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Klinische onderzoeken gesponsord door Fifth People's Hospital of Anyang
Totaal 2663 resultaten
Chengdu Fifth People's HospitalOnbekend
Shenzhen Fifth People's HospitalWerving
Shenzhen Fifth People's HospitalOnbekend
Shenzhen Fifth People's HospitalOnbekendNK-celgemedieerde immuniteitChina
The Fifth People's Hospital of SuzhouOnbekendLevercirrose | Chronische hepatitis BChina
RenJi HospitalRuijin Hospital; Shanghai Fifth People's HospitalWervingVroege detectie van CMP bij patiënten met borstkanker met behulp van cardiale magnetische resonantieBorstkanker | Door chemotherapie geïnduceerde systolische disfunctieChina
Shanghai Zhongshan HospitalShanghai Fifth People's Hospital,Fudan UniversityWerving
The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou UniversityLuoyang Central Hospital; Nanyang Central Hospital; The Fifth People's Hospital... en andere medewerkersVoltooidCOVID-19 | AzvudineChina
Jun XiaoQingdao Fifth People's HospitalVoltooidHypertensieve hartziekteChina
Fifth Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen UniversityDongguan People's HospitalWervingHoofd-hals plaveiselcelcarcinoom | Neoadjuvante behandelingChina
Henan Cancer HospitalHenan Provincial People's Hospital; Hebei Medical University Fourth Hospital; Tangshan... en andere medewerkersBeëindigd
The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou UniversityNational Natural Science Foundation of China; The Affiliated Nanjing Drum Tower... en andere medewerkersNog niet aan het wervenChronische hepatitis B | Doeltreffendheid | Veiligheid | Hepatitis B-virus | Overdracht van moeder op kind | Tenofoviralafenamidefumaraat
ShuGuang HospitalBeijing YouAn Hospital; Beijing Ditan Hospital; Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital; Tongji... en andere medewerkersOnbekendHepatitis B-virusgerelateerde cirroseChina
ShuGuang HospitalBeijing YouAn Hospital; Beijing Ditan Hospital; Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital; Tongji... en andere medewerkersOnbekendLevercirrose als gevolg van hepatitis B-virusChina
Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical UniversityShenzhen People's HospitalOnbekend
The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou UniversityThe First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Science and Technology; First... en andere medewerkersOnbekendST-segment elevatie myocardinfarct | Primaire percutane coronaire interventieChina
The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou UniversityThe First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Science and Technology; First... en andere medewerkersOnbekendST-segment elevatie myocardinfarct | Electieve percutane coronaire interventieChina
Yang BeibeiVoltooidRhupussyndroom, Etanercept
Shanghai Zhongshan HospitalShanghai Fifth People's Hospital,Fudan University; XuHui Central Hospital of...Voltooid
West China HospitalSichuan Provincial People's Hospital; The First People's Hospital of Ziyang; Chengdu... en andere medewerkersNog niet aan het werven
Sun Yat-sen UniversityFirst Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University; Nanfang Hospital of Southern... en andere medewerkersWervingNasofarynxcarcinoom | De-escalatie therapieChina
Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical...Nog niet aan het werven
Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical...Nog niet aan het werven
Nanfang LiAanmelden op uitnodigingHypertensie | HyperaldosteronemieChina
Tianjin Nankai HospitalTianjin First Central Hospital; Anyang People's Hospital; Tianjin Beichen HospitalVoltooid
Sun Yat-sen UniversityZhongshan People's Hospital, Guangdong, China; Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou...WervingDoor straling geïnduceerde mucositisChina
Huashan HospitalShanghai 10th People's Hospital; Shanghai Fifth People's Hospital; Shanghai Deji... en andere medewerkersWervingIschemische beroerteChina
The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou UniversityFirst Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University; Anyang Tumor Hospital; Luoyang Central Hospital en andere medewerkersOnbekend
Mengchang YangWervingMisselijkheid en braken, postoperatiefChina
Mengchang YangAanmelden op uitnodigingMisselijkheid en overgevenChina
Yang XiaotianWervingAcute myeloïde leukemieChina
Yang ChaonanNog niet aan het wervenRisicofactoren | Kritiek zieke patiënten | Druk letsel | Algoritmen voor machinaal leren
Guangdong Provincial People's HospitalNanfang Hospital, Southern Medical UniversityWerving
The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou UniversityFirst Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University; Anyang Tumor Hospital; Luoyang Central Hospital en andere medewerkersOnbekend
Capital Medical UniversityThe Fifth Medical Center of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) General...Werving
Zhengzhou UniversityThe First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University; Luoyang Central Hospital; Xinyang Central Hospital en andere medewerkersVoltooid
Sun Yat-sen UniversityFirst Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University; Fifth Affiliated Hospital,... en andere medewerkersWervingNasofarynxcarcinoom | Chirurgie | Intensiteitsgemoduleerde radiotherapieChina
Sun Yat-sen UniversityFifth Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University; First People's Hospital of... en andere medewerkersWervingOrale mucositis (ulceratief) door stralingChina
Xiaojun YangM.D. Anderson Cancer Center; Sichuan Cancer Hospital and Research Institute; Chengdu... en andere medewerkersVoltooidDoor de patiënt gerapporteerde resultatenChina
Sun Yat-sen UniversityGuangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Guangzhou First... en andere medewerkersWervingDiffuus grootcellig B-cellymfoom (DLBCL)China
The First Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical...Anyang Cancer Hospital; Xinxiang Central Hospital of Henan province; Inner Huang... en andere medewerkersNog niet aan het werven
Capital Medical UniversityShanghai 10th People's Hospital; Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University en andere medewerkersVoltooidBeroerte, acuut | NeuroprotectieChina
The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou UniversityAnyang Tumor Hospital; Luoyang Central Hospital; Nanyang Central Hospital; Sanmenxia... en andere medewerkersWerving
Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical UniversityHenan Provincial People's Hospital; Xinqiao Hospital of ChongqingActief, niet wervendCardiovasculaire complicatieChina
Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery Institute of Gansu...LanZhou University; Tsinghua University; The Third People's Hospital of Taiyuan; QuFu... en andere medewerkersWerving
Ming-Yuan ChenSun Yat-sen University; First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University; Fifth... en andere medewerkersWervingNasofarynxcarcinoom | Chirurgie | RadiotherapieChina
The First Affiliated Hospital with Nanjing Medical...Jiangsu Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Xuzhou Medical University en andere medewerkersOnbekend
Beijing Chao Yang HospitalPeking University People's HospitalOnbekendExtramedullair plasmacytoomChina
Guangdong Provincial People's HospitalShenzhen People's Hospital; The People's Hospital of GaozhouWervingLongneoplasmata | Aanhoudende hoest | PneumonectomieChina