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Clinical Trials on Survival Outcomes of Patients With Pulmonary LCNEC
Total 386 results
Jaroslaw B. Cwikla, MD, PhD, Professor UWMCompletedSurvival Outcomes of Patients With Pulmonary LCNEC
Elizabeth DudnikRecruitingPatients With Advanced Treatment Naive LCNECIsrael
Guangdong Provincial People's HospitalNot yet recruitingPatient Reported Outcome Measures | Pulmonary Surgical ProceduresChina
University Hospital of North NorwayActive, not recruitingSurvival of the Implants With Revision as Endpoint | Clinical Performance With HHS | Patients Satisfaction With the Hip ImplantNorway
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS TrustRecruitingAdult Hospital Patients at Risk of Adverse OutcomesUnited Kingdom
Sohag UniversityNot yet recruitingVoice and Swallow Outcomes After Injection Laryngoplasty in Patients With Glottal Insufficiency
University Hospital, GasthuisbergCompletedLong-term Oncologic Outcome of MILS in Patients With CRLM and Prognostic IndicatorsBelgium
Brigham and Women's HospitalJohns Hopkins University; Massachusetts General Hospital; Washington University... and other collaboratorsCompletedResident Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Cross-cultural Care | Interpersonal and Communication Skills in Patient-clinician Encounters | Patient-reported Satisfaction With Resident Physicians Involved in Their Care | Patients' Clinical Health Outcomes After SurgeryUnited States
Institut Cancerologie de l'OuestDirection Générale de l'Offre de SoinsUnknownPulmonary Complication | Surgical PatientsFrance
Peking University First HospitalPeking University People's Hospital; Peking University Third Hospital; Beijing... and other collaboratorsCompletedLong-term Outcome | Elderly Patients | Epidural Anesthesia | Solid Organ Cancer | Surgical ResectionChina
Ain Shams UniversityUnknownPhysician Satisfaction With the Outcomes of Cytotoxic DrugsEgypt
Nationwide Children's HospitalCompletedSurgical Patients Intubated With Cuffed ETTUnited States
HaEmek Medical Center, IsraelWithdrawnthe Study Focuses on the Subgoup of Patients With Decreased Effective Blood Volume eg. Trauma Surgical and Non Surgical PatientsIsrael
Central Hospital, Nancy, FranceAgence de La Biomédecine; CIC 1433 EC CHRU de Nancy; Association France REINRecruitingPatients Reported OutcomesFrance
Melbourne HealthBarwon Health; Austin Health; Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia; St Vincent... and other collaboratorsRecruitingProstate Cancer | Learning Curve | Patient Reported Outcome Measures | Oncological Outcomes | Database | Robotic-assisted Radical Prostatectomy | Surgical OutcomesAustralia
Stefania CostiArcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-IRCCSCompletedComplex Patients: Patients With High Level of Complexity Regardless of the Pathology of Origin
Seoul National University Bundang HospitalCompletedPatient Outcome Assessment | Quality of Recovery | Day Surgery | RemimazolamKorea, Republic of
University Hospital, Clermont-FerrandDiagnostica StagoCompletedPatients Without a Medical History of Thrombosis or Hemorrhage | Hemophilic Patient | Patient With FV Leiden Mutation | Patient With Cirrhosis | Patient on AnticoagulantFrance
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre...Not yet recruitingCardiovascular Diseases | Cardiovascular Diseases Risk | Mortality of Patients with CVD | Mortality of Patients with CVD and T2DM | Mortality of Patients with T2DM | Mortality of Patients with Neither | Morbidity of CVD
Saglik Bilimleri Universitesi Gulhane Tip FakultesiCompletedCesarean Section | General Anesthesia | Patient Reported Outcome Measures | Quality of RecoveryTurkey
Faculty Hospital Kralovske VinohradyCompletedPatients With an Aneurysm of Native Vascular Access Indicated for Surgical TreatmentCzechia
Peter Martin HansenUniversity of Southern DenmarkNot yet recruitingEmergency Medical Services | Triage | Survival Outcomes | Intensive Care Patients Invasively Ventilated | Response | Intensive Care Unit DaysDenmark
University of BeykentKutahya Health Sciences University; Istanbul Aydın UniversityCompletedPatient Reported OutcomeTurkey
Sylvestre KABURACompletedGastric Cancer | Mortality of Gastric Cancer | Overall Survival of Patients With Gastric Cancer
Hadassah Medical OrganizationUnknownPeriodontal Status of Patients Treated With PAO TecIsrael
Peking Union Medical College HospitalNot yet recruitingBreast Cancer | Surgery | Survival Outcomes | Elderly Patient | Wide Local ExcisionChina
Universitas Jenderal SoedirmanCompletedPatients with ASA Physical Status 1 - 2 Who Undergo Surgical Delivery (cesarean Section)
Assiut UniversityThe Queen Elizabeth HospitalUnknownOutcomes of Trabeculectomy With MMCEgypt
Gaziler Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Education...Not yet recruitingthe Previous Prosthetic Foot Experience of Patients With Amputation
Bracco Diagnostics, IncCompletedPatients Requiring Abdominopelvic CT With Oral Administration of ContrastUnited States
University of Texas Southwestern Medical CenterWithdrawnPatients With a Diagnosis of Odynophonia
Atlantic Health SystemNot yet recruitingPrevalence of OSA in Patients Hospitalized With COPD Exacerbation
Peking University First HospitalThe Forth Medical Center of PLA General Hospital; Tianjin Orthopedic HospitalRecruitingMalnutrition | Hip Fractures | Elderly Patients | Survival | Perioperative Outcomes | Nutritional InterventionChina
Rigshospitalet, DenmarkCompletedPatients With One or More Predictors of Difficult AirwayDenmark
Union de Gestion des Etablissements des Caisses...CompletedPatients With Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Upper Limb With Symptoms of ExclusionFrance
Greater Baltimore Medical CenterWithdrawnCancer | Patients With Clinical and Environmental Risk Factors for Cancer | Patients With a Suspected or Confirmed Diagnosis of CancerUnited States
Ming ZhongNot yet recruitingTo Study the Incidence of Patient-ventilator Asynchronization in Two Groups of Patients Under Two Conditions With PVA Unsynchronization Analysis Function
Universitaire Ziekenhuizen KU LeuvenCompletedExploration of How Patients Deal With Side Effects From ChemotherapyBelgium
National Jewish HealthPatient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute; Pulmonary Fibrosis FoundationCompletedPulmonary Fibrosis of Any Cause | Primary Supporters/Caretakers of Patients With Pulmonary FibrosisUnited States
michal rollRecruitingSurgical Resection | The Aim of the Study is to Evaluate the Efficacy of Photodynamic Therapy as an | Adjuvant Therapy on the Clinical Outcome of Patients With Desmoid Tumors AfterIsrael
Shanghai Zhongshan HospitalRecruitingCompare the Concentration of Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Patients With Different Severity of RFChina
LiuJunFengOrigiMedUnknownPrognosis of Patients With ESCCChina
Neon HospitalCompletedEffects of the External Testosteron Intake Over the Choroids of the Patients With Androgen DeficiencyTurkey
The University of Hong KongCompletedParents of Children With CancerHong Kong
The University of Hong KongUnknownParents of Children With CancerHong Kong
Kansas State UniversityCompletedCancer Survivor With History of Anthracycline ChemotherapyUnited States
Fondation Ophtalmologique Adolphe de RothschildRecruitingPatients Undergoing DMEK With a History of Anterior or Posterior Segment SurgeryFrance
Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de ParisRecruitingAdults Patients, With Fecal Carriage of Multi-Drug Resistant Enterobacterales (MDR-E)France
José Manuel Afonso MoreiraTerminatedQuality of Life | Cardiac Rehabilitation | Rehabilitation Exercise | Patient-Reported Outcome MeasuresPortugal
State University of New York - Downstate Medical...UnknownPercentage of Change in ONSD During Anesthesia With Sevoflurane Versus Propofol in Two Groups of PatientsUnited States