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Kliniske forsøg sponsoreret af Cannonball Kids' Cancer Foundation
I alt 48 resultater
M.D. Anderson Cancer CenterCannonball Kids' Cancer Foundation; Treovir, IncAktiv, ikke rekrutterendeHjernesygdomme | Sygdomme i centralnervesystemet | Sygdomme i nervesystemet | Neoplasmer | Neoplasmer efter histologisk type | Neoplasmer efter sted | Neoplasmer, kirtel og epitel | Neoplasmer, kimceller og embryonale | Astrocytom | Neoplasmer, Neuroepithelial | Neuroektodermale tumorer | Neoplasmer, nervevæv | Neuroektodermale... og andre forholdForenede Stater
Emory UniversityCannonball Kids' Cancer Foundation; Hyundai Hope On WheelsRekruttering
Kieuhoa VoCannonball Kids' Cancer FoundationLedigNeuroblastomForenede Stater
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research InstituteSwim Across America; Cannonball Kids' Cancer Foundation; Benjamin Gilkey...Ikke rekrutterer endnuLymfocytterForenede Stater
Sabine Mueller, MD, PhDCuris, Inc.; Cannonball Kids' Cancer Foundation; Pediatric Neuro-Oncology...Aktiv, ikke rekrutterendeTilbagevendende glioblastom | Tilbagevendende malignt gliom | Tilbagevendende medulloblastom | Diffus Intrinsic Pontine Gliom | Tilbagevendende anaplastisk astrocytomForenede Stater, Schweiz
St. Jude Children's Research HospitalAssisi Foundation; Cookies for Kids' CancerAfsluttetTilbagevendende B-celle akut lymfatisk leukæmi hos børn | Tilbagevendende B-lymfoblastisk lymfom i barndommenForenede Stater
Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteCookies for Kids' Cancer; Aileron Therapeutics, Inc.; TeamConnor Childhood...AfsluttetLymfom | Leukæmi | Solid tumor | Hjerne svulstForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineCancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas; Center for Cell and Gene... og andre samarbejdspartnereAktiv, ikke rekrutterende
Baylor College of MedicineNational Cancer Institute (NCI); The Methodist Hospital Research Institute og andre samarbejdspartnereAktiv, ikke rekrutterendeNeuroblastomForenede Stater
Hackensack Meridian HealthM.D. Anderson Cancer Center; Iscador AG, Arlesheim, Switzerland.; Tackle... og andre samarbejdspartnereRekruttering
Istari Oncology, Inc.Duke University; Solving Kids' Cancer; The Andrew McDonough B+ FoundationAfsluttetGlioblastom | Ondartet gliom | Gliosarkom | Ependymom | Medulloblastom | Anaplastisk oligoastrocytom | Anaplastisk astrocytom | Anaplastisk oligodendrogliom | Atypisk teratoide/rhabdoide hjernetumor | Pleomorfisk Xanthoastrocytom i hjernen | Embryonal hjernetumorForenede Stater
Gregory K. Friedman, MDMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; United States Department of Defense og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetGlioblastom | Ondartet gliom | PNET | Anaplastisk astrocytom | Embryonal tumor | Supratentoriale neoplasmer, ondartede | Cerebral Primitiv Neuroectodermal TumorForenede Stater
Pediatric Brain Tumor ConsortiumNational Cancer Institute (NCI); Solving Kids' Cancer; American Lebanese... og andre samarbejdspartnereAktiv, ikke rekrutterendeGlioblastoma Multiforme | Medulloblastom | Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Gliomas (DIPG) | Højgradigt astrocytom ikke andet specificeret (NOS) | CNS primær tumor, ikke andet specificeret (NOS) | Ependymom, ikke andet specificeret (NOS)Forenede Stater
New Approaches to Neuroblastoma Therapy ConsortiumPfizer; University of Southern California; Cookies for Kids' Cancer; The Evan... og andre samarbejdspartnereAktiv, ikke rekrutterendeNeuroblastomCanada, Forenede Stater, Frankrig, Det Forenede Kongerige
Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteSanofi; North American Consortium for Histiocytosis; St. Baldrick's Foundation og andre samarbejdspartnereAktiv, ikke rekrutterendeLangerhans cellehistiocytoseForenede Stater, Canada
National Center for Research Resources (NCRR)Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS FoundationAfsluttetHIV-infektionerForenede Stater
Johane AllardCanadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR)Afsluttet
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation...University College London Hospitals; University of Wisconsin, Madison; University... og andre samarbejdspartnereAktiv, ikke rekrutterendeNeuroblastomDet Forenede Kongerige, Forenede Stater
TaiMed Biologics Inc.Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Aaron Diamond AIDS Research CenterAfsluttetForebyggelse af infektion med HIV-1Forenede Stater
Children's Hospital Medical Center, CincinnatiEvery Child Succeeds; de Cavel Family SIDS FoundationAfsluttetPludselig spædbørnsdødssyndrom (SIDS)Forenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineNational Cancer Institute (NCI); Stand Up To Cancer; Center for Cell and... og andre samarbejdspartnereRekrutteringSarkom | Blødt vævssarkom | Osteosarkom | Ewing Sarkom | Rhabdomyosarkom | Synovialt sarkom | HER-2 Protein Overekspression | Udifferentieret sarkomForenede Stater
The Hospital for Sick ChildrenCanadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR); The Physicians' Services... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetHypertriglyceridæmiCanada
Rockefeller UniversityBill and Melinda Gates Foundation; International AIDS Vaccine Initiative; Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetHIV-infektionerForenede Stater
Vall d'Hebron Institute of OncologyMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Oregon... og andre samarbejdspartnereRekruttering
University Health Network, TorontoCanadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR); Ontario HIV Treatment NetworkAfsluttetHIV-infektioner | Papillomavirus infektioner | Anal kræft | Anal dysplasiCanada
Sentient ResearchWayne State University; University of Mississippi Medical Center; AIDS Healthcare... og andre samarbejdspartnereIkke rekrutterer endnu
University of Wisconsin, MadisonNational Cancer Institute (NCI); Solving Kids' Cancer; Wade's Army; Midwest... og andre samarbejdspartnereTrukket tilbageOsteosarkom | Neuroblastom | Tilbagevendende neuroblastom | Recidiverende neuroblastomForenede Stater
Mount Sinai Hospital, CanadaSamuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital; Canadian Foundation...Afsluttet
Thai Red Cross AIDS Research CentreNational Institutes of Health (NIH); amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetDepressive symptomerThailand
Johns Hopkins UniversityRush University Medical Center; University of California, San Francisco; amfAR...AfsluttetHIV | Svært akut respiratorisk syndrom Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2)Forenede Stater
University of AlbertaCanadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR); Alberta Health services; Canadian...Afsluttet
Sabine Mueller, MD, PhDMayo Clinic; Vyriad, Inc.; No More Kids With Cancer; The Matthew Larson Foundation...AfsluttetMedulloblastom Tilbagevendende | Atypisk teratoide/rhabdoide tumor | Medulloblastom, barndom, tilbagevendendeForenede Stater
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases...HIV Vaccine Trials Network; IPPOX Foundation; Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine...Trukket tilbage
Unity Health TorontoCanadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR); Canadian Foundation for... og andre samarbejdspartnereRekrutteringBlodbårne infektioner | Seksuelt overførte sygdomme | HIV | Skadereduktion | HIV SelvtestCanada
The Hospital for Sick ChildrenUnity Health Toronto; Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario; Mount Sinai... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetHIV | Humant immundefektvirus | Lodret infektionsoverførselCanada
The University of Texas Health Science Center,...Vitamix Foundation; University of Texas at Austin; Brighter Bites; Penn State...Ikke rekrutterer endnuFedme | Mental sundhed velvære 1 | Ernæring, sund | Diabetes mellitus risikoForenede Stater
Jean-Pierre RoutyCanadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR); CIHR Canadian HIV Trials...Afsluttet
Public Health Foundation Enterprises, Inc.University of California, San Francisco; California HIV/AIDS Research Program og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetTranskønnede personer | Præ-eksponeringsprofylakseForenede Stater
Ann & Robert H Lurie Children's Hospital of ChicagoBaylor College of Medicine; University of Illinois at Chicago; Duke University og andre samarbejdspartnereAktiv, ikke rekrutterendeHIV-infektionerForenede Stater
University of California, San DiegoNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); Open Society Foundations; UCSD Center... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetErhvervsrelaterede nålestikskaderMexico
The HIV Netherlands Australia Thailand Research...Radboud University Medical Center; Chulalongkorn University; amfAR, The Foundation... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttet
Georgetown UniversityJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; United States Agency for... og andre samarbejdspartnereRekrutteringOral præ-eksponeringsprofylakse (PrEP) | Langtidsvirkende injicerbar Cabotegravir til PrEPMalawi
Boston Children's HospitalNorthwell Health; Seattle Children's Hospital; University of California,... og andre samarbejdspartnereAktiv, ikke rekrutterendeSygdomme i mitralklappen | Trikuspidalklaplidelse
Mazonson & Santas Inc.Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; ViiV Healthcare; AIDS Healthcare... og andre samarbejdspartnereRekruttering
Population CouncilBill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetHIV-infektioner | Herpes simplex | Syfilis | Trichomonas vaginitis | Chlamydia Trachomatis | Neisseria GonorrhoeaeThailand
ANRS, Emerging Infectious DiseasesUniversity College London Hospitals; Hospital Clinic of Barcelona; Imperial... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetHIV-1-infektionFrankrig, Det Forenede Kongerige, Schweiz
Public Health Foundation Enterprises, Inc.National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); Eunice Kennedy Shriver National... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetSeksuelt overførte sygdomme | HIV/AIDS | Risikoreduktion | Præ-eksponeringsprofylakseForenede Stater
Children's Hospital of PhiladelphiaM.D. Anderson Cancer Center; The Hospital for Sick Children; Eunice Kennedy... og andre samarbejdspartnereRekrutteringStød | SeptiskForenede Stater