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Kliniske studier sponset av Reproductive Health National Training Center
Totalt 9903 resultater
Riyadh Fertility and Reproductive Health centerUkjent
Riyadh Fertility and Reproductive Health centerUkjentInfertilitet, kvinneEgypt
Riyadh Fertility and Reproductive Health centerUkjentInfertilitet, kvinneEgypt
Center for Reproductive an Genetic HealthUkjent
Riyadh Fertility and Reproductive Health centerUkjent
Reproductive Health Training Center of the Republic...Grand Challenges Canada; Gynuity Health ProjectsFullført
Ouraring Inc.UCSF Center for Reproductive HealthFullførtMenstruasjon | Menstruasjonssyklus | EggløsningForente stater
International Agency for Research on CancerReferral Centre of Reproductive Health, Fez, Morocco; Referral Centre of...Fullført
Center for Reproductive Health & GynecologyButterfly Biosciences, IncRekrutteringFertilitetsproblemer | Hysteroskopi | Gynekologi | Hysteroskopi teknikk | Unormal livmor | Infertilitet Kvinne | VisualiseringForente stater, Mexico
Duke UniversityDuke Center for Global Reproductive HealthFullførtForeldre-barn forhold | Barns atferd | Vold i hjemmet | Ungdomsadferd | Familiekonflikt | Ekteskapelig konflikt | Familie dysfunksjonellKenya
Cairo UniversityRiyadh Fertility and Reproductive Health centerFullført
Center for Reproductive an Genetic HealthUniversity College, LondonUkjentOocyttkompetanseStorbritannia
Gynuity Health ProjectsCenter for Research and Consultancy in Reproductive HealthFullførtPostpartum blødningSenegal, Vietnam
The Policy & Research GroupMathematica Policy Research, Inc.; Department of Health and Human Services... og andre samarbeidspartnereRekrutteringUngdomsgraviditetsforebyggingForente stater
The Policy & Research GroupMathematica Policy Research, Inc.; Department of Health and Human Services... og andre samarbeidspartnereRekruttering
Gynuity Health ProjectsCenter for Research and Consultancy in Reproductive Health; Huong Vuong... og andre samarbeidspartnereFullførtPostpartum blødningEcuador, Tyrkia, Vietnam
Sydney Centre for Reproductive Health ResearchMerck Sharp & Dohme LLCUkjent
FHI 360Center for Population and Reproductive Health, University of IbadanAvsluttetHumant immunsviktvirusNigeria
The Policy & Research GroupMathematica Policy Research, Inc.; Public Health - Seattle and King County og andre samarbeidspartnereRekruttering
Center for Information and Counseling on Reproductive...Grand Challenges Canada; Gynuity Health Projects; Healthy LifeUkjent
The Policy & Research GroupMathematica Policy Research, Inc.; Department of Health and Human Services... og andre samarbeidspartnereRekruttering
Center of Innovation Technology & Reproductive...Universidad Nacional Autonoma de MexicoFullførtMannlig infertilitetMexico
University of Campinas, BrazilCenter for Research on Reproductive Health of CampinasUkjentKomplikasjon ved innsetting av enhetBrasil
Scientific Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction...Fullført
Lawrence EngmannThe Center for Advanced Reproductive Services, P.C.; ZyMot FertilityAktiv, ikke rekrutterendeInfertilitet | Gjentatte svangerskapstapForente stater
University of WashingtonNational Institute of Mental Health (NIMH); Wits Reproductive Health and...Fullført
Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica, MexicoMexican National Institute for Women; Mexican Center for Gender Equity... og andre samarbeidspartnereFullført
University of California, San FranciscoCalifornia Latinas for Reproductive Justice; UCGHI Center for Gender and...Fullført
Peking UniversityNational Natural Science Foundation of China; Institute of reproductive...Fullført
JhpiegoBill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Addis Continental Institute of Public... og andre samarbeidspartnereFullført
University of Cape TownDesmond Tutu HIV Centre; Wits Reproductive Health and HIV InstituteAvsluttet
University GhentFund for Scientific Research, Flanders, Belgium; International Centre for...FullførtIntim partnervoldBelgia
Inna I. KovalenkoFullførtEffektiviteten av Placental Drug Melsmon® i korrigering av klimasymptomer hos premenopausale kvinnerClimacteric syndromDen russiske føderasjonen
Centre d'Appui à la lutte contre la MaladieWorld Health Organization; Malaria Research and Training Center, Bamako...FullførtLymfatisk filariasis
Fundación GinemedUniversity of Seville; Hospitales Universitarios Virgen del Rocío; Clínicas... og andre samarbeidspartnereHar ikke rekruttert ennåSvangerskapsforgiftning | Intrauterin vekstbegrensning | Placental sykdom
M.D. Anderson Cancer CenterNational Institutional of Health; UT Health Science CenterTilbaketrukket
Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica, MexicoMexican National Institute for Women; Mexican Center for Gender Equity... og andre samarbeidspartnereFullførtGraviditetsrelaterte komplikasjoner
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases...Malaria Research and Training Center, Bamako, MaliFullført
Bornova No. 25 Mevlana Family Health CenterAtaturk Training and Research HospitalFullførtSmerte | Tilfredshet, pasientTyrkia
Innovation Research & TrainingNational Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)Fullført
Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer CenterNitional institute of Health -National Center for Advancing Translational...RekrutteringGlioblastoma Multiforme | Epidermal vekstfaktorreseptor | Glykolytisk indeksForente stater
University of California, San FranciscoEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development... og andre samarbeidspartnereHar ikke rekruttert ennåAbort i første trimester | Abort tidlig | Abort; ForsøkteForente stater
Columbia UniversityFogarty International Center of the National Institute of Health; Drexel... og andre samarbeidspartnereAktiv, ikke rekrutterendePsykologisk stress | Vold, innenriksKenya
University of VirginiaNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); Scientific Center for Family Health...FullførtHIV-infeksjoner | Tuberkulose | StoffbrukDen russiske føderasjonen
Kranus Health GmbHCentre of Reproductive Medicine and Andrology, department of Clinical...RekrutteringSeksuell dysfunksjon | Erektil dysfunksjonTyskland
World BankDepartment for International Development, United Kingdom; Wits Reproductive... og andre samarbeidspartnereFullførtHIV-infeksjoner | Antiretroviral terapi | Pasientens etterlevelse | Viral belastning | MobiltelefonSør-Afrika
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases...Sanaria Inc.; Malaria Research and Training Center, Bamako, MaliFullført
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases...Sanaria Inc.; Malaria Research and Training Center, Bamako, MaliFullført
Center for Research on Reproductive Health of CampinasFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São PauloUkjentAngst | LumbagoBrasil
M.D. Anderson Cancer CenterNational Institutes of Health (NIH); National Center for Complementary...RekrutteringPsykososial | Sinn-kroppForente stater