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Kliniske forsøg sponsoreret af Catholic Health East
I alt 514 resultater
Catholic Health EastAfsluttet
Catholic Health InitiativesAfsluttet
Bayside HealthAustralian Catholic UniversityAfsluttet
Lille Catholic UniversityMinistry of Health, FranceAfsluttetFor tidlig fødsel | Sprogudvikling | TaleterapiFrankrig
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartIkke rekrutterer endnuKolorektal cancerItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartIkke rekrutterer endnu
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartIkke rekrutterer endnuIskæmisk hjertesygdomItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartRekruttering
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttetKolecystitis, akutItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttet
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttet
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttetOvarieepitelkræft tilbagevendende | Platin-bestandigItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttetÅndedrætssvigt med hypoxi | Åndedrætssvigt uden hyperkapniItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAktiv, ikke rekrutterendeFedme | Fedme, sygelig | Fedmekirurgiskandidat | Kost, sundItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttetNASH - Ikke-alkoholisk Steatohepatitis | LeverfibroserItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttetBækken endometriose | Endometriose uden for bækkenetItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttetAlzheimers sygdom | Amnestic-mild kognitiv svækkelseItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttetClostridium DifficileItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartTrukket tilbage
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttetFedme | Obstruktiv søvnapnø | Fedmekirurgiskandidat
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttet
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttetNyrecellekræft | Diarré forårsaget af medicin (lidelse)Italien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartUkendt
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartUkendtUterin fibroid | Uterin prolaps | Uterin blødningItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttetType 2 diabetesItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttet
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttetCentral Line-associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI)
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartUkendt
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttet
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartUkendt
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartUkendt
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartUkendt
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartUkendtPolycystisk ovariesyndrom
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttet
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttet
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttet
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartUkendt
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttetIntraoperativ bevidsthedItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttet
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartUkendtIskæmisk hjertesygdomItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttetKoronararteriesygdom | Koronar stenoseItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttet
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartAfsluttetSkulderimpingementsyndromItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartUkendtBRCA1 og BRCA2 mutationsbærer og BRCAness fænotypeItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartUkendtAvanceret ovariecancer (stadium III eller IV) efter neoadjuverende kemoterapiItalien
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartUkendt
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartUkendt
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartUkendt
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartUkendt
Catholic University of the Sacred HeartUkendtPolycystisk ovariesyndromItalien