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Clinical Trials Sponsored by The Perelman Family Foundation
Total 65 results
University of Colorado, DenverThe Perelman Family FoundationRecruiting
University of PittsburghThe Grable Foundation; The Shear Family Foundation; Heinz EndowmentsRecruitingParenting | Child Development | Child Behavior Problem | Parent Child Abuse | Child LanguageUnited States
American Academy of Family PhysiciansThe PepsiCo FoundationCompletedPhysical Activity | Diet | Mental HealthUnited States
Johns Hopkins UniversityThe Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation; Abell Foundation; Richman Foundation; Sherman... and other collaboratorsRecruitingParenting | Parenting InterventionUnited States
The Center for Mind-Body MedicineSimon Family FoundationCompleted
Brigham and Women's HospitalThe Thompson Family Foundation IncCompletedHeart Failure | Infections | Chronic Kidney Diseases | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | Asthma | Anticoagulation | Gout Flare | Hypertensive Urgency | Atrial Fibrillation Rapid | Diabetes and Its Complications | End of Life/Desires Only Medical ManagementUnited States, Canada
Oregon Health and Science UniversityThe Hart Family FoundationRecruitingCaregiver BurdenUnited States
Aalborg University HospitalHealth Research Foundation; The Obel Family Foundation; Aase & Ejnar Danielsens...CompletedDepression | InsomniaDenmark
The Center for Mind-Body MedicineHerbert Simon Family FoundationEnrolling by invitation
The Center for Mind-Body MedicineHerbert Simon Family FoundationEnrolling by invitation
University of Colorado, DenverThe Henry J. Kaiser Family FoundationCompletedColonoscopy | Mass ScreeningUnited States
Uppsala UniversityThe Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & CharityRecruitingOpioid Use Disorder | Alcohol Use Disorder | Opioid Use | Pain, ChronicSweden
University of North Carolina, Chapel HillThe Bloomberg Family Foundation, Inc.CompletedDietary ExposureUnited States
University of North Carolina, Chapel HillThe Bloomberg Family Foundation, Inc.Completed
Douglas Mental Health University InstituteMcGill University; Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR); Jacobs Foundation and other collaboratorsCompletedMental Health Issue (E.G., Depression, Psychosis, Personality Disorder, Substance Abuse) | Infant Behavior | Infant DevelopmentCanada
Göran PeterssonThe Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & CharityCompletedCoronary Heart DiseaseSweden
Region SkaneSwedish Heart Lung Foundation; Clinical Studies Sweden - Forum South; the Kamprad...CompletedHypertension | High Blood PressureSweden
Children's Hospital of PhiladelphiaUniversity of Pennsylvania; McClay Foundation; The Leo and Peggy Pierce Family...Recruiting
Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteStahl Family Charitable Foundation; The Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation; Pedals...RecruitingPediatric Brain TumorUnited States
Linnaeus UniversityKarolinska Institutet; Capio Group; The Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship...RecruitingDepression | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder | Burnout | Stress, Psychological | Insomnia | Generalized Anxiety Disorder | Psychological Distress | Social Anxiety Disorder | Panic Disorder | Adjustment Disorders | Hypochondriasis | Life Style Induced Illness | Life StressSweden
Massachusetts General HospitalThe Commonwealth Fund; CURE Foundation; National Alliance for Autism Research; Nancy...Unknown
Aarhus University HospitalDanish Cancer Society; The Korning foundation; Foundation of the Kjaersgaard... and other collaboratorsCompletedBreast Cancer | Mammaplasty | Breast Carcinoma in Situ | Acellular Dermis
Children's Hospital of PhiladelphiaUniversity of Pennsylvania; The Oscar G. & Elsa S. Mayer Family FoundationCompleted
Children's Hospital of PhiladelphiaThe Pew Charitable Trusts; Oscar G. & Elsa S. Mayer Family FoundationCompletedChild Behavior DisordersUnited States
Uppsala UniversityAFA Insurance; Swedish Cancer Society; The Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship...Active, not recruitingInflammation | Head and Neck Neoplasms | Radiotherapy Side Effect | MetabolismSweden
University of North Carolina, Chapel HillUniversidad Nacional de Colombia; The Bloomberg Family Foundation, Inc.Completed
Massachusetts General HospitalNational Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression; The Bowman...CompletedCognition in SchizophreniaUnited States
Stanford UniversityNational Institutes of Health (NIH); Redlich Pain Endowment; Rocky Mountain Foundation and other collaboratorsRecruiting
Weill Medical College of Cornell UniversityThe Institute for Family Health; New York State Health FoundationCompletedOpioid-Related Disorders | Opioid Use | Opioid Abuse | Prescription Drug Abuse and DependencyUnited States
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public HealthMakerere University; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; The Bloomberg Family Foundation...CompletedUse of Consent Language and Mode to Improve Interactive Voice Response Survey in Colombia and UgandaNoncommunicable Diseases | Surveys and QuestionnairesColombia, Uganda
Gynuity Health ProjectsAga Khan University; Aga Khan Health Services; The Aga Khan Foundation; Family...CompletedAnemia | Postpartum HemorrhagePakistan
Region SkaneLund University; The Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research... and other collaboratorsCompleted
Gynuity Health ProjectsAga Khan University; Aga Khan Health Services; The Aga Khan Foundation; Family...Completed
Karolinska InstitutetSwedish Council for Working Life and Social Research; The Kamprad Family Foundation...CompletedPhysical Activity | Parent-Child Relations | Dietary Habits | Overweight and Obesity | PreventionSweden
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public HealthIfakara Health Institute; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; The Bloomberg Family...CompletedNoncommunicable Diseases | Surveys and QuestionnairesTanzania, Colombia
Uppsala University HospitalUppsala University; The Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research... and other collaboratorsNot yet recruitingContinuity of Patient CareSweden
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public HealthIfakara Health Institute; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; The Bloomberg Family...CompletedNoncommunicable Diseases | Surveys and QuestionnairesTanzania, Colombia
Northern Orthopaedic Division, DenmarkAalborg University; Association of Danish Physiotherapists; The Danish Rheumatism... and other collaboratorsCompletedOsteoarthritis of the KneeDenmark
Yvan Beaussant, MD, MSciHeffter Research Institute; Usona Institute; Oppenheimer Family Psychosocial... and other collaboratorsActive, not recruitingTerminal Illness | Psychotherapy | Psilocybin | Hospice | Demoralization | Cancer-related Problem/Condition | Terminal Cancer | Cancer TerminalUnited States
Queen Mary University of LondonBarts & The London NHS Trust; Pharma Nord; Fischer Family Trust; The AIM Foundation and other collaboratorsCompletedCovid19 | Acute Respiratory Tract InfectionUnited Kingdom
Linnaeus UniversityKarolinska Institutet; Capio Group; The Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship... and other collaboratorsRecruitingMental Health Disorder | Psychological Distress | Life Style Induced Illness | Life StressSweden
The Hospital for Sick ChildrenLabatt Family Heart Centre; Trainee award through Ontario Student Opportunity...Completed
University of ChicagoNorthwestern University; Chicago Public Schools; U.S. Department of Justice; Laura... and other collaboratorsCompletedBehavioral Symptoms | Mental Disorders | Depression | Wounds and Injuries | Anxiety Disorders | Stress Disorders, Traumatic | Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic | Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders | AnxietyUnited States
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public HealthMakerere University; The Bloomberg Family Foundation, Inc.; Institute of Epidemiology...CompletedNoncommunicable Diseases | Surveys and QuestionnairesBangladesh, Uganda
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public HealthMakerere University; The Bloomberg Family Foundation, Inc.; Institute of Epidemiology...CompletedNoncommunicable Diseases | Surveys and QuestionnairesBangladesh, Uganda
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public HealthMakerere University; The Bloomberg Family Foundation, Inc.; Institute of Epidemiology...CompletedNoncommunicable Diseases | Surveys and QuestionnairesBangladesh, Uganda
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public HealthMakerere University; The Bloomberg Family Foundation, Inc.; Institute of Epidemiology...CompletedNoncommunicable Diseases | Surveys and QuestionnairesBangladesh, Tanzania
Aga Khan UniversityThe Hospital for Sick Children; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; National Program...Active, not recruitingAnemia | Pregnancy | Adolescents | EmpowermentPakistan
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiNational Institute on Aging (NIA); The Greenwall Foundation; Emily Davie and...CompletedHeart Failure | End-stage DiseaseUnited States
University of ChicagoLaura and John Arnold Foundation; TASC INC; Heartland Health Outreach Inc; Sheriff... and other collaboratorsActive, not recruitingSubstance Use | Mental Health | Recidivism | Continuity of Patient Care | Mental Health ServicesUnited States