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Clinical Trials on Influence of Nebulized Bronchodilatators on Selected
Total 20 results
Medical University of GdanskCompletedInfluence of Nebulized Bronchodilatators on Selected | Electrophysiological ParametersPoland
Duke UniversityEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development... and other collaboratorsRecruitingLactating Women on Select DOI | Breastfed Infants of Mothers on Select DOIUnited States, Canada
Seoul National University HospitalCompletedInfluence of Genotype of Drug Metabolizing Enzyme or Transporter on the Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics of Clopidogrel | Influence of Aspirin on the Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics of ClopidogrelKorea, Republic of
Charite University, Berlin, GermanyTerminatedInfluence of Espresso on Heart Rate VariabilityGermany
University Hospital, GhentCompletedInfluence of Vasoactive Medication on Spinal OxygenationBelgium
FLUIDDA nvCompletedInfluence of Mouthpiece Design on Upper Airway GeometryBelgium
Ziv HospitalUnknownInfluence of Perioperative Fluid Regime on Intraocular Pressure During Laparoscopic Gynecologic SurgeryIsrael
University Hospital, GhentCompletedNfuence of Vasoactive Medication on Spinal OxygenationBelgium
University of PatrasCompletedInfluence of PRU Values on Primary OutcomeGreece
University of Sao PauloCompletedTo Study the Influence of an Multifocal Intraocular Lens With Different Addition on Intermediate Visual AcuityBrazil
Campus Bad NeustadtRhönklinikum AGCompletedInfluence of Geriatric Functional State on the Outcome After TAVI | Possible Change in Geriatric Assessment After TAVIGermany
Xinjiang Medical UniversityCompletedTo Explore the Influence of CRRT Nursing Team Management Plan on the Prognosis of SAKI PatientsChina
Medical University of ViennaAustrian Federal Ministry of Defence and SportsCompletedInfluence of 8 Months of Increased Physical Activity Workload on Osteoprotegerin and Endocan LevelsAustria
Duke UniversityThe Emmes Company, LLCCompletedHIV Infections | Lactating Women on Select DOI | Breastmilk Fed Infants of Mothers on Select DOISouth Africa
Dominik RissRecruitingInfluence of Anatomy Based Frequency Mapping on Speech Outcomes and Hearing Related MeasuresAustria
Tri-Service General HospitalUnknownThe Influence of Timing of Botulinum Toxin Injection on Postoperative Pain ControlTaiwan
Institut za Rehabilitaciju Sokobanjska BeogradCompletedInfluence of Specifically Designed Exercise Program on Serum Matrix Metalloproteinases and Functional Status in Women With Postmenopausal OsteoporosisSerbia
Xian-Jun YuRecruitingThe Influence of Antibiotics on the Incidence of Biliary Tract Infections After PTCD for Malignant Obstructive JaundiceChina
Klinikum FloridsdorfMedical University of Vienna; Klinik Favoriten; Salzkammergut Klinikum VöcklabruckCompletedThe Aim of This Study is to Determine the Influence of BMI and Lymph Node Status on OS in CRC Patients in the Long TermAustria
Sakarya UniversityCompletedThis Study Investigated the Influence of Body Mass Index (BMI) on PDPH in Elective Caesarean Section Patients in Whom 27G Spinal Needles Were Used