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Clinical Trials on Surgical Patient
Total 8238 results
Liaquat National Hospital & Medical CollegeRecruitingBlood Pressure | Hypertensive Patients | Elective Surgical Patient | Hypertensive Elderly Patients | AnxiolyticPakistan
Boston Children's HospitalRecruitingPediatric Surgical PatientUnited States
University of JordanCompleted
Nanjing First Hospital, Nanjing Medical UniversityRecruiting
University of Colorado, DenverCompleted
Nationwide Children's HospitalCompleted
Hospices Civils de LyonCompleted
Hospital Clinic of BarcelonaCompletedHigh-risk Patient | Abdominal Surgical PatientSpain
Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical UniversityCompleted
University of California, Los AngelesCAS Medical Systems, Inc.CompletedCardiac Surgical PatientsUnited States
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health BoardCompletedElective Surgical Patients
Guangdong Provincial People's HospitalNot yet recruitingPatient Reported Outcome Measures | Pulmonary Surgical ProceduresChina
University College, LondonCompletedSurgery | Patient Satisfaction | Surgical IncisionUnited Kingdom
University of TorontoUniversity Health Network, Toronto; MSH-UHN AMO Innovation FundActive, not recruiting
Institut Cancerologie de l'OuestDirection Générale de l'Offre de SoinsUnknownPulmonary Complication | Surgical PatientsFrance
Govind Ballabh Pant HospitalCompletedAdult Cardiac Surgical PatientsIndia
National Defense Medical Center, TaiwanCompletedElective Cardiac Surgical PatientsTaiwan
Università Politecnica delle MarcheCompletedHigh-Risk Surgical PatientsItaly
University Hospital, Strasbourg, FranceUnknownCardiac Surgical Procedures | High-risk Surgical Patient | Anaerobic ThresholdFrance
University of RostockCompletedPatient and Surgical Related Risk Factors for Complications
Liaquat National Hospital & Medical CollegeNot yet recruitingBlood Pressure | Elective Surgical Patients
Yonsei UniversityUnknownPatients in Surgical Intensive CareKorea, Republic of
China Medical University HospitalUnknownSurgical Patients | Hospitalized PatientsTaiwan
The University of Texas Health Science Center,...CompletedMedical Education | Patient Safety | Educational Safety Curriculum | Surgical Resident
Creighton UniversityUnknownUrinary Catheter Discomfort in Surgical Patients
Nationwide Children's HospitalCompletedSurgical Patients Intubated With Cuffed ETTUnited States
Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS TrustUnknownPharmacist-Patient Relations | Fall PatientsUnited Kingdom
Smith & Nephew Medical (Shanghai) LtdCompletedPatients Undergoing Clean SurgeryChina
University of South AlabamaUnknown
EarlySense Ltd.WithdrawnPost Operative Patient | Patients Requiring PCA | Respiratory Patients | Patients in Risk of FallUnited States
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research InstituteCompletedEvaluation of Patient Functionality and Utility of Web-Based Personal Health History and Risk AssessCancer | Cancer Screening Patients | Patient VolunteersUnited States
Hospital General de Niños Pedro de ElizaldeCompletedNo-Show Patients | Non-Attendance, Patient
Siriraj HospitalUnknownPatient Relations, Nurse | Post-operative PatientsThailand
Massachusetts General HospitalUnknownPregnant Women | Surgical Patients
University of Colorado, DenverRecruitingPain | Anesthesia | Patient Satisfaction | Surgical AbortionUnited States
Hadassah Medical OrganizationCompletedSurgical Wound Infection | Patient Satisfaction | Surgical Wound HealingIsrael
Université de SherbrookeCompletedSurgical Wound | Patient Satisfaction | General Surgery | IncisionCanada
Tanta UniversityRecruitingPassive Leg Raising | High-Risk Surgical Patients | Trendelenburg ManeuverEgypt
Tariq WaniCompleted
Johns Hopkins UniversityWithdrawnEngagement, Patient | Utilization, Health Care | No-Show PatientsUnited States
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire DijonCompletedPatient Requiring Scheduled Conventional Orthopedic Surgical Intervention of the Upper or Lower LimbFrance
HaEmek Medical Center, IsraelWithdrawnthe Study Focuses on the Subgoup of Patients With Decreased Effective Blood Volume eg. Trauma Surgical and Non Surgical PatientsIsrael
Peking University First HospitalPeking University People's Hospital; Peking University Third Hospital; Beijing... and other collaboratorsCompletedLong-term Outcome | Elderly Patients | Epidural Anesthesia | Solid Organ Cancer | Surgical ResectionChina
University of VirginiaRecruitingResident Education, Patient Communication, Breaking Bad News to Patients Remotely, TelemedicineUnited States
Poitiers University HospitalCompleted
Indiana UniversityCompletedSurgical Wound | Skin Cancer | Scar | Wound Heal | Patient Satisfaction | Surgical Incision | Patient Preference | Skin Scarring | Wound of SkinUnited States
Universitas Jenderal SoedirmanCompletedPatients with ASA Physical Status 1 - 2 Who Undergo Surgical Delivery (cesarean Section)
National Taiwan University HospitalUnknownPatient With Invasive Cervical Carcinoma | Patient With CIN Lesion | Patient With HPV Infected Patients Without Histopathologic Lesion | Normal Populations.Taiwan
Region SkaneCompletedSurgical Site Infection | Patient SatisfactionSweden
Cairo UniversityUnknownHigh Caries Risk Patients | Antimicrobial Effect | Salivary pH | Patient Satisfaction to Taste