- US Clinical Trials Registry
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Clinical Trials Sponsored by Cropper Medical
Total 59313 results
Cropper MedicalCompletedOsteoarthritis of the Knee
The Cooper InstituteCooper ClinicCompleted
CareTaker Medical LLCThe Cooper Health SystemRecruitingCardiac Output, LowUnited States
Clear Guide MedicalThe Cooper Health SystemCompletedPeripheral Nerve BlocksUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemThe Cooper FoundationRecruitingLung Cancer | Pneumonitis | Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) | Radiation-Induced Lung Injury | Immunotherapy-Induced PneumonitisUnited States
Clear Guide MedicalThe Cooper Health SystemCompletedArterial and Midline CatheterizationUnited States
LL Prosper Inc.Completed
The Cooper Health SystemRecruitingPain, PostoperativeUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemWithdrawn
The Cooper Health SystemCompletedRange of Motion | Elbow Fracture | ImmobilizationUnited States
Proper Wild, Inc.CitruslabsCompletedA Clinical Trial to Assess the Efficacy of a Plant-based Energy Shot on Focus and ADHD-like SymptomsAnxiety | ADHD | Mood | Caffeine | Attention DifficultiesUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemCompleted
The Cooper Health SystemUnknownClostridium Difficile Infection Recurrence
The Cooper Health SystemUnknownSleep-disordered Breathing | Hypertensive Disorder of PregnancyUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemCompletedMigraine HeadacheUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemCompletedLung Cancer | Adenopathy; Localized
The Cooper Health SystemCompleted
The Cooper Health SystemCompletedSedation | COPD | Flexible BronchoscopyUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemUnknown
The University of Texas Medical Branch, GalvestonCooper CompaniesTerminatedWound Heal | Operative TimeUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemRecruitingChronic Subdural HematomaUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemNot yet recruiting
The Cooper Health SystemRecruitingPregnancy, Cancer, Cancer in Pregnancy, Gestational Breast Cancer, Pregnancy RelatedUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemCompletedCancer | Compassion | Anxiety | EmpathyUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemActive, not recruitingNeonatal Abstinence SyndromeUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemEnrolling by invitationPostoperative Pain | Opioid Use | Total Shoulder ArthroplastyUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemCompletedPostoperative Cognitive Dysfunction
The Cooper Health SystemTerminatedSmoking | Chronic PainUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemSuspendedParkinson Disease | Dyskinesias | ParkinsonismUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemUnknownPain, Postoperative | Surgery | Pelvic Floor ProlapseUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemTerminatedPancreatic Cancer | Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma | Pancreas Adenocarcinoma | Pancreas Cancer | Adenocarcinoma of the PancreasUnited States
Matthew CooperTerminatedDelayed Graft FunctionUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemCompletedCancer | Metastatic CancerUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemTerminatedDepression, PostpartumUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemCompletedPost-ERCP Acute PancreatitisUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemUnknown
The Cooper InstituteCargillCompleted
The Cooper Health SystemCompletedAbdominal Pain | Postoperative Nausea and VomitingUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemCompleted
The Cooper Health SystemUnknownUntreated Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung CancerUnited States
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical CenterThe Cooper Health System; Carolinas Medical CenterWithdrawn
Regional Cardiology Center, The Copper Health Centre...Recruiting
The Cooper Health SystemNot yet recruitingRefractory MigraineUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemRecruitingProximal Humeral Fracture | Reverse Total Shoulder ArthroplastyUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemRecruitingQuality of Life | Irritable Bowel Syndrome | AnxietyUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemRecruiting
Crozer-Keystone Health SystemRecruitingProstate Cancer | Prostate Adenocarcinoma | Prostate NeoplasmUnited States
The Cooper Health SystemCompletedAdverse Childhood ExperiencesUnited States