German University is undertaking a Facilitating Motor Skill Learning by Aerobic Training in Parkinson's Disease III study

Photo by Farrel Nobel

University of Erlangen-Nürnberg is starting a new clinical trial of Facilitating Motor Skill Learning in Parkinson's Disease III.

The study is designed to assess the effects of cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise on motor skill learning in Parkinson patients. Specifically, the investigators examine whether moderate-intense aerobic exercise, performed immediately following motor skill practice over the course of a six week intervention period, facilitates motor memory consolidation. In this experimental trial, participants will be randomly allocated to either an intervention group (motor skill practice + aerobic exercise) or control group (motor skill practice + seated rest).

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized by motor control impairments, such as gait disturbances and postural instability. Beneficial effects of exercise are attributed to mechanisms of neuroplasticity, and task-specific motor training (repeated practice of a skill) is consequently considered to be a motor learning process. Importantly, the formation (acquisition) and consolidation of motor memories is impaired in PD compared to healthy individuals of similar age.

Thus, it is crucial to identify strategies to enhance motor learning in people with PD. Recent studies have accumulated evidence to show that acute (single bouts of) and chronic (multiple bouts of) cardiovascular exercise can facilitate motor skill learning. However, this evidence is mainly derived from studying healthy individuals. In a first study including PD patients, the investigators recently found improved motor memory consolidation, but not improved skill acquisition, when practice was preceded by a single bout of cardiovascular exercise.

These results suggested that acute exercise may enhance motor memory formation processes, but could potentially interfere with motor skill acquisition when performed prior to practice. Consequently, in a second study the investigators examined whether performing a single bout of cardiovascular exercise immediately following skill practice would enhance motor memory consolidation without affecting skill acquisition in PD. The results of this second study suggested that even a single moderate intense bout performed immediately following skill practice improves motor memory consolidation in PD patients.

The clinical trial starts in March 2021 and will continue throughout December 30, 2021.

Time in balance will be primary outcome measure. Motor memory consolidation: Change of time in balance (angular displacement ±5° from horizontal) over the course of all six skill practice sessions and the seven day retention test.

Among the inclusion criteria are:

  • Parkinson's disease stage 1-3,5 on Hoehn & Yahr scale
  • Ability to stand unaided and walk without an assistive device
  • Stable medication during the study period
  • Unfamiliar to the motor task (stabilometer)

The contacts and locations are the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Department of Sport Science and Sport, Gebbertstr. 123b, Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany. For more details:

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Upcoming Clinical Trials
