- US Clinical Trials Registry
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Clinical Trials Sponsored by Van Cortlandt Village Senior Center
Total 60 results
Portland VA Medical CenterActive, not recruitingAlcohol Use DisorderUnited States
Portland VA Medical CenterCompletedHearing Impairment | Memory | Auditory PerceptionUnited States
Portland VA Medical CenterCompleted
Portland VA Medical CenterRecruiting
Portland VA Medical CenterCompletedProstate Cancer | Hereditary Prostate CancerUnited States
Portland VA Medical CenterCompletedDepression | Hepatitis CUnited States
Portland VA Medical CenterUnknown
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterSusan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation; Jewish Home & Hospital Lifecare System and other collaboratorsCompletedNon-cancer Affected VolunteersUnited States
Khanh NguyenRecruitingDeep Vein Thrombosis Leg | Post-thrombotic SyndromeUnited States
University of VirginiaPortland VA Medical CenterWithdrawnNasal Valve Incompetence
Portland VA Medical CenterGlaxoSmithKline; Schering-PloughCompleted
Portland VA Medical CenterMedical Research Foundation, OregonUnknownDepression | ESRDUnited States
VA Office of Research and DevelopmentPortland VA Medical CenterActive, not recruiting
VA Office of Research and DevelopmentPortland VA Medical CenterCompletedMild Cognitive ImpairmentUnited States
Oregon Health and Science UniversityPortland VA Medical CenterTerminatedBuspirone, in Combination With Amantadine, for the Treatment of Levodopa-induced Dyskinesia (BUS-PD)Parkinson's Disease | Movement Disorders | DyskinesiasUnited States
Oregon Health and Science UniversityPortland VA Medical CenterCompleted
Portland VA Medical CenterOregon Health and Science UniversityCompleted
Portland VA Medical CenterOregon Health and Science UniversityNot yet recruitingCognitive Dysfunction | Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)United States
Portland VA Medical CenterOregon Health and Science UniversityRecruitingBrain Injuries, Traumatic | Post-traumatic Stress DisorderUnited States
Oregon Health and Science UniversityPortland VA Medical CenterCompletedBrain InjuryUnited States
Oregon Health and Science UniversityPortland VA Medical CenterTerminatedAtaxia | Essential Tremor | Cerebellar Diseases | Deep Brain StimulationUnited States
Oregon Health and Science UniversityPortland VA Medical CenterCompletedMethamphetamine-dependenceUnited States
Oregon Health and Science UniversityPortland VA Medical CenterCompletedMultiple SclerosisUnited States
Portland VA Medical CenterOregon Health and Science UniversityCompletedTraumatic Brain Injury | Posttraumatic Stress DisorderUnited States
Oregon Health and Science UniversityPortland VA Medical CenterTerminatedParkinson Disease | Movement DisordersUnited States
Portland VA Medical CenterOregon Health and Science UniversityCompletedMultiple SclerosisUnited States
Oregon Health and Science UniversityPortland VA Medical CenterCompleted
Oregon Health and Science UniversityPortland VA Medical CenterCompleted
Portland VA Medical CenterOregon Health and Science UniversityCompletedMultiple SclerosisUnited States
Portland VA Medical CenterCenter for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine (CNRM)RecruitingTraumatic Brain InjuryUnited States
OHSU Knight Cancer InstituteOregon Health and Science University; Portland VA Medical CenterCompletedDepression | Quality of Life | Pain | Physical Activity | Lung Cancer | Lung Cancer SymptomsUnited States
Portland VA Medical CenterNational Cancer Institute (NCI); OHSU Knight Cancer Institute; Oregon State UniversityCompletedProstate Cancer PreventionUnited States
National Center for Telehealth and TechnologyThe Geneva Foundation; Portland VA Medical CenterCompletedSuicidal Ideation | Coping | Thoughts of Self HarmUnited States
VA Office of Research and DevelopmentPortland VA Medical Center; Syracuse VA Medical Center; Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical...RecruitingMotivational Interviewing to Address Suicidal Ideation for Veterans at High Risk for Suicide (MI-SI)Suicidal Ideation | Suicide, AttemptedUnited States
Milky KohnoPortland VA Medical CenterRecruitingAlcohol Use DisorderUnited States
VA Office of Research and DevelopmentOregon Health and Science University; Portland VA Medical CenterRecruitingMethamphetamine-dependenceUnited States
VA Office of Research and DevelopmentOregon Health and Science University; Portland VA Medical CenterCompletedHepatitis C | Alcohol Use DisorderUnited States
AGUNCO Obstetrics and Gynecology CentreSan Raffaele University Hospital, Italy; Research Center for Reproductive Medicine...Completed
Mark Garzotto, MDMerck Sharp & Dohme LLC; Astellas Pharma IncRecruitingProstate CancerUnited States
OHSU Knight Cancer InstituteUnited States Department of Defense; Oregon Health and Science University; Portland...Completed
VA Office of Research and DevelopmentVA New York Harbor Healthcare System; VA Boston Healthcare System; Portland VA... and other collaboratorsRecruiting
Julie Graff, MDJohns Hopkins University; Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC; Oregon Health and Science... and other collaboratorsRecruitingProstate Cancer | Prostate Cancer MetastaticUnited States
VA Eastern Colorado Health Care SystemUniversity of Colorado, Denver; University of Missouri, Kansas City; Portland...Completed
University School of Physical Education in WroclawIRCCS San Camillo, Venezia, Italy; National Center for Research and Development... and other collaboratorsCompletedDepression | StrokeItaly, Poland
Oregon Health and Science UniversityMinneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center; National Center for Complementary... and other collaboratorsActive, not recruiting
Oregon Health and Science UniversityOregon Clinical and Translational Research Institute; Portland VA Medical Center and other collaboratorsCompletedParkinson Disease | Huntington DiseaseUnited States
VA Office of Research and DevelopmentVA Palo Alto Health Care System; VA Puget Sound Health Care System; Michael E... and other collaboratorsRecruitingEsophageal Adenocarcinoma | Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma | Gastroesophageal Junction CarcinomaUnited States
Arizona State UniversityUniversity of Illinois at Chicago; Vanderbilt University; Penn State University; University of Utah and other collaboratorsCompletedColorectal Cancer Screening
IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio FatebenefratelliAzienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale del Garda; Department of Clinical Neurosciences... and other collaboratorsCompleted