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Clinical Trials on Fracture of Condylar Process
Total 8291 results
West China College of StomatologyCompletedFracture of Condylar ProcessChina
Alexandria UniversityRecruitingFracture of Condylar ProcessEgypt
Oxford University Hospitals NHS TrustRecruitingCondylar Process of Mandible Open FractureUnited Kingdom
AO Clinical Investigation and Publishing DocumentationAOCMFCompletedBilateral Condylar Fracture of the MandibleUnited States, Taiwan, Switzerland, South Africa, Finland, Slovenia, Pakistan, Spain, Germany, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Ukraine, Uruguay
AO Clinical Investigation and Publishing DocumentationCompletedCondylar Neck FracturesGermany
Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de ParisRecruitingIntra-articular Fracture of the Mandibular CondyleFrance
Sohag UniversityNot yet recruitingLateral Condyle Humerus Fracture in ChildrenEgypt
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation TrustCompletedHip Fractures | Fracture of Hip | Fractured HipUnited Kingdom
Moscow State University of Medicine and DentistryRecruitingTo Evaluate the Quality of the Newly Formed Cortical Tissue in the Area of the Condylar Condyle Using Different Bone Grafting MaterialsRussian Federation
Cork University HospitalUniversity of BristolUnknown
Wuhan Union Hospital, ChinaUnknownTreatment for Type I Humeral Condyle Fracture
Shunyou ChenCompletedLateral Condyle Fractures,Humerus,JakobⅡ Classification,ReductionChina
Balgrist University HospitalUniversity of ZurichTerminatedFracture of Clavicle | Fracture of Femur | Fracture of Humerus | Fracture of Ulna Radius | Fracture of Hand | Fracture of Pelvis | Fracture of Tibia Fibula | Fracture of SkullSwitzerland
Cedars-Sinai Medical CenterStryker NordicCompletedTibial Fractures | Nonunion of Fracture | Femur Fracture | Tibia Fracture | Nonunion of Fracture of Tibia | Nonunion of Fracture of Femur (Diagnosis)United States
University of MelbourneMelbourne Health; Austin HealthCompletedHip FracturesAustralia
LifeNet HealthRecruitingFractures, Bone | Nonunion of Fracture | Fractures, Ununited | Fractures, Open | Fracture of Femur | Fracture, Tibial | Fracture ArmUnited States
Orthofix s.r.l.RecruitingPertrochanteric Fracture of Femur | Intertrochanteric Fracture of Femur | Subtrochanteric Fracture of FemurItaly
Saglik Bilimleri UniversitesiCompletedNonunion of Fracture of Tibia | Tibia Distal FractureTurkey
Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyThe Research Council of Norway; Helse Nord-Trøndelag HFCompletedHip Fracture | Aged
Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine,...CompletedNonunion of Fracture of Tibia (Diagnosis)China
Ilocos Training and Regional Medical CenterUnknownIntertrochanteric Fractures | Pertrochanteric Fracture | Pertrochanteric Fracture of Femur, Closed | Pertrochanteric Fracture of Femur, Open
McGill University Health Centre/Research Institute...CompletedMalunion of Fracture of Clavicle | Delayed Union of Fracture of ClavicleCanada
Assiut UniversityUnknownOpen Fracture of Tibia
Brooke Army Medical CenterUniformed Services University of the Health Sciences; The Geneva FoundationActive, not recruitingMetatarsal Stress Fracture | Stress Fracture of TibiaUnited States
Zimmer BiometTerminatedNonunion of Fracture of Fifth MetatarsalUnited States
Jiawei JiangRecruitingOsteoporotic Fracture of VertebraChina
Cukurova UniversityCompleted
Brno University HospitalSt. Anne's University Hospital Brno, Czech RepublicCompletedFracture of Neck of Femur (Hip)Czech Republic
Washington University School of MedicineWithdrawnClosed Fracture of Shaft of Ulna | Closed Fracture of Shaft of RadiusUnited States
Federal University of São PauloUnknownHumerus Fracture | Fracture of Shaft of HumerusBrazil
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustCompletedClosed Fracture of Base of Fifth Metatarsal BoneUnited Kingdom
University of LouisvilleRecruitingTibial Fractures | Nonunion of Fracture | Delayed Union of FractureUnited States
King Chulalongkorn Memorial HospitalCompletedPertrochanteric Fracture of Femur, Closed | Unstable Intertrochanteric FractureThailand
University of South CarolinaUnited States Department of Defense; Eisenhower Army Medical Center; Moncrief...Enrolling by invitationStress Fracture of Tibia or FibulaUnited States
Milton S. Hershey Medical CenterWithdrawnPertrochanteric Fracture of Femur, Closed
Lithuanian University of Health SciencesLund University HospitalActive, not recruitingTrochanteric Fracture of FemurLithuania
UMAE Hospital de Traumatologia y Ortopedia de PueblaCompletedClosed Fracture of Shaft of Clavicle
St. Louis UniversityBoston Medical Center; Vanderbilt University; Indiana University; Prisma Health-Midlands and other collaboratorsCompletedClosed Fracture of Shaft of HumerusUnited States
Balgrist University HospitalRecruitingStress Fracture Metatarsal | Lower Limb Fracture | Stress Fracture Foot | Stress Fracture Ankle | Stress Fracture of TibiaSwitzerland
Oslo University HospitalCompletedAnkle Malleolus Fracture Bimalleolar | Fracture of Medial Malleolus | Fracture of AnkleNorway
Charite University, Berlin, GermanyJena University Hospital; Beckman Coulter, Inc.; University Hospital Dresden; Unfallkrankenhaus... and other collaboratorsRecruitingFemoral Neck Fractures | Femoral Shaft Fracture | Tibial Shaft Fracture | Forearm Fracture | Fracture Non Union | Distal Tibia Fracture | Fracture Healing | Femur Distal Fracture | Proximal Tibia Fracture | Humerus Shaft Fracture | Long Bone Delayed-Union Fracture | Pertrochanteric Fracture of FemurGermany
District Headquarters Teaching Hospital SahiwalCompletedTransverse Fracture of Shaft of TibiaPakistan
Royal Infirmary of EdinburghUniversity of Edinburgh; NHS LothianCompleted
St. Louis UniversityTerminatedCompression Fracture of Thoracic Vertebral Body | Thoracic Fracture | Lumbar Fracture | Compression Fracture of Lumbar Spine | Burst Fracture of Thoracic Vertebra | Burst Fracture of Lumbar VertebraUnited States
Queen Savang Vadhana Memorial Hospital, ThailandCompletedClosed Fracture of Lower End of RadiusThailand
AO Clinical Investigation and Publishing DocumentationCompletedPilon Fracture of TibiaUnited States, Austria, Brazil, Switzerland
Maastricht University Medical CenterErasmus Medical Center; Reinier Haga Orthopedisch Centrum; VieCuri Medical Centre and other collaboratorsRecruitingEvaluating the Utility of Bone Grafts in Open Wedge Corrective Osteotomy and Plate Fixation (WOPPeR)Malunion of Fracture of RadiusNetherlands
University General Hospital of PatrasRecruitingPertrochanteric Fracture of Femur, ClosedGreece
Jenny BajracharyaUnknownFracture of Proximal End of FemurNepal
Ludwig Boltzmann GesellschaftLudwig Boltzmann Institute for Experimental und Clinical TraumatologyCompletedEarly Mobilization of Operatively Stabilized Distal Radius Fractures - a Randomized Controlled TrailClosed Fracture of Lower End of Radius and UlnaAustria