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Clinical Trials on Prediction of Tooth Wear
Total 3912 results
Hospices Civils de LyonRecruitingPrediction of Tooth WearUnited States, Belgium, France, India, Israel
Mansoura UniversityCompletedOcclusal Wear of TeethEgypt
Mibelle AGWithdrawnErosion of Teeth, UnspecifiedSwitzerland
Technical University of MunichUnknownPrediction of Volume ResponsivenessGermany
King's College LondonNHS Devon ICBCompleted
Okan UniversityRecruitingDental Caries | Endodontically Treated Teeth | Wear, Occlusal | Dental Restoration Failure of Marginal IntegrityTurkey
University of FloridaCompletedDenture Stomatitis | Wear of Denture TeethUnited States
Mansoura UniversityUnknownPrediction of Pediatric Endotracheal Tube SizeEgypt
Okan UniversityUnknownDental Caries | Endodontically Treated Teeth | Wear, Occlusal | Dental Restoration Failure of Marginal Integrity | Indirect Posterior RestorationTurkey
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-EppendorfUniversity of Kiel; University of Valencia; University of Witten/Herdecke; Szeged... and other collaboratorsCompletedReduction of Length of Hospitality Stay, Reduction of Perioperative ComplicationsGermany
Radboud University Medical CenterCompletedTooth Wear | Randomized Controlled Trial | Composite Resins | Vertical Dimension of OcclusionNetherlands
Istituto Ortopedico GaleazziUnknownWear, Tooth | Wear, Occlusal | Wear, Restoration
Mongi Slim HospitalCompletedAccuracy of DE and DTF in Prediction of Extubation SuccessTunisia
Cairo UniversityNot yet recruitingWear, Tooth | Wear, Occlusal
Cairo UniversityNot yet recruitingTooth Wear | Attrition | Erosion
University of ValenciaRecruitingOutcome | Wear, Tooth | Dental Wear | ProstheticSpain
Implantology InstituteRecruitingWear, Tooth | Dental Prosthesis Complication | Wear, OcclusalPortugal
Federico II UniversityUnknown
Cairo UniversityNot yet recruiting
Cairo UniversityCompleted
Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc- Université...Unknown
National Taiwan University HospitalTaipei Medical University HospitalRecruiting
Federal University of UberlandiaUnknownTooth Wear | Dental WearBrazil
Misr University for Science and TechnologyCompleted
Universidad Europea de MadridCompleted
GlaxoSmithKlineCompletedDental Erosion | Acid WearUnited States
King's College LondonProcter and GambleCompleted
Cairo UniversityNot yet recruiting
Al-Azhar UniversityRecruitingDental Wear | Carious ToothEgypt
InMode MD Ltd.CompletedCircumference Reduction of AbdomenUnited States
Alma Lasers Inc.Unknown
Hospital de Clinicas de Porto AlegreUnknownReduction of Blood FlowBrazil
Zeltiq AestheticsCompleted
Erebouni Medical CenterFisher and Paykel HealthcareRecruitingPredictive Value of TestsArmenia
Moataz Gamal Ali Abdul-Maksoud KonsouhCairo UniversityCompletedRisk Reduction | Caries, DentalEgypt
Cairo UniversityNot yet recruitingDental Decay | Dental Wear
Medical University of SilesiaCompletedPredictive Value of Tests | IntubationPoland
Radboud University Medical CenterIvoclar Vivadent AGCompletedTooth Wear | Dental Restoration Wear | Dental Restoration Failure
Medical University of SilesiaCompletedPredictive Value of Tests | Intubation;DifficultPoland
Medical University of SilesiaCompletedAirway Management | Predictive Value of TestsPoland
Assiut UniversityRecruitingPrediction of Variceal BleedingEgypt
Radboud University Medical Center3M ESPEActive, not recruitingTooth Wear | Dental Restoration Wear | Dental Restoration FailureNetherlands
McGill University Health Centre/Research Institute...Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR); Wayne State University; Brown...CompletedPrediction of Extubation ReadinessCanada, United States
Yolo Medical Inc.CompletedReduction of the Waist CircumferenceUnited States
University of ChileCompletedCaries Prevention | Caries ReductionChile
Brain-Gut Research GroupRecruitingGastroesophageal Reflux | Dental ErosionSwitzerland
AstraZenecaIqvia Pty LtdCompletedPrediction of Blood Pressure, Glycated Haemoglobin and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate From Digital Retinal ImagesKenya
National and Kapodistrian University of AthensCompletedAnatomic Features of the Neck and Preoperative Tests as Predictive Markers of Difficult LaryngoscopyAirway Management | Predictive Value of Tests
University of PaviaCompletedGastro Esophageal Reflux | Dental ErosionItaly