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Makerere University Walter Reed Project가 후원하는 임상 시험
총 117 건
Baylor College of MedicineGeorge Washington University; Makerere University Walter Reed Project모집하지 않고 적극적으로
San Diego State UniversityNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA); Makerere University; Makerere...아직 모집하지 않음HIV 감염 | HIV 감염 | 알코올 사용 장애 | 알코올 남용 | HIV 항레트로바이러스 요법(ART) 준수우간다
Johns Hopkins UniversityWalter Reed Army Medical Center완전한
Johns Hopkins UniversityWalter Reed Army Medical Center완전한Lumbosacral Radiculopathy미국
Johns Hopkins UniversityWalter Reed Army Medical Center완전한
University of PennsylvaniaWalter Reed National Military Medical Center모병
Johns Hopkins UniversityWalter Reed National Military Medical Center완전한
Walter Reed National Military Medical CenterSeton Hill University완전한
Walter Reed National Military Medical CenterJohns Hopkins University모병
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID); Duke University; Walter Reed... 그리고 다른 협력자들아직 모집하지 않음
University of PittsburghWalter Reed National Military Medical Center모병
Makerere UniversityUganda Malaria Surveillance Project; Ministry of Health, Uganda알려지지 않은
Makerere UniversityMRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit; Ministry of Health, Uganda; Epicentre; Makerere University... 그리고 다른 협력자들아직 모집하지 않음수단 에볼라 바이러스 백신
Walter Reed National Military Medical CenterUniversity of Wisconsin, Milwaukee완전한
Makerere UniversityMinistry of Health, Uganda; Rakai Health Sciences Project모집하지 않고 적극적으로
Fraunhofer, Center for Molecular BiotechnologyWalter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency완전한
University of ArizonaWalter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)완전한
Northwestern UniversityWalter Reed National Military Medical Center; Lviv National Medical University아직 모집하지 않음
Walter Reed Army Medical Center59th Medical Wing; University of Hawaii알려지지 않은
Thomas Jefferson UniversityWalter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR); Nemours Childrens Health모병
Walter Reed National Military Medical CenterUniversity of Georgia; Womack Army Medical Center모병
Walter Reed National Military Medical CenterUniformed Services University of the Health Sciences알려지지 않은
Walter Reed National Military Medical CenterUniformed Services University of the Health Sciences모집하지 않고 적극적으로
Walter Reed National Military Medical CenterUniformed Services University of the Health Sciences종료됨
Walter Reed National Military Medical CenterUniformed Services University of the Health Sciences종료됨
Walter Reed National Military Medical CenterUniformed Services University of the Health Sciences모집하지 않고 적극적으로
Uniformed Services University of the Health SciencesWalter Reed National Military Medical Center종료됨
Walter Reed National Military Medical CenterUniformed Services University of the Health Sciences알려지지 않은
Walter Reed Army Medical CenterEastern Virginia Medical School; University of Virginia; James Madison University완전한
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandWalter Reed Army Medical Center; Ohio State University알려지지 않은
State University of New York - Upstate Medical...Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)완전한
Walter Reed Army Medical CenterUniversity of Michigan; University of Texas; University of South Alabama; Scripps Clinic완전한
Kessler FoundationWalter Reed National Military Medical Center; Uniformed Services University of the Health...완전한
Johns Hopkins UniversityWalter Reed Army Medical Center; John P. Murtha Neuroscience and Pain Institute완전한
Tel Aviv UniversityWalter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR); Medical Corps, Israel Defense Force완전한
University of TennesseeWalter Reed National Military Medical Center; Malcolm Grow Medical Clinics and Surgery...완전한
European Malaria Vaccine InitiativeUniversity of Oxford; Wellcome Trust; Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)완전한
Johns Hopkins UniversityWalter Reed National Military Medical Center; Uniformed Services University of the Health...완전한
Johns Hopkins UniversityWalter Reed National Military Medical Center; Fort Belvoir Community Hospital; Neuroscience...모병
University of TennesseeUnited States Naval Medical Center, San Diego; Walter Reed National Military Medical Center완전한
Chul KimBristol-Myers Squibb; AstraZeneca; Walter Reed National Military Medical Center; Hackensack...종료됨
COL George Peoples, MD, FACSUniformed Services University of the Health Sciences완전한
COL George Peoples, MD, FACSUniformed Services University of the Health Sciences완전한
State University of New York - Upstate Medical...Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR); Kansas State University완전한
Gynuity Health ProjectsMakerere University; University of Liverpool; Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine; Mbale...완전한
Kessler FoundationWalter Reed National Military Medical Center; Uniformed Services University of the Health... 그리고 다른 협력자들모병
Mesh Suture Inc.University of Maryland; Walter Reed National Military Medical Center; Uniformed Services...빼는개복술 | 봉합선; 합병증, 기계적 | 헤르니아 절개
Walter Reed National Military Medical CenterNational Institutes of Health (NIH); Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences완전한
KU LeuvenMakerere University; The University of New South Wales; AVSI; Olympic Refuge Foundation완전한