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Search clinical trials for: propofol
Total 2963 results
Hopital FochCompleted
Konkuk University Medical CenterCompletedCoronary Artery Disease | Valvular Heart DiseaseKorea, Republic of
University Medical Center GroningenCompletedAnesthesia | Hemodynamic Instability | Interaction | Disorder of Oxygen TransportNetherlands
Asan Medical CenterCompletedPopulation Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) of Microemulsion Propofol in Healthy VolunteersHealthyKorea, Republic of
Tiva GroupMedtronic - MITGCompleted
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de ChileCompletedSurgery | Anesthesia | Depth of Anesthesia | NeonateChile
Mansoura UniversityCompleted
KVG Medical College and HospitalUnknown
Acibadem UniversityCompleted
Hopital FochCompleted
Universitaire Ziekenhuizen KU LeuvenCompletedCoronary Artery Disease | AnesthesiaBelgium
Huazhong University of Science and TechnologyCompletedLaparoscopic Surgery | Hysteroscopic SurgeryChina
Chung-Ang University Gwangmyeong HospitalNot yet recruitingNeurologic Disorder
Universidad del DesarrolloCompletedGeneral Anesthesia | Propofol Pharmacodynamics | Propofol Target Controlled Infusion | Loss of Consciousness and Recovery of Consciousness | Propofol Plasma ConcentrationChile
Institute of Child HealthCompletedASA 1-2 Requiring Intravenous Cannulation for General AnaesthesiaUnited Kingdom
Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Institute...CompletedElectroconvulsive TherapyNepal
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical...CompletedAdverse EffectsChina
T.C. ORDU ÜNİVERSİTESİCompletedInduction of AnaesthesiaTurkey
Ludwig-Maximilians - University of MunichCompleted
University of Mississippi Medical CenterWithdrawn
Spectrum Health HospitalsHelen DeVos Children's HospitalCompletedEncephalopathy | Developmental Delay and Behavioral Changes | Cord Tumor Compression or Instability | Cord Tethering or MalformationUnited States
Trakya UniversityCompletedAnxiety State | Infertility, Female | Anesthesia Awareness
Loma Linda UniversityCompletedMajor DepressionUnited States
University Medical Center GroningenCompleted
University of LuebeckDraegerCompletedUrological DiseaseGermany
Brugmann University HospitalCompletedColonoscopy (Ambulatory Patients)Belgium
Hospices Civils de LyonRecruitingHealthy | Visual ImpairmentFrance
Hospital Beatriz ÂngeloCompletedDigestive System Diseases | Colonoscopy SedationPortugal
MemorialCare Health SystemMemorial Medical Center FoundationCompleted
University of Texas Southwestern Medical CenterRecruitingAnesthesia | Anesthesia; Reaction | Anesthesia Complication | Anesthesia; Adverse Effect | Propofol Adverse Reaction | Etomidate Adverse ReactionUnited States
University of PecsCompleted
Signe Sloth MadsenCompletedHealthy Volunteers | General Anaesthesia | NeuroplasticityDenmark
The Cleveland ClinicWithdrawn
Pr Isabelle CONSTANTCompleted
China International Neuroscience InstitutionCompletedNociceptive Pain | Analgesic Adverse Reaction | Inhalant UseChina
University Children's HospitalCompletedPropofol Anesthesia in ChildrenSerbia
Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de ParisNot yet recruiting
General Hospital of Ningxia Medical UniversityNot yet recruitingAnesthesiology Management | AnesthesiologyChina
University Hospital, LinkoepingCompletedEndoscopic Retrograde CholangiopancreatographySweden
Konkuk University Medical CenterCompletedBreast CancerKorea, Republic of
Yonsei UniversityUnknown
Seoul National University HospitalCompletedRobotic ThyroidectomyKorea, Republic of
Inonu UniversityCompletedAnesthesia | Electroconvulsive Therapy
Assiut UniversityCompleted
Seoul National University HospitalHana Pharm Co., Ltd.CompletedAnesthesia, IntravenousKorea, Republic of
Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita...CompletedAutonomic Nervous System | Cardiorespiratory Parameters
Medical University of GdanskCompleted
Washington University School of MedicinePatient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute; University of MichiganRecruitingQuality of Life | Pain, Postoperative | Surgery | Anesthesia Morbidity | Anesthesia | Anesthesia Awareness | Anesthesia Complication | Surgery-ComplicationsUnited States