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Clinical Trials on Mature Teeth
Total 796 results
Ege UniversityCompleted
National University Health System, SingaporeNational University, Singapore; Health Promotion Board, SingaporeCompletedInfected Immature Permanent TeethSingapore
Al-Azhar UniversityActive, not recruitingRevascularization of Immature Young Permenant TeethEgypt
Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical UniversityRecruitingIrreversible Pulpitis | Mature TeethChina
Cairo UniversityRecruitingVital Pulp Treatment in Mature Permanent Teeth With Irreversible PulpitisEgypt
Damascus UniversityRecruitingPeriapical Lesion | Immature TeethSyrian Arab Republic
University of TromsoNorwegian Public dental health serviceCompletedReversible Pulpitis | Mature Teeth | Proximal Caries | Carious Exposure | Human Permanent First and Second Molars | Healthy PulpLithuania, Norway
University of Santiago de CompostelaCompletedBacterial Growth | Oral Surgery | Wisdom Teeth | Third Molar Surgery | Bioadhesive Gel | Suture Bacteria | Antiseptic Gel | Chistosan | Clorhexidine Gel Bacteria | Clorhexidine-chitosan
Minia UniversityNot yet recruitingNecrotic Pulp | Immature Teeth
BeiGeneRecruitingMature B-Cell MalignanciesUnited States, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, United Kingdom, Germany
BeiGeneActive, not recruitingMature B-cell MalignanciesChina
InnoCare Pharma Inc.Not yet recruiting
ART Fertility Clinics LLCTerminatedthe Number of Mature OocytesUnited Arab Emirates
Cairo UniversityNot yet recruitingCementation Teeth | Badly Broken Down Vital Teeth
Cairo UniversityUnknownSingle Posterior Crowns | Badly Decayed Teeth, Teeth Restored With Large Filling Restorations or Endodontically Treated Teeth | Malformed Teeth, Malposed Teeth (Tilted, Over-erupted, Rotated, Etc.) or Spacing Between Posterior Teeth
Cairo UniversityRecruitingEndodontically Treated Teeth | Posterior Teeth | Worn Posterior Teeth | Crowned Posterior TeethEgypt
University Hospital, GhentCompleted
Cairo UniversityRecruitingEndodontically Treated Teeth | Badly Decayed Teeth | Single Anterior Crowns | Spacing Between Anterior Teeth | Malposed Teeth(Tilted,Overerupted,Totated,Etc.)Egypt
Karolinska InstitutetUmeå University; Eastman Dental Insitute and HospitalRecruitingRegenerative Endodontics in Traumatized Immature TeethSweden
Aqumen Biopharmaceuticals, N.A.TerminatedMature CataractsUnited States, India
Cairo UniversityUnknownBadly Decayed Teeth andTeeth Restored With Large Filling Restorations and Endodontically Treated Teeth and Malformed Teeth and Malposed Teeth
Aqumen Biopharmaceuticals, N.A.CompletedMature CataractsUnited States, India
Hadassah Medical OrganizationCompletedPulpotomies Primary Teeth | Effectiveness of MedCem MTA® in Pulpotomies Primary TeethIsrael
Cairo UniversityNot yet recruiting
Minia UniversityCompleted
Al-Azhar UniversityEnrolling by invitation
Suleyman Demirel UniversityCompleted
University of ZagrebUnknown
Cairo UniversityNot yet recruitingEndodontically Treated Teeth | Decayed Teeth | Malposed Teeth | Teeth Restored With Large Filling Restorations | Single Anterior Crowns | Single Premolars Crowns
Fundación Pública Andaluza para la Investigación...CompletedCataract | Cataract Mature | Cataract, Nuclear
Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de ParisCompletedAnalgesics Use During Breastfeeding and Concentrations in Human Mature MilkFrance
Cairo UniversityUnknownEndodontically-Treated Teeth | Spacing of Anterior Maxillary Teeth | Broken Teeth Injury With ComplicationEgypt
Cairo UniversityRecruiting
Loma Linda UniversityNobel BiocareCompletedAnterior TeethUnited States
Datum Dental LTDCompleted
Damascus UniversityCompletedPrimary TeethSyrian Arab Republic
Cairo UniversityUnknown
Air Force Military Medical University, ChinaNational Natural Science Foundation of ChinaUnknown
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research...CompletedWisdom TeethUnited States
Esra OzCompletedPrimary Teeth RetainedTurkey
Izmir Katip Celebi UniversityCompleted
Loma Linda UniversityTerminatedPrimary Teeth | Pulpotomy
Université de MontréalCompletedValidity of Digital Models Obtained With iTero® and Lava Digital® in Comparison With Plaster Models.Dentition/Teeth MeasurementCanada
Taipei City HospitalCompletedNature, HumanTaiwan
NovoBliss Research Pvt LtdNot yet recruitingHair Fall and Pre-mature Graying
Izmir Katip Celebi UniversityCompletedPrimary Teeth | Pulpotomy
Damascus UniversityCompletedMaxillary Crowded TeethSyrian Arab Republic
Solventum US LLC3MTerminatedRestoration of Posterior TeethUnited States
Mansoura UniversityActive, not recruitingMissed Upper Posterior TeethEgypt
Cairo UniversityUnknownBadly Decayed TeethEgypt