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Clinical Trials on Low Birth Weight Babies
Total 1120 results
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public HealthSave the ChildrenCompletedLow Birth Weight Babies | Preterm BabiesNepal
Society for Applied StudiesAll India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi; World Health Organization; Government of HaryanaCompletedLow Birth Weight Babies | Kangaroo Mother Care Scale upIndia
Rabin Medical CenterCompleted
Society for Applied StudiesGrand Challenges CanadaCompleted
Foundation for Advanced Studies on International...St.Luke's Life Science Institute, Tokyo, JapanCompleted
Society for Applied StudiesCentre For International HealthCompleted
Nantes University HospitalTerminated
OSF Healthcare SystemCompleted
The Hospital for Sick ChildrenCompletedInfant, Low Birth WeightCanada, Bangladesh
Rajiv BahlEmory University; Hawassa University; Mekelle University; Emory University EthiopiaCompleted
Addis Ababa UniversityWorld Health Organization; Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH)CompletedLow Birth-weightEthiopia
Meiji Co., Ltd.CompletedLow Birth Weight InfantsThailand
Aga Khan UniversityBill and Melinda Gates FoundationUnknownLow-Birth-Weight InfantPakistan
King Fahad Medical CityUnknownExtremely Low Birth Weight
Children's Hospital of Fudan UniversityCompleted
International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research...Children's Investment Fund FoundationRecruitingInfant, Low Birth WeightBangladesh
Children's Hospital of Fudan UniversityNot yet recruitingVery Low Birth Weight InfantChina
Children's Hospital of Fudan UniversityCompletedVery Low Birth Weight InfantChina
Baylor College of MedicineCompletedInfant, Very Low Birth WeightUnited States
Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyCompletedInfant, Very Low Birth WeightNorway
Milton S. Hershey Medical CenterChildren's Miracle NetworkCompletedVery Low Birth Weight InfantsUnited States
Princess Amalia Children's ClinicCompleted
Baylor College of MedicineRecruitingInfant, Very Low Birth WeightUnited States
Wyss Institute at Harvard UniversityEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development... and other collaboratorsCompleted
The Hospital for Sick ChildrenUniversity of Toronto; Sinai Health SystemCompletedInfant, Very Low Birth WeightCanada
Children's Hospital of Fudan UniversityCompleted
International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research...CompletedPregnant Women | Low-Birth-Weight Infant
The Hospital for Sick ChildrenRecruitingVery Low Birth Weight InfantCanada
Singapore General HospitalCompletedVery Low Birth Weight Infant | Neonatal Hypoglycemia | Extremely Low Birth Weight | Extreme Prematurity,Extremely Low BirthweightSingapore
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas IndonesiaLudwig-Maximilians - University of MunichUnknownBreast Feeding | Low-Birth-Weight InfantIndonesia
Fundación Oftalmológica de Santander Clínica Carlos...Instituto Colombiano para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (COLCIENCIAS) and other collaboratorsCompletedLow Birth Weight | Cardiovascular Risk | Resistance Training
University of the PhilippinesPfizerCompletedLow Birth Weight Among NeonatesPhilippines
Zekai Tahir Burak Women's Health Research and Education...CompletedVery Low Birth Weight InfantsTurkey
University College CorkCork University Maternity HospitalCompletedPremature Birth | Very Low Birth Weight Infant | Extreme Prematurity | Extremely Low Birth WeightIreland
Stanger HospitalOtto Kranendonk Fonds - Dutch Association of Tropical Health (request pending)CompletedLow Birth Weight | Perinatology | Iron Status | Cord ClampingSouth Africa
Istanbul Medipol University HospitalMarmara UniversityCompletedEarly Intervention | Term Infants | Low Birth Weight Infants
University of VirginiaThe Gerber FoundationUnknownTolerance | Safety Issues | Very Low Birth Weight Infant
Hospital Universitario Dr. Jose E. GonzalezCompletedLow Birth Weight | Oral Glucose Tolerance TestMexico
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development... and other collaboratorsCompleted
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiCompletedLow Birth Weight NeonatesUnited States
Instituto de Saude Publica da Universidade do PortoNot yet recruitingInfant, Low Birth Weight
Emory UniversityLondon School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Johns Hopkins University; Washington... and other collaboratorsActive, not recruitingInfant, Low Birth WeightGuatemala, India, Peru, Rwanda
Jouf UniversityRecruitingTelemedicine | Nurse's Role | Lactation | Breastfeeding | Low Birth Weight InfantsEgypt
Children's Hospital of PhiladelphiaMasimo CorporationWithdrawnInfant, Low Birth Weight | Infant, Newborn | Surgical Procedures
Vermont Oxford NetworkUniversity of Vermont; St. Louis University; Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital and other collaboratorsCompletedLow Birth WeightUnited States
Society for Applied StudiesCentre For International HealthCompleted
University of UtahDepartment of Health and Human ServicesCompletedLow Birth Weight | Immunodeficiency | Small for Gestational AgeUnited States
TriHealth Inc.CompletedLow Birth Weight InfantsUnited States
Rambam Health Care CampusCompletedELBW - Extremely Low Birth Weight Infant | IVH- Intraventricular HemorrhageIsrael
University of Alabama at BirminghamNot yet recruitingInfant Development | Infant, Very Low Birth Weight | Feeding PatternsUnited States