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Central Japan Lung Study Group가 후원하는 임상 시험
총 68 건
Japan Adult Leukemia Study Group완전한
Japan Early Diabetes Intervention Study Group알려지지 않은
Swedish Lung Cancer Study Group모병
National Hospital Organization Nagoya Medical CenterMerck Sharp & Dohme LLC; Central Japan Lung Study Group모집하지 않고 적극적으로
North East Japan Study GroupBoehringer Ingelheim모집하지 않고 적극적으로
Interstitial Lung Disease Study Group, Korea알려지지 않은
Central European Leukemia Study Group알려지지 않은
Japan Rhabdomyosarcoma Study Group알려지지 않은
Japan Clinical Cancer Research OrganizationKorean Cancer Study Group완전한
National Cancer Center, JapanPfizer; Korean Cancer Study Group모집하지 않고 적극적으로유방 신생물대한민국, 싱가포르, 일본, 대만
University Hospital, LinkoepingPfizer; Swedish Lung Cancer Study Group알려지지 않은
Ass. Prof. Jan Nyman종료됨
Japan Adjuvant Study Group of Pancreatic CancerJapan Agency for Medical Research and Development; Pharma Valley Center완전한
Combination Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke Study...Japan Cardiovascular Research Foundation완전한
Centre Oscar LambretFrench Sarcoma Group; Study Group of Bone Tumors완전한
Centre Oscar LambretFrench Sarcoma Group; Study Group of Bone Tumors완전한
Ass. Prof. Jan NymanKarolinska Institutet; Göteborg University알려지지 않은
Australasian Sarcoma Study GroupPfizer; Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia알려지지 않은
Raija SilvennoinenTakeda; Celgene; Nordic Myeloma Study Group모집하지 않고 적극적으로
Pharming Technologies B.V.CMIC Co, Ltd. Japan; Labcorp Central Laboratory; Fortrea; Aixial Group모병
Centre Hospitalier Annecy GenevoisFrench Lung Cancer Group모집하지 않고 적극적으로
Pharming Technologies B.V.CMIC Co, Ltd. Japan; Labcorp Central Laboratory; Fortrea; Aixial Group모집하지 않고 적극적으로
China-Japan Friendship HospitalWuhan University; Wuhan Central Hospital; Wuhan lung Hospital; Ai You Foundation알려지지 않은
CANDLE-KIT Trial Study GroupChugai Pharmaceutical; Roche Diagnostics; The Japan Kidney Foundation; Japanese Society for...종료됨신부전, 만성 | 빈혈증 | 비타민 D 결핍 | 신장 이식일본
Stichting Hemato-Oncologie voor Volwassenen NederlandGruppo Italiano Malattie EMatologiche dell'Adulto; DSMM (Deutsche Studiengruppe Multiples... 그리고 다른 협력자들모집하지 않고 적극적으로다발성 골수종스웨덴, 노르웨이, 이탈리아, 네덜란드, 벨기에, 스위스, 호주, 덴마크, 핀란드, 체코, 칠면조, 오스트리아, 룩셈부르크, 헝가리, 그리스, 포르투갈
Canadian Cancer Trials GroupNational Health and Medical Research Council, Australia; Dutch Society of Physicians for... 그리고 다른 협력자들모집하지 않고 적극적으로비소세포폐암캐나다, 미국, 프랑스, 스페인, 대만, 중국, 호주, 이탈리아, 일본, 싱가포르, 대한민국, 뉴질랜드, 네덜란드, 루마니아, 불가리아, 브라질, 헝가리, 폴란드, 우크라이나
Chinese University of Hong KongTung Wah Group for Hospital Integrated Centre완전한
Weill Medical College of Cornell UniversityNational Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI); Haitian Group for the Study of Kaposi...모집하지 않고 적극적으로심근 경색증 | 심부전 | 흡연 | 뇌졸중 | 신장 질환 | 염증 | 고혈압 | 비만 | 당뇨병 | 이상지질혈증 | 알코올 사용, 불특정 | 심장사 | 신체 활동 부족 | 불쌍한 다이어트아이티
The Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South UniversityLivzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.; Yung Shin Pharm. Ind. Co., Ltd.완전한
The Parkinson Study GroupMassachusetts General Hospital; University of Rochester; Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson... 그리고 다른 협력자들완전한
Hamilton Health Sciences CorporationOntario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care; Canadian Health Services Research Foundation 그리고 다른 협력자들완전한
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterMaquet Cardiovascular; LivaNova; Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ); MaineHe... 그리고 다른 협력자들완전한
Michael Alan SchwarzschildNational Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS); University of Rochester; Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research 그리고 다른 협력자들완전한
a2 Milk Company Ltd.First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; General... 그리고 다른 협력자들완전한
Massachusetts General HospitalNorthwestern University; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS); University of Rochester 그리고 다른 협력자들완전한
GRADE Study GroupBristol-Myers Squibb; National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases... 그리고 다른 협력자들완전한
Beijing Tiantan HospitalPeking University International Hospital; Shandong Provincial Hospital; Beijing Tsinghua... 그리고 다른 협력자들완전한
The University of Hong KongHealth and Medical Research Fund; Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Integrated Centre on Smoking... 그리고 다른 협력자들모집하지 않고 적극적으로
Group Health CentrePfizer; McMaster University; Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care; Coalition for the... 그리고 다른 협력자들완전한
Cellular Biomedicine Group Ltd.RenJi Hospital; Huashan Hospital; Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang... 그리고 다른 협력자들완전한
The University of Hong KongHong Kong Young Women's Christian Association; Caritas Medical Centre, Hong Kong; Tung Wah... 그리고 다른 협력자들모병
The University of Hong KongThe Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust; Tung Wah Group of Hospitals; The Salvation Army... 그리고 다른 협력자들모병
Washington University School of MedicineMassachusetts General Hospital; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI); Genentech... 그리고 다른 협력자들완전한