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분리에 대한 임상 시험
총 661 건
Spital Davos AGAO Research Institute Davos모병
Medical University of BialystokInstitute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland; Medical University of Lodz; Poznan University of... 그리고 다른 협력자들아직 모집하지 않음심부전, 수축기 | 박출률이 감소된 심부전 | 심부전 New York Heart Association Class IV | 심부전 New York Heart Association Class III폴란드
Regionaal Ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Tienen아직 모집하지 않음
Hacettepe University모집하지 않고 적극적으로
Chinese University of Hong KongSigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing완전한
University of CalgaryAcumed, LLC아직 모집하지 않음주상월상 해리 | Scapholunate Ligament 완전파열
Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint JosephFrench Society for Intensive Care; Fondation de France완전한가족의 만족 | Healthcaregiver Satisfaction | Family PTSD | Family HADS | Family Traumatic Dissociation프랑스
University of LiegeOncomfort; Biowin아직 모집하지 않음
Emory UniversityNational Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)모병
University of WashingtonAmerican Heart Association완전한심부전,울혈 | 미토콘드리아 변경 | 심부전 New York Heart Association Class IV미국
University of Lausanne HospitalsSandra Rusconi Serpa모병
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Saint Etienne완전한
Central Institute of Mental Health, MannheimUniversity of Freiburg완전한
University of Konstanz완전한
University of GlasgowWilliam Quarriers Scottish Epilepsy Centre모병수면 장애 | 불명증 | 해리성 발작 | 분리 | 심인성 비간질성 발작 | 기능 발작영국
National Center for Complementary and Integrative...완전한
Rocky Vista University, LLC알려지지 않은유리체 출혈 | 망막 박리 | 유리체 박리 | 망막앞막 | 유리체 절제술 | 황반 구멍 | 안내 렌즈 탈구 | 안내 렌즈 혼탁화
University of PittsburghWalter Reed National Military Medical Center모병
Wayne State University모병외상 후 스트레스 장애 | 감정 조절 | 모성 행동 | 기분 장애 | 산모의 고통 | 모성 관리 패턴 | 분리 | 웰빙, 심리적미국
University Hospital, Basel, SwitzerlandUniversity Children's Hospital Basel; Lab. for Orthopaedic Biomechanics, University of...완전한
Finnish Defense ForcesTampere University Hospital종료됨
Keller Army Community Hospital모병
City, University of LondonOxford University Hospitals NHS Trust완전한
National Taiwan University Hospital알려지지 않은
Wayne State University모병
Polish Mother Memorial Hospital Research Institute완전한어린이, 전용 | 재발성 슬개골 탈구
Fundació Institut de Recerca de l'Hospital de la...모병
Rush University Medical CenterNew York University; Rothman Institute Orthopaedics; Keck School of Medicine of USC모병
Alon RabinMedical Corps, Israel Defense Force모병
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice모병
Fowler Kennedy Sport Medicine ClinicThe Physicians' Services Incorporated Foundation; American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons완전한