- Registro degli studi clinici negli Stati Uniti
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Studi clinici sponsorizzati da Methodist Homes for the Aged
Totale 112 risultati
Methodist Homes for the AgedCompletato
Middlesex UniversityMethodist Homes for the AgedCompletatoDeterioramento cognitivo | Declino cognitivoRegno Unito
Central Union for the Welfare of the AgedUniversity of Eastern FinlandSconosciutoDepressione | Benessere psicologicoFinlandia
Anglia Ruskin UniversityUniversity of Melbourne; Alzheimer's Society; Norwegian Academy of Music; Cambridgeshire... e altri collaboratoriCompletatoDepressione | Qualità della vita | Demenza | Demenza, Vascolare | Demenza, mista | Demenza a corpi di Lewy | Demenza Alzheimer | Sintomi comportamentali e psichiatrici della demenzaRegno Unito, Australia, Germania, Norvegia, Polonia
The Methodist Hospital Research InstituteCollaborating for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research in Benign UrologyReclutamentoVescica iperattiva | Sintomi del tratto urinario inferiore | Vescica neurogena | Iperattività detrusoriale neurogena | Neuro: vescica neurogenaStati Uniti
The Methodist Hospital Research InstituteCenter for Cell and Gene Therapy, Baylor College of MedicineReclutamentoCellule staminali mesenchimali | Trapianto renaleStati Uniti
William Marsh Rice UniversityNational Endowment for the Arts, United States; Methodist Research Institute:... e altri collaboratoriSconosciutoDeterioramento cognitivo | CreativitàStati Uniti
David Baskin MDThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...ReclutamentoGlioblastoma multiforme | Astrocitoma, Grado IIIStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...Non ancora reclutamentoCancro al seno | Neoplasia, Seno | Tumori maligni della mammella | Tumore al seno | Cancro mammario | Neoplasie mammarie, umane | Tumore, Seno | Neoplasie mammarieStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...ReclutamentoLeucemia mieloide acutaStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...Attivo, non reclutanteLinfoma di Hodgkin | Linfoma non-HodgkinStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...Attivo, non reclutanteCarcinoma rinofaringeo | Malattia di Hodgkin | Linfoma non Hodgkin | Virus di Epstein Barr attivo cronico grave | Malattia linfoproliferativa T/NK | Tumore del muscolo liscioStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...Attivo, non reclutanteLinfoma | Linfoma non Hodgkin | Ricaduta | Morbo di HodgkinStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...Attivo, non reclutanteLinfoma non-Hodgkin | Leucemia linfoblastica acuta | Leucemia mieloide cronica | Sindrome mielodisplasicaStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...Attivo, non reclutanteLeucemia mieloide acuta | Leucemia linfoblastica acuta | Linfoma non Hodgkin | Sindrome mielodisplasica | Leucemia Mieloide Cronica | Linfoistiocitosi emofagocitica | Infezione da virus di Epstein Barr | Malattia linfoproliferativa legata all'X | Sindrome emofagocitica | Linfoistiocitosi emofagocitica familiareStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...CompletatoInfezioni da virus di Epstein-BarrStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...CompletatoMalattie linfoproliferative | Infezioni da virus di Epstein-BarrStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...Completato
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...CompletatoGlioblastoma multiforme (GBM)Stati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...CompletatoLinfoma | Morbo di HodgkinStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...CompletatoTumori HER2 positiviStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...TerminatoAnemia di Fanconi | Anemia aplastica graveStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...CompletatoCarcinoma rinofaringeoStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...TerminatoMalattie linfoproliferative | Malattie ematologiche | Mieloma multiplo | Leucemia linfoblastica acuta | Leucemia Mieloide Acuta | Leucemia Mieloide Cronica | Discrasia plasmacellulare | Myelodysplastic and Myeloproliferative DisordersStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...CompletatoInfezioni da virus di Epstein-BarrStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...TerminatoCancro al cervello | Glioblastoma multiforme | GBMStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...RitiratoCARCINOMA NASOFARINGEO
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...Non ancora reclutamentoMalattia del trapianto contro l'ospite (GVHD)Stati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...ReclutamentoTumore solido | Liposarcoma | Rabdomiosarcoma | Tumore di Wilms | Tumore rabdoide maligno | Tumore del sacco vitellino | Carcinoma a cellule epatiche | Sarcoma embrionale del fegatoStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...ReclutamentoLinfoma non Hodgkin a cellule B refrattario | Linfoma non Hodgkin recidivato | Adulti recidivati TUTTI | CLL recidivato | Linfoma linfocitico a piccole cellule B refrattarioStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...ReclutamentoLeucemia linfatica cronica | Linfoma non Hodgkin | Leucemia linfocitica acutaStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...ReclutamentoTrapianto di cellule staminali | AllogenicoStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...ReclutamentoLinfoma | Leucemia | MielomaStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...CompletatoMieloma multiploStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...TerminatoSindromi mielodisplastiche | Malattie da immunodeficienza primaria | Emoglobinopatie | Leucemia mieloide cronica | Citopenia | Anemia aplastica grave | Sindrome da insufficienza del midollo osseo | Leucemia mieloide acuta in remissione | Linfoistiocitosi emofagocitiche | Leucemia linfoblastica acuta in remissione e altre condizioniStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...CompletatoLeucemia linfoblastica (acuta)Stati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...Attivo, non reclutanteCarcinoma correlato al papillomavirus umano | Carcinoma orofaringeo positivo al papillomavirus umano | Carcinoma cervicale positivo al papillomavirus umano | Carcinoma anale positivo al papillomavirus umano | Carcinoma vulvare positivo al papillomavirus umano | Carcinoma del pene positivo al...Stati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...Attivo, non reclutanteLinfoma non-Hodgkin | Cellule B TUTTI | LLC a cellule BStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...CompletatoCOVID-19 | Sindrome da distress respiratorio acuto | SARS-CoV-2Stati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...CompletatoMalattie linfoproliferative | Linfoma di Hodgkin | Linfoma non Hodgkin correlato a EBV | Linfoma non Hodgkin | PTLD correlato a EBV | Linfoma correlato a EBV | Linfoma di Hodgkin correlato a EBVStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...CompletatoLeucemia | Leucemia, cellule B, cronicaStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...CompletatoLeucemia mieloide acuta | Leucemia linfoblastica acuta | Sindrome mielodisplasica | Leucemia Mieloide Cronica | Linfoistiocitosi emofagocitica (HLH) | Linfoma non-Hodgkin | Linfoistiocitosi emofagocitica familiare (FLH) | Sindrome emofagocitica associata a virus (VAHS) | Malattia linfoproliferativa legata...Stati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...Completato
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...Completato
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...TerminatoTrapianto di midollo osseo da donatore consanguineo per pazienti con emoglobinopatie ad alto rischioAnemia falciforme | Talassemia | EmoglobinopatiaStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...Terminato
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...TerminatoLeucemia linfocitica cronica a cellule BStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...CompletatoInfezione da citomegalovirus | Infezione da adenovirusStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...CompletatoInfezioni da virus di Epstein-Barr | Trapianto di cellule staminali | Infezioni da citomegalovirus | Infezione da adenovirusStati Uniti
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy,...CompletatoLeucemia linfatica cronica (LLC)Stati Uniti