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Kliniske studier sponset av People's Hospital of Wenshang County
Totalt 2509 resultater
Xuanhan County People's HospitalFullførtAnalgesi | Gynekologisk; Kirurgi (tidligere), påvirker foster eller nyfødt, på grunn av hindret fødselKina
Nanchong Central HospitalGuang'an People's Hospital; Pengan County People's Hospital; People's Hospital... og andre samarbeidspartnereRekrutteringLivskvalitet | Tilbakefall | Smerter, postoperativt | Brokk, lyske | Seroma etter prosedyreKina
Nanchong Central HospitalPengan County People's Hospital; Nanbu Hospital of County Chinese Medicine og andre samarbeidspartnereRekrutteringPostoperative komplikasjoner | Magekreft | Gastrostomi | Anastomotisk lekkasjeKina
Nanchong Central HospitalGuang'an People's Hospital; Pengan County People's Hospital; People's Hospital... og andre samarbeidspartnereFullførtInfeksjoner | Kronisk smerte | Lyskebrokk | Hematom | Seroma | TilbakevendendeKina
Nanchong Central HospitalGuang'an People's Hospital; Pengan County People's Hospital; People's Hospital... og andre samarbeidspartnereRekrutteringInfeksjoner | Tilbakefall | Kronisk smerte | Brokk, lyske | Hematom | SeromaKina
Quanzheng ChenRekrutteringRadikulopati, livmorhalsKina
Zhongming QiuXingguo County People's HospitalRekrutteringSlag hemorragiskKina
Yuguo ChenQilu Hospital of Shandong University; Qianfoshan Hospital; Jining Medical... og andre samarbeidspartnereFullførtAkutt koronarsyndrom | Akutt brystsmerterKina
Beijing 302 HospitalPeople's Hospital of Hunyuan County, Shanxi ProvinceRekrutteringEldre voksne | Covid-19-vaksineKina
Huai'an First People's HospitalThe Second People's Hospital of Huai'an; lian shui county People's Hospital og andre samarbeidspartnereFullførtEsophageal plateepitelkarsinomKina
Shandong UniversityLinyi County People's Hospital,Dezhou,ChinaRekrutteringKunstig intelligens | Endoskopi | Atrofisk gastrittKina
Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine,...First People's Hospital of Hangzhou; Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital; Second... og andre samarbeidspartnereFullførtCOVID-19 lungebetennelseKina
Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine,...First People's Hospital of Hangzhou; Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital; Second... og andre samarbeidspartnereHar ikke rekruttert ennå
Xiaojun YangM.D. Anderson Cancer Center; Sichuan Cancer Hospital and Research Institute og andre samarbeidspartnereFullført
Affiliated Hospital of Nantong UniversityTongzhou District Hospital; Haimen People's Hospital; Dongtai People's Hospital og andre samarbeidspartnereRekruttering
Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery Institute of Gansu...Lishui Country People's Hospital; The Third People's Hospital of Taiyuan; Shulan (Hangzhou) Hospital og andre samarbeidspartnereRekrutteringPortal hypertensjon | Skrumplever, leverKina
Children's Hospital of Fudan UniversityWeihai Rensheng PharmacyFullført
Zhujiang HospitalDongguan People's Hospital; Shantou Central Hospital; Shenzhen Hengsheng... og andre samarbeidspartnereRekrutteringType 2 diabetes mellitus | Overvekt og fedmeKina
Beijing HuiLongGuan HospitalUniversity of Rochester; Harvard University; Suicide Prevention International og andre samarbeidspartnereUkjent
Ningbo No. 1 HospitalZhejiang University; Yuyao People's Hospital; Second Hospital of Ninghai... og andre samarbeidspartnereRekrutteringBlødning | Pedunkulerte kolorektale polypperKina
Guangdong Provincial People's HospitalShenzhen People's Hospital; The People's Hospital of GaozhouRekrutteringLungeneoplasmer | Vedvarende hoste | PneumonektomiKina
The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou UniversityLuoyang Central Hospital; Nanyang Central Hospital; The Fifth People's Hospital... og andre samarbeidspartnereFullførtCovid-19 | AzvudineKina
Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine,...Shaoxing People's Hospital; Shaoxing Second Hospital; Huizhou Municipal Central... og andre samarbeidspartnereRekruttering
The First Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical...Anyang Cancer Hospital; Xinxiang Central Hospital of Henan province; Inner... og andre samarbeidspartnereHar ikke rekruttert ennå
Guangdong Provincial People's HospitalThe Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University; The Third... og andre samarbeidspartnereRekrutteringST-segment elevation myokardinfarkt (STEMI)Kina
Children's Hospital of Orange CountyHar ikke rekruttert ennåPlassering av kryoterapislangeForente stater
Children's Hospital of Orange CountyRekrutteringSmerte | Angst | ACL-rivning | Misbruk av opioidForente stater
Children's Hospital of Orange CountyRekruttering
Children's Hospital of Orange CountyRekruttering
Children's Hospital of Orange CountyFullførtLA | Rissing av hudForente stater
Children's Hospital of Orange CountyAktiv, ikke rekrutterendeNevronale ceroid-lipofuscinoser | Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis CLN2 | Spinocerebellar ataksi, autosomal recessiv 7Forente stater
Qilu Hospital of Shandong UniversityThe Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University; Shandong Provincial Hospital og andre samarbeidspartnereUkjentSTEMI | Emergent PCIKina
Children's Hospital of Orange CountyPåmelding etter invitasjonDysfunksjon av blære og tarmForente stater
People's Hospital of GuangxiUkjentIkke-småcellet lungekreftKina
People's Hospital of GuangxiUkjentSmåcellet lungekreftKina
People's Hospital of GuangxiUkjentIkke-småcellet lungekreftKina
Shandong UniversityZibo Central Hospital; Peking University Care Luzhong Hospital; Taierzhuang... og andre samarbeidspartnereRekrutteringHelicobacter pylori-infeksjonKina
People's Hospital of QuzhouRekruttering
The First People's Hospital of LianyungangThe East Hospital of Lianyungang; Donghai People's Hospital; People's Hospital...UkjentInoperabel esophageal cancer stadium I-IIIKina
Guangzhou 8th People's HospitalWuhan Union Hospital, China; LiuZhou People's Hospital; Tianjin Second People... og andre samarbeidspartnereRekruttering
First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical UniversityLanZhou University; Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital; Fifth Affiliated... og andre samarbeidspartnereRekrutteringBehandling av spontan intracerebral blødningKina
Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine,...First People's Hospital of Hangzhou; Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou... og andre samarbeidspartnereFullførtAlvorlig traume | Intervensjonell terapi | Blunt thorax aortaskade | BehandlingsprotokollKina
University of OsloJonkoping County HospitalAktiv, ikke rekrutterende
West China HospitalSichuan Provincial People's Hospital; The First People's Hospital of Ziyang og andre samarbeidspartnereHar ikke rekruttert ennå
University of MalayaJiangsu Taizhou People's Hospital; Jingjiang People's HospitalRekruttering
The George Institute for Global Health, ChinaPeking University; Beijing Jishuitan Hospital; People's Hospital of Dangxiong...Fullført
University of CopenhagenHalmstad County HospitalUkjentPostoperative komplikasjoner
Children's Hospital of Fudan UniversityPeople's Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region; Hainan women and... og andre samarbeidspartnereFullførtPOX-utvalg av friske nyfødte i forskjellige høyder | POX-terskel for screening av større CHD hos nyfødteKina
First People's Hospital of HangzhouHangzhou Cancer Hospital; First People's Hospital of Lin'an District; First...RekrutteringInnlagte pasienterKina
The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow UniversitySecond Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University; The Second People's Hospital... og andre samarbeidspartnereUkjentAkutt myeloid leukemi | InduksjonskjemoterapiKina