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Clinical Trials on Type I Allergy
Total 62450 results
Allergopharma GmbH & Co. KGCompleted
Federico II UniversityCompletedAllergic Conjunctivitis | Allergy;Food | Allergic Asthma | Allergy Milk | Allergy SkinItaly
Allergopharma GmbH & Co. KGCompletedType I-AllergyGermany
University Hospital, MontpellierHycor BiomedicalTerminated
HippocreatesAlyatecCompletedBirch Pollen Allergy | House Dust Mite AllergyFrance
Cytos Biotechnology AGCompletedHouse Dust Mite Allergy | Perennial Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis
Cytos Biotechnology AGCompletedHouse Dust Mite Allergy | Perennial Allergic RhinoconjunctivitisSwitzerland
MacroArray Diagnostics GmbHCompletedCat Allergy | Grass Pollen Allergy | Birch Pollen Allergy | House Dust Mite Allergy | Bee Venom Allergy | Vespid Venom AllergyAustria
Lille Catholic UniversityRecruitingFood Allergy | Child Allergy | IgE-Mediated Allergic ProcessFrance
Abionic SAJohns Hopkins University; NAMSAWithdrawnAllergy | Allergic Asthma | Allergy to Cats | Allergy to House Dust | Allergy Cockroach | Allergy to Dog Dander (Finding) | Allergy MoldUnited States
Abionic SAJohns Hopkins University; NAMSAWithdrawnAllergy | Allergic Asthma | Allergy to Cats | Allergy to House Dust | Allergy to Dog Dander | Allergy CockroachUnited States
Inmunotek S.L.BioClever 2005 S.L.; NTS hub S.LTerminatedEfficacy and Safety Evaluation for the Treatment of Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis/RhinoconjunctivitisPerennial Allergic Rhinitis | Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis | House Dust Mite Allergy | Pollen AllergySpain
JOSALYN CHOMassachusetts General HospitalActive, not recruitingAllergic Rhinitis | Allergic Conjunctivitis | Allergic Asthma | Allergy to Cats | Allergy to Dust MitesUnited States
Nationwide Children's HospitalCompletedSurgery | Pediatric | Allergic Reaction | Allergy DrugUnited States
King's College LondonKing's College Hospital NHS Trust; University College London Hospitals; Cambridge... and other collaboratorsRecruitingEgg Allergy | Food Allergy | Food Allergy in Children | Milk Allergy | Food Allergy in Infants | Nut Allergy | Food Allergen SensitisationUnited Kingdom
King's College LondonGuy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation TrustUnknownEgg Allergy | Food Allergy | Food Allergy in Children | Milk Allergy | Food Allergy in Infants | Nut Allergy | Food Allergen SensitisationUnited Kingdom
Covalon Technologies Inc.ALS Beauty and Personal CareCompleted
Fraunhofer-Institute of Toxicology and Experimental...RecruitingAllergic Rhinitis | Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis | Birch Pollen Allergy | Ragweed AllergyGermany
Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of...Not yet recruitingAllergy | Allergy;Food | Allergy Drug | Allergy PollenBelarus
The University of Texas Medical Branch, GalvestonTexas Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology SocietyRecruitingBreast Feeding, Exclusive | Food Allergy in Infants | Food Allergen Sensitisation | Breastmilk CollectionUnited States
Medical University of ViennaAustrian Science Fund (FWF)CompletedBirch Pollen Allergy | Birch Pollen Related Apple AllergyAustria
Chulalongkorn UniversityMahidol UniversityCompletedPenicillin AllergyThailand
ALK-Abelló A/SCompletedBirch Pollen AllergyFinland, Netherlands
Kenota Inc.CompletedAllergy | Immunoglobulin E-Mediated Allergic DisorderUnited States
Desentum OyCompleted
Biomay AGCompletedGrass Pollen AllergyAustria
Meir Medical CenterTerminatedPenicillin AllergyIsrael
Desentum OyCompletedBirch Pollen AllergyFinland
Biomay AGCompletedGrass Pollen AllergyAustria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Slovenia
Allergy TherapeuticsEcarf Institute GmbH; Bencard Allergie GmbHCompleted
HippocreatesCompletedAllergy Pollen | Allergy to House DustBelgium
Unilever SEACCompletedAllergy to MoldUnited Kingdom
University of ZurichWithdrawnWasp Venom Allergic PatientsSwitzerland
Regeneron PharmaceuticalsRecruitingAllergic ConjunctivitisCanada, United States
Toyos ClinicWithdrawn
Regeneron PharmaceuticalsRecruitingAllergic ConjunctivitisCanada, United States
Mother's Choice LtdUnknownAllergy | Dermatitis | Cutaneous Patch | Cosmetic Allergy | Eczema; Contact, AllergicIsrael
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases...Regeneron Pharmaceuticals; PPD; Rho Federal Systems Division, Inc.; ALK-Abelló A/S and other collaboratorsActive, not recruitingGrass Pollen Allergy | Allergic RhinoconjunctivitisUnited Kingdom
Stallergenes GreerActive, not recruitingAllergic Rhinoconjunctivitis | Birch Pollen AllergyHungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Germany, Finland, France, Austria, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Sweden
Prof. Dr. Claus Bachert BVBAUnknownAllergic Rhinitis | Allergic Conjunctivitis | Food Allergy | Allergic Asthma
Odense University HospitalAcademisch Medisch Centrum - Universiteit van Amsterdam (AMC-UvA); European... and other collaboratorsCompletedAllergic Rhinoconjunctivitis | Birch Pollen AllergyDenmark
Medical University of ViennaCompleted
Rijnstate HospitalWageningen University; NIZO Food Research; Allergologiepraktijk Arnhem/Radboud... and other collaboratorsCompletedHay Fever | Birch Pollen AllergyNetherlands
University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"CompletedQuality of Life | Rhinitis, Allergic | Child, Only | Nasal Allergy | Allergy Pollen | Nasal, Cytology | Mometasone AllergyItaly
United Allergy ServicesUnknown
prof. dr. Rik SchrijversKU Leuven; Sciensano; University of Namur; Université Catholique de LouvainRecruiting
Circassia LimitedCetero Research, San Antonio; Adiga Life Sciences, Inc.Completed
West Penn Allegheny Health SystemGreer LaboratoriesCompleted
Allergopharma GmbH & Co. KGCompletedBirch Pollen AllergyGermany
NeXtGen Biologics, Inc.Completed