Radiostereometry in the Assessment of Knee Prosthesis Study

The company Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi is commencing recruitment for the clinical trial of the Radiostereometry (Model Based RSA) in the Assessment of Knee Prosthesis Outcome: a Prospective,Pilot,Single-center Study.

The conditions are Knee Osteoarthritis, Knee Arthropathy, Aseptic Loosening.

A new clinical trial is recruiting patients in the following locations: Italy.

The trial officially began on the December 10, 2019 and is planned to complete on July 10, 2023.

The innovative aspect of this research is the possibility of combining the data collected with radiostereometric model based RSA with the data collected through the Galeazzi Institute Registry.This opens the prospect of an earlier identification of patients undergoing prosthetic knee replacement with initial aseptic loosening.

The population that can be enrolled into this study includes:

  • age > 18
  • patients underwent total knee arthroplasty without controindications for this procedure
  • patients enrolled in PROMS study

    Exclusion Criteria: 
  • age < 18
  • comorbility that make difficult come back for follow-up
  • patients with allergy at materials used in RSA tecnique
  • infection, anemia, obesity, osteoporosis
  • pregnancy.


The link to the complete study profile:

Clinical Research News

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