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Klinische onderzoeken gesponsord door Inner Mongolia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Totaal 657 resultaten
Guang'anmen Hospital of China Academy of Chinese...Suzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Hebei Provincial Hospital of... en andere medewerkersWerving
Juan JiaoInner Mongolia Autonomous Region Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Hebei... en andere medewerkersWervingReumatoïde artritis | Slaapkwaliteit | Transcutane elektrische zenuwstimulatieChina
Hubei Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineShanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Wuhan Hospital of... en andere medewerkersOnbekend
Dongfang Hospital Beijing University of Chinese...Chongqing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital; Changchun University of Chinese... en andere medewerkersVoltooidCognitieve beperkingChina
Henan University of Traditional Chinese MedicineJiangsu Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineOnbekendChronische obstructieve longziekteChina
Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese MedicineFudan University; Suzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Changchun University... en andere medewerkersOnbekend
Shanghai Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese...Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese MedicineWervingEchografie | Choledocholithiase | Cholangiopancreatografie, endoscopische retrogradeChina
Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineWerving
Hubei Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineNog niet aan het werven
Hubei Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineVoltooid
Hubei Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineVoltooidPijn | Obstructieve slaapapneu | ComplicatieChina
Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineOnbekendKlinische werkzaamheid van acupunctuur bij de behandeling van temporomandibulaire aandoeningen (TMD)Temporomandibulaire aandoeningenChina
Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese MedicineGuangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineWervingGevorderde colorectale kankerChina
Beijing Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine...Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineVoltooidDe ziekte van MenièreChina
Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineNog niet aan het wervenSnelle oogbewegingen Slaapgedragsstoornis
Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineNog niet aan het werven
Dongguan Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineNog niet aan het wervenTraditioneel Chinees Medicijn
Shaanxi Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineWervingZiekte van Alzheimer | Milde cognitieve stoornis | Milde dementie | Subjectieve cognitieve achteruitgangChina
Foshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineNog niet aan het wervenTibiale fracturen | Epifysaire breuk
Hubei Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineOnbekend
Shaanxi Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineOnbekend
Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineOnbekendChronische slapeloosheidChina
Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineOnbekendOnderrug pijnChina, Roemenië
Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineNog niet aan het wervenSlapeloosheid op korte termijnChina
Xi'an Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineNog niet aan het werven
Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineVoltooidFunctionele constipatieChina
Hubei Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineOnbekend
Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineOnbekendSubjectieve cognitieve achteruitgang | Subjectieve cognitieve klachtChina
Guang'anmen Hospital of China Academy of Chinese...Hubei Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine; The First Affiliated Hospital... en andere medewerkersOnbekendDiabetische nierziekteChina
Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese MedicineJiangsu Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine; RenJi HospitalVoltooidMaagkanker stadium IIIB | Maagkanker stadium IIICChina
Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese MedicineLonghua Hospital; Shanghai Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineWerving
The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese...Wenzhou Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine; Pujiang... en andere medewerkersWerving
Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese MedicineJiangsu Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine; The First Affiliated...Nog niet aan het wervenNiet-kleincellige longkanker | Niet-kleincellig longcarcinoomChina
First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of...Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine; State Administration of Traditional... en andere medewerkersVoltooid
China Academy of Chinese Medical SciencesGuangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Chengdu University... en andere medewerkersOnbekendUrineweginfectie Lager acuut
Hong Kong Baptist UniversityGuang'anmen Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences; Xiyuan Hospital... en andere medewerkersWervingFunctionele gastro-intestinale stoornissenHongkong
Sun Yat-sen UniversityGaozhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Xinyi traditional Chinese medicine...Voltooid
Beijing University of Chinese MedicineDongzhimen Hospital, Beijing; Hubei Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Wuhan... en andere medewerkersVoltooidChronisch hartfalenChina
Shanghai Yueyang Integrated Medicine HospitalHeilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine; The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi... en andere medewerkersOnbekendPsoriasis vulgarisChina
Beijing University of Chinese MedicineBeijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineOnbekend
Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineBeijing University of Chinese MedicineOnbekendIschemische beroerteChina
Guang'anmen Hospital of China Academy of Chinese...Hubei Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Wuhan Third Hospital; Huangshi... en andere medewerkersWerving
Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese...Nog niet aan het werven
Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese...WervingPsoriasis | Medicijneffect | Traditioneel Chinees Medicijn | Mesenchymale stromale cellen | GeneesmiddelenveiligheidChina
Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese...Werving
Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese...WervingKritieke ziekte | Voedingsstoornissen | Gastro-intestinale disfunctieChina
Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese...WervingMaagkanker stadium III | Maagkanker stadium IIChina
Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese...VoltooidAcute pijn | Acupunctuur | Acute jichtartritisChina
Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese...Onbekend
Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese...OnbekendLaparoscopische gastrectomie | Laparoscopische Bursectomie | Een Left Outside Bursa Omentalis-benaderingChina