Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Servicesが後援する臨床試験
Medical College of WisconsinWisconsin Department of Health and Family Services; Children's Health System, Inc.終了しました
University of Wisconsin, MadisonNational Cancer Institute (NCI); Department of Health and Human Services; Consumer Wellness Solutions と他の協力者完了
Centers for Disease Control and PreventionUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison; Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services完了
University of Wisconsin, MadisonWisconsin Department of Health and Family Services; Kenosha County Aging and Disability Resource...完了偶然の滝
Tufts UniversityUnited States Department of Agriculture (USDA); RTI International; Wisconsin Department of Health...完了
University of North Carolina, Chapel HillCenters for Disease Control and Prevention; New York State Department of Health; Arizona Department... と他の協力者完了
University of BergenHaukeland University Hospital; Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services; National Institute...完了
Gynuity Health ProjectsAga Khan Health Services; Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Gujarat引きこもった
SeqirusDepartment of Health and Human Services募集感染症 | ウイルス病 | 気道感染症 | インフルエンザ、ヒト | 感染ウイルスフィリピン, アメリカ
NovavaxDepartment of Health and Human Services完了COVID19 | SARS-CoV感染アメリカ, メキシコ, プエルトリコ
NovavaxDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
NovavaxDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
NovavaxDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
NovavaxDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
University of Maryland, BaltimoreDepartment of Health and Human Services; UMB School of Medicine Department of Family and Community...完了
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical CenterOhio Department of Job and Family Services完了
Winter Rose Services, LLCDepartment of Health and Human Servicesわからない
NYU Langone HealthDepartment of Health and Human Services募集
Emergent BioSolutionsDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
Northwestern UniversityDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
Temple UniversityDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
Northwestern UniversityDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
Neumedicines Inc.Department of Health and Human Services完了
BioCryst PharmaceuticalsDepartment of Health and Human Services完了倦怠感 | 筋肉痛 | 咳 | 頭痛 | 鼻詰まり | 季節性インフルエンザ | 喉の痛みアメリカ, メキシコ, カナダ, オーストラリア, ニュージーランド, プエルトリコ
Cellerant TherapeuticsDepartment of Health and Human Services完了リンパ腫 | 骨髄異形成症候群 | 白血病 | 多発性骨髄腫 | 形質細胞腫瘍アメリカ
MedImmune LLCDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
Yale UniversityDepartment of Health and Human Servicesまだ募集していません
Emergent BioSolutionsDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
Mayo ClinicDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
Basilea PharmaceuticaDepartment of Health and Human Services完了黄色ブドウ球菌菌血症イスラエル, アメリカ, グルジア, ロシア連邦, ウクライナ, コロンビア, アルゼンチン, ブルガリア, ドイツ, ギリシャ, イタリア, メキシコ, パナマ, セルビア, 南アフリカ, スペイン, 七面鳥
Summit TherapeuticsDepartment of Health and Human Services終了しました
MRI GlobalDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
Achaogen, Inc.Department of Health and Human Services完了CREによる血流感染症(BSI) | CREによる院内細菌性肺炎(HABP) | CREによる人工呼吸器関連細菌性肺炎(VABP) | CREによる複雑性尿路感染症(cUTI) | CREによる急性腎盂腎炎(AP)
Cellerant TherapeuticsDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
Arteriocyte, Inc.Department of Health and Human Servicesわからない
BioCryst PharmaceuticalsDepartment of Health and Human Services終了しました咳 | 熱 | 頭痛 | 鼻詰まり | 季節性インフルエンザ | 喉の痛みアメリカ, ポーランド, ウクライナ, ドイツ, ベルギー, アルゼンチン, イスラエル, ブルガリア, セルビア, 南アフリカ, ブラジル, カナダ, チリ, ペルー, ロシア連邦, ハンガリー, チェコ共和国, インド, イギリス, ラトビア, ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ, レバノン, スロバキア
Gallaudet UniversityDepartment of Health and Human Services募集
Emergent BioSolutionsDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
Northwestern UniversityDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
Neumedicines Inc.Department of Health and Human Services完了
Regeneron PharmaceuticalsDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
Pfenex, IncDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
Cellerant TherapeuticsDepartment of Health and Human Services完了
BioCryst PharmaceuticalsDepartment of Health and Human Services終了しました
Achaogen, Inc.Department of Health and Human Services完了