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Kliniske studier sponset av Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
Totalt 83 resultater
University of OklahomaChoctaw Nation of OklahomaRekruttering
Florida State UniversityUniversity of Minnesota; University of North Carolina; Northern Arizona University og andre samarbeidspartnereFullført
Oklahoma State University Center for Health SciencesUniversity of Oklahoma; Osage NationAktiv, ikke rekrutterendeBlodtrykk | Matusikkerhet | Overvekt eller fedme | Kosthold, sunt | HelsestatusForente stater
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); Oklahoma State UniversityFullførtNikotinavhengighet | Sigarett røyking | Nikotin abstinensForente stater
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)Fullført
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)Fullført
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)Fullført
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)RekrutteringAvansert eller tilbakevendende ovarie-, livmorhals- og endometriekreft behandlet med SHetA2 (Okgyn1)Solid svulst, voksenForente stater
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)FullførtOpioidbruk | Kreftsmerter | Kognitiv atferdsterapiForente stater
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)Fullført
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)FullførtCovid-19 | SARS-CoV-2Forente stater
University of OklahomaFullførtMetastatisk kreft | Melanom (hud)Forente stater
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)AvsluttetRøykesluttForente stater
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI)Fullført
Oklahoma Medical Research FoundationUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison; University of Oklahoma; National Institute...RekrutteringInsulinresistens | Kronisk sykdom | Aldring | Insulinfølsomhet | MitokondrierForente stater
University of OklahomaNational Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)UkjentPsykisk helseproblem | Traumer, psykologiskForente stater
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Aging (NIA)Rekruttering
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Aging (NIA)Rekruttering
University of OklahomaNational Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)Fullført
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Aging (NIA); Oklahoma Center for the Advancement...FullførtIntermitterende ClaudicationForente stater
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)Har ikke rekruttert ennå
Oklahoma State UniversityUniversity of Oklahoma; University of Minnesota; Case Western Reserve University og andre samarbeidspartnereFullført
University of OklahomaNational Center for Research Resources (NCRR)FullførtDiabetes mellitus, voksendebutForente stater
Oklahoma State UniversityNational Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)FullførtLivserfaringerForente stater
University of OklahomaNational Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)Har ikke rekruttert ennåSamfunnsintervensjon for å forbedre CVD-risikofaktorkontroll hos unge amerikanske indianere (CIRCLE)Sukkersyke | Kolesterol, forhøyetForente stater
University of OklahomaNational Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)Rekruttering
University of OklahomaNational Institute of Mental Health (NIMH); Centers for Disease Control... og andre samarbeidspartnereFullført
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); Duke University; National Institutes... og andre samarbeidspartnereRekrutteringTobakksbruksforstyrrelse | Nikotinavhengighet | Sigarett røykingForente stater
University of OklahomaNational Institutes of Health (NIH); National Institute of General Medical...Fullført
University of OklahomaNational Institutes of Health (NIH); National Institute of General Medical...FullførtCovid-19 | VaksinevegringForente stater
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)Har ikke rekruttert ennåMisbruk av alkohol | Hjemløs
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)FullførtHIV | AIDS | Fosterets alkoholsyndrom | Alkoholrelatert nevroutviklingsforstyrrelseForente stater, Den russiske føderasjonen
University of OklahomaNational Cancer Institute (NCI); National Institute on Minority Health... og andre samarbeidspartnereFullførtNikotinavhengighet | Sigarett røykingForente stater
University of OklahomaNational Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)RekrutteringOvervekt | Ikke-alkoholisk Steatohepatitt | Alkoholfri fettleverForente stater
University of OklahomaNational Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)RekrutteringErnæring for å optimalisere, forstå og gjenopprette insulinfølsomhet i HIV for Oklahoma (NOURISH-OK)Insulinresistens | HIV | MatusikkerhetForente stater
Oklahoma State University Center for Health SciencesNational Institute of Drug AbuseRekruttering
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Aging (NIA); Case Western Reserve UniversityRekrutteringPerifer arteriesykdom | ClaudicationForente stater
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)RekrutteringRøykesluttForente stater
University of Kansas Medical CenterNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); University of OklahomaHar ikke rekruttert ennåRøykeslutt
University of Alabama at BirminghamNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); University of OklahomaRekrutteringRøyking | Søvnforstyrrelser | NikotinavhengighetForente stater
Oklahoma Medical Research FoundationNational Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases...Fullført
Oklahoma State UniversityNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); National Institute of General...Rekruttering
Oklahoma State UniversityEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development...Rekruttering
Oklahoma State UniversityEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development...Tilbaketrukket
University of MinnesotaEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development... og andre samarbeidspartnereAktiv, ikke rekrutterende
Oklahoma State UniversityEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development...Rekruttering
Esther Dupont-VersteegdenUniversity of Oklahoma; National Center for Complementary and Integrative...FullførtMuskelatrofiForente stater
Jasper A. SmitsNational Cancer Institute (NCI); University of Oklahoma; University of Houston og andre samarbeidspartnereRekrutteringNikotinavhengighetForente stater
University of HoustonBaylor College of Medicine; National Institute on Minority Health and Health... og andre samarbeidspartnereAktiv, ikke rekrutterende
University of OklahomaNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); University of Wisconsin, Madison; University of Southern California og andre samarbeidspartnereRekrutteringBruk av elektronisk sigarettForente stater