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Klinische onderzoeken gesponsord door People's Hospital of Wenshang County
Totaal 2462 resultaten
Xuanhan County People's HospitalVoltooidAnalgesie | Gynaecologisch; Chirurgie (vorige), met betrekking tot foetus of pasgeborene, vanwege belemmerde bevallingChina
Nanchong Central HospitalGuang'an People's Hospital; Pengan County People's Hospital; People's Hospital... en andere medewerkersWervingKwaliteit van het leven | Herhaling | Pijn, postoperatief | Hernia, lies | Seroom volgende procedureChina
Nanchong Central HospitalPengan County People's Hospital; Nanbu Hospital of County Chinese Medicine; Langzhong... en andere medewerkersWervingPostoperatieve complicaties | Maagkanker | Gastrostomie | NaadlekkageChina
Nanchong Central HospitalGuang'an People's Hospital; Pengan County People's Hospital; People's Hospital... en andere medewerkersVoltooidInfecties | Chronische pijn | Inguinale hernia | Hematoom | Seroma | TerugkerendChina
Nanchong Central HospitalGuang'an People's Hospital; Pengan County People's Hospital; People's Hospital... en andere medewerkersWervingInfecties | Herhaling | Chronische pijn | Hernia, lies | Hematoom | SeromaChina
Quanzheng ChenWervingRadiculopathie, cervicaalChina
Zhongming QiuXingguo County People's HospitalWervingBeroerte hemorragischChina
Yuguo ChenQilu Hospital of Shandong University; Qianfoshan Hospital; Jining Medical University en andere medewerkersVoltooidAcute kransslagader syndroom | Acute pijn op de borstChina
Beijing 302 HospitalPeople's Hospital of Hunyuan County, Shanxi ProvinceWervingOudere volwassenen | Covid-19-vaccinChina
Huai'an First People's HospitalThe Second People's Hospital of Huai'an; lian shui county People's Hospital; xuyi... en andere medewerkersVoltooidSlokdarm plaveiselcelcarcinoomChina
Shandong UniversityLinyi County People's Hospital,Dezhou,ChinaWervingKunstmatige intelligentie | Endoscopie | Atrofische gastritisChina
Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine,...First People's Hospital of Hangzhou; Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital; Second Affiliated... en andere medewerkersVoltooidCOVID-19 LongontstekingChina
Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine,...First People's Hospital of Hangzhou; Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital; Second Affiliated... en andere medewerkersNog niet aan het werven
Xiaojun YangM.D. Anderson Cancer Center; Sichuan Cancer Hospital and Research Institute; Chengdu... en andere medewerkersVoltooidDoor de patiënt gerapporteerde resultatenChina
Affiliated Hospital of Nantong UniversityTongzhou District Hospital; Haimen People's Hospital; Dongtai People's Hospital; Qidong... en andere medewerkersWerving
Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery Institute of Gansu...Lishui Country People's Hospital; The Third People's Hospital of Taiyuan; Shulan... en andere medewerkersWervingPortale hypertensie | Cirrose, leverChina
Children's Hospital of Fudan UniversityWeihai Rensheng PharmacyVoltooid
Zhujiang HospitalDongguan People's Hospital; Shantou Central Hospital; Shenzhen Hengsheng Hospital; Shaoguan Qide Hospital en andere medewerkersWervingDiabetes mellitus type 2 | Overgewicht en obesitasChina
Beijing HuiLongGuan HospitalUniversity of Rochester; Harvard University; Suicide Prevention International; People... en andere medewerkersOnbekend
Ningbo No. 1 HospitalZhejiang University; Yuyao People's Hospital; Second Hospital of Ninghai County; Xiangshan... en andere medewerkersWervingBloeding | Gesteelde colorectale poliepenChina
Guangdong Provincial People's HospitalShenzhen People's Hospital; The People's Hospital of GaozhouWervingLongneoplasmata | Aanhoudende hoest | PneumonectomieChina
The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou UniversityLuoyang Central Hospital; Nanyang Central Hospital; The Fifth People's Hospital... en andere medewerkersVoltooidCOVID-19 | AzvudineChina
Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine,...Shaoxing People's Hospital; Shaoxing Second Hospital; Huizhou Municipal Central... en andere medewerkersWerving
Guangdong Provincial People's HospitalThe Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University; The Third Xiangya... en andere medewerkersWervingST-segment elevatie myocardinfarct (STEMI)China
Children's Hospital of Orange CountyActief, niet wervendNeuronale Ceroid-Lipofuscinoses | Neuronale Ceroid Lipofuscinose CLN2 | Spinocerebellaire ataxie, autosomaal recessief 7Verenigde Staten
The First Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical...Anyang Cancer Hospital; Xinxiang Central Hospital of Henan province; Inner Huang... en andere medewerkersNog niet aan het werven
Children's Hospital of Orange CountyWervingPijn | Ongerustheid | ACL-scheur | Misbruik van opioïdenVerenigde Staten
Children's Hospital of Orange CountyWerving
Children's Hospital of Orange CountyWerving
Children's Hospital of Orange CountyVoltooidLATEN | Scheur van de huidVerenigde Staten
Qilu Hospital of Shandong UniversityThe Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University; Shandong Provincial Hospital; Qingdao... en andere medewerkersOnbekendSTEMI | Opkomende PGBChina
Children's Hospital of Orange CountyAanmelden op uitnodigingBlaas- en darmdisfunctieVerenigde Staten
People's Hospital of GuangxiOnbekendNiet-kleincellige longkankerChina
People's Hospital of GuangxiOnbekendKleincellige longkankerChina
People's Hospital of GuangxiOnbekendNiet-kleincellige longkankerChina
Shandong UniversityZibo Central Hospital; Peking University Care Luzhong Hospital; Taierzhuang District... en andere medewerkersWervingHelicobacter Pylori-infectieChina
People's Hospital of QuzhouWerving
The First People's Hospital of LianyungangThe East Hospital of Lianyungang; Donghai People's Hospital; People's Hospital...OnbekendInoperabele slokdarmkanker stadium I-IIIChina
Guangzhou 8th People's HospitalWuhan Union Hospital, China; LiuZhou People's Hospital; Tianjin Second People's... en andere medewerkersWerving
First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical UniversityLanZhou University; Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital; Fifth Affiliated Hospital... en andere medewerkersWervingBehandeling van spontane intracerebrale bloedingChina
Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine,...First People's Hospital of Hangzhou; Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical... en andere medewerkersVoltooidErnstig trauma | Interventionele therapie | Stomp thoracaal aortaletsel | Behandeling ProtocolChina
University of OsloJonkoping County HospitalActief, niet wervendIngebedde en geïmpacteerde tandenNoorwegen, Zweden
West China HospitalSichuan Provincial People's Hospital; The First People's Hospital of Ziyang; Chengdu... en andere medewerkersNog niet aan het werven
University of MalayaJiangsu Taizhou People's Hospital; Jingjiang People's HospitalWervingMaagkanker; klinische controleproefChina
The George Institute for Global Health, ChinaPeking University; Beijing Jishuitan Hospital; People's Hospital of Dangxiong CountyVoltooid
University of CopenhagenHalmstad County HospitalOnbekendPostoperatieve complicaties
Children's Hospital of Fudan UniversityPeople's Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region; Hainan women and children... en andere medewerkersVoltooidPOX Bereik van gezonde pasgeborenen op verschillende hoogtes | POX-drempel voor het screenen van ernstige CHD bij neonatenChina
First People's Hospital of HangzhouHangzhou Cancer Hospital; First People's Hospital of Lin'an District; First People...WervingZiekenhuispatiëntenChina
The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow UniversitySecond Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University; The Second People's Hospital... en andere medewerkersOnbekendAcute myeloïde leukemie | InductiechemotherapieChina
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical...Chongqing Medical University; First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical... en andere medewerkersVoltooidPostoperatieve misselijkheid en brakenChina