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Kliniske forsøg sponsoreret af Department of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Preventive Medicine
I alt 16 resultater
University of CologneDepartment of General, Visceral, Tumor and Transplant Surgery, University... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetTransthorax esofagektomiTyskland
University of AarhusSteno Diabetes Center Aarhus, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark; Department...AfsluttetKetose | Postprandial hyperglykæmi | Glukosemetabolismeforstyrrelser (inklusive diabetes mellitus)Danmark
National Medical Research Center for Therapy and...N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine of the Moscow...Afsluttet
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiCenters for Disease Control and Prevention; U.S. Department of EducationAfsluttetTraumatisk hjerneskadeForenede Stater
Centers for Disease Control and PreventionUS Department of Veterans Affairs; Centers for Medicare and Medicaid ServicesRekrutteringAmyotrofisk lateral skleroseForenede Stater
National Medical Research Center for Therapy and...Clinical City Hospital named after A. K. Eramishantsev of Moscow Department...Aktiv, ikke rekrutterendeAkut hjertesvigt, ikke-ST-segment elevation Akut koronarsyndromDen Russiske Føderation
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of MedicineInternational Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes; Kinderkrankenhaus... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetType 1 diabetes | Børn | Kontinuerlig glukoseovervågning | GlukosevariabilitetSlovenien
West Virginia UniversityCenters for Disease Control and Prevention; West Virginia School of Osteopathic... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetKronisk smerteForenede Stater
Washington University School of MedicineCenters for Disease Control and Prevention; Missouri Department of Social... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetAggression | Depression | PTSD | ViktimiseringForenede Stater
Centers for Disease Control and PreventionEducation Development Center, Inc.; California State University, Long Beach og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttet
Harvard Pilgrim Health CareCenters for Disease Control and Prevention; University of California, Irvine og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetMethicillin-resistente Staphylococcus AureusForenede Stater
The University of Texas Health Science Center,...Baylor College of Medicine; Duke University; Centers for Disease Control... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttet
The University of Texas Health Science Center,...Baylor College of Medicine; Duke University; Centers for Disease Control... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttet
London School of Hygiene and Tropical MedicineCenters for Disease Control and Prevention; World Health Organization; Barcelona... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetYawsDet Forenede Kongerige, Ghana, Papua Ny Guinea
Wits Health Consortium (Pty) LtdFred Hutchinson Cancer Center; Janssen Vaccines & Prevention B.V.; Right... og andre samarbejdspartnereRekrutteringSARS CoV 2 infektionSydafrika
Federal State Budgetary Institution, V. A. Almazov...National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine; Tomsk... og andre samarbejdspartnereRekrutteringBradykardi | Synkope | Syg sinus syndromDen Russiske Føderation