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Kliniske forsøg sponsoreret af Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust
I alt 76 resultater
University of WarwickWelsh Ambulance Service NHS TrustAktiv, ikke rekrutterende
Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS TrustUkendtFarmaceut-patient forhold | EfterårspatienterDet Forenede Kongerige
East of England Ambulance Service NHS TrustAfsluttetDiabetisk ketoacidoseDet Forenede Kongerige
Barts & The London NHS TrustLondon Ambulance Service NHS TrustUkendtSupraventrikulær takykardiDet Forenede Kongerige
Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS TrustCollege of ParamedicsAfsluttetOpkastning | Luftvejsstyring | Laryngoskopi | Intubation, IntratrachealDet Forenede Kongerige
Kingston UniversityUniversity of Leeds; Swansea University; London Ambulance Service; West Midlands... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetAkut koronarsyndrom | STEMI | Ikke STEMIDet Forenede Kongerige
Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS TrustUniversity of BradfordIkke rekrutterer endnuPoint of Care-test | Klinisk beslutningstagning | Samfundets akutte og akutte pleje | Allied Health Professional
Manchester University NHS Foundation TrustNorth West Ambulance Service nhs foundation trustIkke rekrutterer endnuHjertestop
University of LeedsYorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust; LifeScanAfsluttetDiabetes mellitus | HypoglykæmiDet Forenede Kongerige
Teesside UniversityNorth East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation TrustAfsluttetRygsmerte
King's College LondonKing's College Hospital NHS Trust; London Ambulance Service NHS TrustIkke rekrutterer endnu
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation...South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation TrustAfsluttetHjertestopDet Forenede Kongerige
Cultech LtdCwm Taff Morgannwg University Health Board; Welsh Ambuance services TrustIkke rekrutterer endnuVelvære, psykologisk
Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals NHS TrustNorthumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust; North East Ambulance Service...AfsluttetSlagDet Forenede Kongerige
University of OxfordOxford University Hospitals NHS Trust; South Central Ambulance Service... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetPost traumatisk stress syndromDet Forenede Kongerige
Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS TrustNational Institute for Health Research, United KingdomIkke rekrutterer endnuBrænde ud | EMS-eksponeringer eller skader på EMS-personale
Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS TrustApplied Research Collaboration for Yorkshire and HumberUkendtSpecialist paramedicinske rotationer og deres indvirkning på ikke-overførselsbeslutninger (SPRAINED)Sikker paramedicinsk ikke-befordringDet Forenede Kongerige
University of AberdeenNHS Highland; Scottish Ambulance ServiceAfsluttetAkutmedicinske tjenester | Beredskab, SygehusDet Forenede Kongerige
South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation...Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust; Academic Health Science CentresAfsluttetNødsituationer | SVT | Vagal BradykardiDet Forenede Kongerige
Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS TrustNIHR Yorkshire and Humber Patient Safety Translational Research CentreUkendtUtilsigtet fald | Farmaceutiske præparater | Allieret sundhedspersonaleDet Forenede Kongerige
NHS Blood and TransplantIrish Blood Transfusion Service; Welsh Blood Service; Scottish National Blood...AfsluttetHepatitis B | Hepatitis C | Humant immundefektvirus | Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrom | Human T-lymfotropisk virus I & IIDet Forenede Kongerige
Daniel PhillipsUniversität des Saarlandes; East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation...RekrutteringNødsituationer | Slagtilfælde, AkutDet Forenede Kongerige
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation...University of Southampton; South Central Ambulance service; Hampshire and...RekrutteringHjertestop | Hjerte-lungeredning | Ud af hospitalets hjertestopDet Forenede Kongerige
Croydon Health Services NHS TrustAfsluttetAnal lukkemuskelskade | Obstetrisk traume | Perineal infektion | Perineum; SkadeDet Forenede Kongerige
Croydon Health Services NHS TrustAfsluttetÅreknuder | Venøs insufficiens | Kronisk venøs insufficiens | Lipodermatosklerose
Croydon Health Services NHS TrustAfsluttetInfektion på det kirurgiske sted | Sårinfektion | Kejsersnit; Infektion | Perineal infektionDet Forenede Kongerige
Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS TrustCambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustUkendtHøretab, ledende | Hørehæmmede børn | Lim øreDet Forenede Kongerige
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation TrustLondon School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; King's College London; King... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetHjertestop uden for hospitaletDet Forenede Kongerige
Anglia Ruskin UniversityCambridgeshire Community Services NHS TrustRekrutteringSlag | Hemiparese | HjemmebaseretDet Forenede Kongerige
King's College Hospital NHS TrustSt George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Air Ambulance Charity... og andre samarbejdspartnereRekruttering
Dr. Tamsin BrownAfsluttet
Barts & The London NHS TrustStryker Nordic; London's Air Ambulance; Bodychillz Ltd; Maquet Cardiopulmonary...AfsluttetVentrikulær fibrillation | Hjerte-lungearrest med vellykket genoplivning | Død, pludselig, hjertesygdom | Hjertestop uden for hospitaletDet Forenede Kongerige
Barts & The London NHS TrustNational Health Service, United KingdomAfsluttetLuftvejsinfektioner | InfluenzaDet Forenede Kongerige
University of AarhusThe Hospital for Sick Children; Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttet
Barts & The London NHS TrustNational Health Service, United KingdomAfsluttet
Barts & The London NHS TrustNational Health Service, United KingdomAfsluttetKronisk obstruktiv lungesygdomDet Forenede Kongerige
National Health Service, United KingdomFerring Pharmaceuticals; Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; North... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetDiarréDet Forenede Kongerige
Royal Marsden NHS Foundation TrustThe Royal College of Surgeons of England; Croydon Health Services NHS TrustAfsluttetNeoplasmer | Gastrointestinale neoplasmer | Kolorektale neoplasmer | EndetarmssygdommeDet Forenede Kongerige
Smart Matrix LimitedWelsh Centre for Burns and Plastic Surgery, Swansea, UK; Queen Victoria...AfsluttetBasalcellekarcinom | Planocellulært karcinomDet Forenede Kongerige
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation TrustMedway Children's ServicesIkke rekrutterer endnuFølelsesmæssig stress | Følelsesmæssig regulering | Psykisk sundhedsproblemDet Forenede Kongerige
The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustGenomic Medicine Services AllianceAfsluttetGenetisk sygdom | Sorg | Fetal anomaliDet Forenede Kongerige
Essity Hygiene and Health ABLincolnshire Community Health Services NHS TrustAfsluttetUfrivillig vandladning | Urininkontinens på grund af kognitiv svækkelseDet Forenede Kongerige
Essity Hygiene and Health ABLincolnshire Community Health Services NHS TrustAfsluttetUfrivillig vandladningDet Forenede Kongerige
Keele UniversityNorfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; University... og andre samarbejdspartnereRekruttering
Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustNorth of England Medical & Hyperbaric ServicesAfsluttetMyokardie reperfusionsskade | CytobeskyttelseDet Forenede Kongerige
University of EdinburghRoyal Free Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; National Health Service, United...Aktiv, ikke rekrutterende
University of SheffieldDerbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust; Debyshire County...Rekruttering
Our Lady's Hospice and Care ServicesRoyal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation TrustRekrutteringKræftIrland, Det Forenede Kongerige
University of East AngliaCambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Cambridgeshire and... og andre samarbejdspartnereUkendtSkader, hjerneDet Forenede Kongerige
University of GlasgowNHS Lothian; University of Plymouth; University Hospital Plymouth NHS Trust; National Heatlh Service Ayrshire and ArranAfsluttetMultipel scleroseDet Forenede Kongerige