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Klinische onderzoeken gesponsord door Reproductive Health National Training Center
Totaal 9834 resultaten
Riyadh Fertility and Reproductive Health centerOnbekend
Riyadh Fertility and Reproductive Health centerOnbekendOnvruchtbaarheid, vrouwEgypte
Riyadh Fertility and Reproductive Health centerOnbekendOnvruchtbaarheid, vrouwEgypte
Riyadh Fertility and Reproductive Health centerOnbekend
Center for Reproductive an Genetic HealthOnbekendAbnormaal karyotypeVerenigd Koninkrijk
Reproductive Health Training Center of the Republic...Grand Challenges Canada; Gynuity Health ProjectsVoltooidZwangerschapMoldavië, Republiek
Ouraring Inc.UCSF Center for Reproductive HealthVoltooidMenstruatie | Menstruatiecyclus | OvulatieVerenigde Staten
International Agency for Research on CancerReferral Centre of Reproductive Health, Fez, Morocco; Referral Centre of Reproductive...VoltooidCervicaal neoplasmaMarokko
Center for Reproductive Health & GynecologyButterfly Biosciences, IncWervingVruchtbaarheidsproblemen | Hysteroscopie | Gynaecologie | Hysteroscopie techniek | Baarmoeder Abnormaal | Onvruchtbaarheid Vrouw | VisualisatieVerenigde Staten, Mexico
Duke UniversityDuke Center for Global Reproductive HealthVoltooidOuder-kindrelaties | Gedrag van het kind | Huiselijk geweld | Adolescent gedrag | Familie Conflict | Huwelijksconflict | Familie disfunctioneelKenia
Cairo UniversityRiyadh Fertility and Reproductive Health centerVoltooid
Center for Reproductive an Genetic HealthUniversity College, LondonOnbekendEicel CompetentieVerenigd Koninkrijk
Gynuity Health ProjectsCenter for Research and Consultancy in Reproductive HealthVoltooidPost-partumbloedingSenegal, Vietnam
The Policy & Research GroupMathematica Policy Research, Inc.; Department of Health and Human Services Office... en andere medewerkersWervingPreventie van tienerzwangerschappenVerenigde Staten
The Policy & Research GroupMathematica Policy Research, Inc.; Department of Health and Human Services Office... en andere medewerkersWerving
Gynuity Health ProjectsCenter for Research and Consultancy in Reproductive Health; Huong Vuong Hospital en andere medewerkersVoltooidPost-partumbloedingEcuador, Kalkoen, Vietnam
Sydney Centre for Reproductive Health ResearchMerck Sharp & Dohme LLCOnbekend
FHI 360Center for Population and Reproductive Health, University of IbadanBeëindigdHumaan Immunodeficiëntie VirusNiger
The Policy & Research GroupMathematica Policy Research, Inc.; Public Health - Seattle and King County; Department... en andere medewerkersWerving
Center for Information and Counseling on Reproductive...Grand Challenges Canada; Gynuity Health Projects; Healthy LifeOnbekendZwangerschap gerelateerd | Abortus vroegGeorgië
The Policy & Research GroupMathematica Policy Research, Inc.; Department of Health and Human Services Office... en andere medewerkersWerving
Center of Innovation Technology & Reproductive...Universidad Nacional Autonoma de MexicoVoltooidMannelijke onvruchtbaarheidMexico
University of Campinas, BrazilCenter for Research on Reproductive Health of CampinasOnbekendComplicatie van het inbrengen van het apparaatBrazilië
Scientific Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction...VoltooidChronische endometritisRussische Federatie
Lawrence EngmannThe Center for Advanced Reproductive Services, P.C.; ZyMot FertilityActief, niet wervendOnvruchtbaarheid | Terugkerende zwangerschapsverliezenVerenigde Staten
University of WashingtonNational Institute of Mental Health (NIMH); Wits Reproductive Health and HIV...Voltooid
Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica, MexicoMexican National Institute for Women; Mexican Center for Gender Equity and Reproductive... en andere medewerkersVoltooid
Peking UniversityNational Natural Science Foundation of China; Institute of reproductive and Child...Voltooid
JhpiegoBill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Addis Continental Institute of Public Health; St Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical College en andere medewerkersVoltooidMaternale zorgpatronenEthiopië, Kenia, Niger
University of California, San FranciscoCalifornia Latinas for Reproductive Justice; UCGHI Center for Gender and Health...Voltooid
University of Cape TownDesmond Tutu HIV Centre; Wits Reproductive Health and HIV InstituteBeëindigd
University GhentFund for Scientific Research, Flanders, Belgium; International Centre for Reproductive...Voltooid
Inna I. KovalenkoVoltooidClimacterisch syndroomRussische Federatie
Centre d'Appui à la lutte contre la MaladieWorld Health Organization; Malaria Research and Training Center, Bamako, MaliVoltooidLymfatische Filariasis
Fundación GinemedUniversity of Seville; Hospitales Universitarios Virgen del Rocío; Clínicas Ginemed en andere medewerkersNog niet aan het wervenPre-eclampsie | Intra-uteriene groeibeperking | Placenta ziekte
M.D. Anderson Cancer CenterNational Institutional of Health; UT Health Science CenterIngetrokken
Bornova No. 25 Mevlana Family Health CenterAtaturk Training and Research HospitalVoltooidPijn | Tevredenheid, patiëntKalkoen
Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica, MexicoMexican National Institute for Women; Mexican Center for Gender Equity and Reproductive... en andere medewerkersVoltooidZwangerschapsgerelateerde complicaties
Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer CenterNitional institute of Health -National Center for Advancing Translational SciencesWervingGlioblastoom Multiforme | Epidermale groeifactorreceptor | Glycolytische indexVerenigde Staten
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases...Malaria Research and Training Center, Bamako, MaliVoltooid
Kranus Health GmbHCentre of Reproductive Medicine and Andrology, department of Clinical and Surgical...WervingSeksuele disfunctie | ErectiestoornissenDuitsland
Columbia UniversityFogarty International Center of the National Institute of Health; Drexel University en andere medewerkersWervingAanpassing van een goedkope reactie-interventie tegen intiem partnergeweld en geestelijke gezondheidPsychische nood | Geweld, huiselijkKenia
Innovation Research & TrainingNational Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)Voltooid
University of VirginiaNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); Scientific Center for Family Health...VoltooidHIV-infecties | Tuberculose | Substantie gebruikRussische Federatie
World BankDepartment for International Development, United Kingdom; Wits Reproductive Health... en andere medewerkersVoltooidHIV-infecties | Antiretrovirale therapie | Naleving van de patiënt | Virale belasting | Mobiele telefoonZuid-Afrika
M.D. Anderson Cancer CenterNational Institutes of Health (NIH); National Center for Complementary and Integrative...WervingPsychosociaal | Geest lichaamVerenigde Staten
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases...Sanaria Inc.; Malaria Research and Training Center, Bamako, MaliVoltooid
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases...Sanaria Inc.; Malaria Research and Training Center, Bamako, MaliVoltooid
University of DenverNational Institute of Mental Health (NIMH); Denver Health Medical CenterWervingPostnatale depressieVerenigde Staten
National Cancer Institute (NCI)Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterVoltooidLymfoom | Borstkanker | Longkanker | Darmkanker | MyeloomVerenigde Staten