Belnico in Belarus


Phone:375 17 283 1638 375 29 675 8588

Fax:375 17 243 16 38


  • V. Horuzhey St. 22-1405,Minsk 220123

About Belnico

BELNICO is a medical, contract research company founded in 1990. Main Company’s activities include registration of medical products, conducting of clinical trials, complex representation of new brands of medical products on the local market and their direct use in clinical practice. The “BELNICO” Company has been successfully developing its contract research activities since 1999. Our Company provides a full support to companies-developers that invent new medical products and its components for effective treatment of patients. Our services include clinical logistics management, financial management, project management, and human resources management. Since 1999, “BELNICO” has significantly extended its contract-research functions and has proved to be a reliable partner. The “BELNICO” Company are professionally engaged in complex representation of new brands of homeopathic medical products from their registration at the Ministry for Health of Belarus to their dynamic promotion and place on the Belarusian market. Our know-how includes most interesting and efficient marketing strategies of development and implementation of new brands of medical products. Among our partners are a number of German, Swiss, and American manufacturers of pharmaceutical medical products. The “BELNICO” Company is famous for its innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment in Belarus and outside since 1990. Belnico is the first company to offer clinical practice in the field of electro-acupuncture, homeopathy and homotoxicology in Belarus. Company’s clients seeking medical assistance are patients with various diagnoses and diseases. Senior Doctor and Director of the Company is also the Head of the International Social Society on Anthroposophical Medicine and Homotoxicology in Belarus.
