PSI in Lithuania



  • Vito Gerulaičio str. 10-101, 08220 Vilnius, Lithuania

Other PSI's locations around the world


About PSI

Our mission is to be the best CRO in the world as measured by our employees, clients, investigators, and vendors. Our teams work tirelessly to ensure that we deliver on time and on budget. You will always know what's going on with your study when you work with PSI. That means not losing control over study timelines and budgets.

Save Time
We know that the industry is riddled with delays. In fact, 90% of trials aren’t on schedule. But at PSI, we deliver on-time, over and over again. In fact, we’re even known to enroll ahead of time.

Save Money
Your product is important, and your team has the potential to change lives for patients all around the world. Save money by choosing the right CRO from the beginning. Our budgets are tried and true, and we’ll be on-target the entire time.

Save Reputation
We deliver quality, and we deliver on-time. Our teams work tirelessly to ensure your study, and the reputation of your product will speak volumes.
