNormal Pressure HydrocephalusUnited States
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, AmiensCompletedNormal Pressure HydrocephalusFrance
Umeå UniversityUnknownNormal Pressure HydrocephalusSweden, Denmark