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Kliniske forsøg sponsoreret af Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
I alt 81 resultater
University of OklahomaChoctaw Nation of OklahomaRekruttering
Florida State UniversityUniversity of Minnesota; University of North Carolina; Northern Arizona University og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttet
Oklahoma State University Center for Health SciencesUniversity of Oklahoma; Osage NationAktiv, ikke rekrutterendeBlodtryk | Fødevareusikkerhed | Overvægt eller fedme | Kost, sund | HelbredsstatusForenede Stater
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); Oklahoma State UniversityAfsluttetNikotin afhængighed | Cigaretrygning | Nikotin abstinenserForenede Stater
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)RekrutteringSolid tumor, voksenForenede Stater
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)AfsluttetOpioidbrug | Kræftsmerter | Kognitiv adfærdsterapiForenede Stater
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)Afsluttet
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)AfsluttetCovid-19 | SARS-CoV-2Forenede Stater
University of OklahomaAfsluttetMetastatisk kræft | Melanom (hud)Forenede Stater
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)Afsluttet
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)Afsluttet
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)Afsluttet
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)AfsluttetRygestopForenede Stater
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)Afsluttet
University of OklahomaNational Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)UkendtPsykisk sundhedsproblem | Traume, psykologiskForenede Stater
Oklahoma Medical Research FoundationUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison; University of Oklahoma; National Institute...RekrutteringInsulin resistens | Kronisk sygdom | Aldring | Insulinfølsomhed | MitokondrierForenede Stater
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Aging (NIA)RekrutteringAldring | Intermitterende fasteForenede Stater
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Aging (NIA)Rekruttering
University of OklahomaNational Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)Afsluttet
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Aging (NIA); Oklahoma Center for the Advancement...AfsluttetIntermitterende ClaudicationForenede Stater
Oklahoma State UniversityUniversity of Oklahoma; University of Minnesota; Case Western Reserve University og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttet
University of OklahomaNational Center for Research Resources (NCRR)AfsluttetDiabetes mellitus, voksendebutForenede Stater
Oklahoma State UniversityNational Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)AfsluttetLivserfaringerForenede Stater
University of OklahomaNational Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)Ikke rekrutterer endnuDiabetes mellitus | Kolesterol, forhøjetForenede Stater
University of OklahomaNational Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)Rekruttering
University of OklahomaNational Institute of Mental Health (NIMH); Centers for Disease Control... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttet
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); Duke University; National Institutes... og andre samarbejdspartnereRekrutteringTobaksbrugsforstyrrelse | Nikotin afhængighed | CigaretrygningForenede Stater
University of OklahomaNational Institutes of Health (NIH); National Institute of General Medical...Afsluttet
University of OklahomaNational Institutes of Health (NIH); National Institute of General Medical...AfsluttetCOVID-19 | Vaccine afslagForenede Stater
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)AfsluttetHIV | AIDS | Føtalt alkoholsyndrom | Alkoholrelateret neuroudviklingsforstyrrelseForenede Stater, Den Russiske Føderation
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI); National Institute on Minority Health... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetNikotin afhængighed | CigaretrygningForenede Stater
University of OklahomaNational Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)RekrutteringFedme | Ikke-alkoholisk Steatohepatitis | Ikke-alkoholisk fedtleverForenede Stater
University of OklahomaNational Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)RekrutteringInsulin resistens | HIV | FødevareusikkerhedForenede Stater
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Aging (NIA); Case Western Reserve UniversityRekrutteringPerifer arteriesygdom | ClaudicationForenede Stater
Oklahoma State University Center for Health SciencesNational Institute of Drug AbuseRekruttering
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)RekrutteringRygestopForenede Stater
University of Kansas Medical CenterNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); University of OklahomaIkke rekrutterer endnu
University of Alabama at BirminghamNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); University of OklahomaRekrutteringRygning | Søvnforstyrrelser | Nikotin afhængighedForenede Stater
Oklahoma Medical Research FoundationNational Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases...Afsluttet
Oklahoma State UniversityNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); National Institute of General...Rekruttering
Oklahoma State UniversityEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development...Trukket tilbage
Oklahoma State UniversityEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development...Rekruttering
University of MinnesotaEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development... og andre samarbejdspartnereAktiv, ikke rekrutterende
Oklahoma State UniversityEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development...Rekruttering
Esther Dupont-VersteegdenUniversity of Oklahoma; National Center for Complementary and Integrative...AfsluttetMuskelatrofiForenede Stater
Jasper A. SmitsNational Cancer Institute (NCI); University of Oklahoma; University of Houston og andre samarbejdspartnereRekrutteringNikotin afhængighedForenede Stater
University of HoustonBaylor College of Medicine; National Institute on Minority Health and Health... og andre samarbejdspartnereAktiv, ikke rekrutterende
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); University of Wisconsin, Madison; University of Southern California og andre samarbejdspartnereRekrutteringBrug af elektronisk cigaretForenede Stater
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); American University of Beirut... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetVandpiberygning | Ryger, vandpibeForenede Stater
University of MinnesotaEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development... og andre samarbejdspartnereAktiv, ikke rekrutterendeFedme | Graviditet | Spædbørns overernæring | Indsamling af modermælkForenede Stater