- US Clinical Trials Registry
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Clinical Trials Sponsored by College of Medicine Alumni Association
Total 2368 results
University of OklahomaHarvard Medical School (HMS and HSDM); SWAY Medical, Inc; College of Medicine...WithdrawnReliability | Validity | Normative Data
Albert Einstein College of MedicineAmerican Diabetes AssociationCompletedImpaired Glucose ToleranceUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineMedline IndustriesCompletedVenous Insufficiency of Leg | Lower Extremity Swelling | Lower Extremity EdemaUnited States
Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic MedicineAmerican Osteopathic AssociationCompleted
Emergency Medicine Association of TurkeyUnknownNeurologic Symptoms | Out of Hospital Cardiac ArrestTurkey
Oregon College of Oriental MedicineOregon Health and Science University; National Vulvodynia Association; Council...CompletedVulvodynia | Vulvar Vestibulitis | Provoked Vestibulodynia | Provoked, Localized VulvodyniaUnited States
Montefiore Medical CenterAlbert Einstein College of Medicine; American Heart AssociationCompletedCoronary Artery Disease | Angina Pectoris | Acute Coronary Syndrome | Unstable AnginaUnited States
American College of RadiologyAlzheimer's AssociationRecruitingDementia | Mild Cognitive Impairment | Alzheimer's DiseaseUnited States
American Association of Sensory Electrodiagnostic...Not yet recruitingChronic Pain | Circulatory Disorders
American Association of Sensory Electrodiagnostic...Active, not recruitingPhysician Clinical Trial Policy (CTP) Neurological Ischemia Lower Extremity Pain and Swelling (DTSC)Lower Extremity Swelling AcuteUnited States
Kazakh Association of Internal Medicine SpecialistsWithdrawnChronic Viral Hepatitis B With Delta-AgentKazakhstan
Kazakh Association of Internal Medicine SpecialistsRecruitingMetabolic-associated Fatty Liver Disease (MAFLD)Kazakhstan
Baylor College of MedicineNot yet recruitingHypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy | Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy of Newborn | Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)United States
Baylor College of MedicineNot yet recruitingGastrointestinal NeoplasmsUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineNot yet recruitingChronic Subdural Hematoma
Baylor College of MedicineNot yet recruitingLymphoma | Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute | Leukemia, T-Cell | Leukemia, B-cellUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineRecruitingGeneralized Anxiety Disorder | Panic Disorder | Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia | Separation Anxiety | Anxiety Disorder of Childhood | Panic Attacks | Social Anxiety Disorder of Childhood | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Children | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in AdolescenceUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineRecruitingGastric Adenocarcinoma | Gastroesophageal Junction AdenocarcinomaUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineRecruitingNeurodevelopmental Disorders | Birth Defects | Multiple Congenital AnomalyUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineRecruiting
Baylor College of MedicineRecruitingPediatric AnesthesiaUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineRecruitingVinblastine/Prednisone Versus Single Therapy With Cytarabine for Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH)Langerhans Cell HistiocytosisUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineRecruitingGestational Diabetes MellitusUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineRecruitingInfant, Very Low Birth WeightUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineActive, not recruiting
Baylor College of MedicineCompleted
Baylor College of MedicineActive, not recruiting
Baylor College of MedicineEnrolling by invitationObstructive Sleep ApneaUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineTerminated
Baylor College of MedicineCompletedAnesthesia, LocalUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineActive, not recruitingGastroesophageal Reflux Disease | Eosinophilic EsophagitisUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineCompletedEmergence Delirium | Anesthesia Emergence DeliriumUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineCompletedInfant, Very Low Birth WeightUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineActive, not recruiting
Baylor College of MedicineCompletedHodgkin DiseaseUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineCompletedCervix; PregnancyUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineCompletedAbdominal Pain | Functional Gastrointestinal DisordersUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineCompletedIron Deficiency Anemia | Heavy Menstrual Bleeding | Abnormal Uterine BleedingUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineCompletedSwallowing Disorders | Achalasia | Outlet Obstruction, Gastric | Diffuse Esophageal SpasmUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineCompleted
Baylor College of MedicineCompleted
Baylor College of MedicineTerminatedChronic Phantom Limb PainUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineCompleted
Hyogo College of MedicineCompletedMechanical Thrombectomy | Large Ischemic CoreJapan
Baylor College of MedicineCompleted
Baylor College of MedicineCompleted
Baylor College of MedicineCompletedUreteral Obstruction | Flank PainUnited States
Baylor College of MedicineTerminated