University of Newcastle, AustraliaUniversity of Sydney; University of Melbourne; Michael Garron Hospital; The University of Western... 和其他合作者尚未招聘髋关节假体感染 | 膝关节假体感染 | 大关节假体关节感染澳大利亚
Vastra Gotaland RegionGöteborg University招聘中
Edin Mešanović完全的骨关节炎 | 膝骨关节炎 | 膝骨关节炎 | 膝盖骨关节炎 | 膝关节骨关节炎 (OA) | 膝骨关节炎 | 膝盖骨关节炎 | 膝关节骨性关节炎波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那
Wu zenanThe Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine招聘中
Rigshospitalet, DenmarkThe Lundbeck Foundation Centre for Fast-track Hip and Knee Arthroplasty撤销
Northwestern University招聘中
Phaxiam Therapeutics尚未招聘髋关节假体感染 | 膝关节假体感染
Leiden University Medical CenterRadboud University Medical Center; University Medical Center Groningen; Erasmus Medical Center; Academisch... 和其他合作者招聘中
Soroka University Medical CenterLot Spa Hotel Dead Sea完全的
Vivantes Netzwerk für Gesundheit GmbH未知
University of CalgaryQeen BioTechnologies尚未招聘
Peking University Third Hospital未知关节镜 | the Posterolateral Structure of the Knee Joint | Anatomical Reconstruction中国
Osaka Metropolitan UniversityMayo Clinic; Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli; Hospital for Special Surgery, New York主动,不招人
Massachusetts General HospitalGöteborg University; Seoul National University Hospital; Ulsan University Hospital; Stanford University 和其他合作者未知
Hospices Civils de Lyon完全的假体关节感染 | Exchange of Prosthetic Joint | One-step Exchange
Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine,...Yiwu Fuyuan Private Hospital; Hangzhou Xiaoshan Traditional Chinese Orthopedic Hospital尚未招聘
Bone Therapeutics S.ANordic Bioscience A/S完全的
University of CalgaryUniversity of Toronto; Precisio Biotix Therapeutics, Inc.主动,不招人
Rush University Medical Center尚未招聘
Hospital General de Jerez de la FronteraZiekenhuis Oost-Limburg完全的
University of Western Ontario, Canada撤销
Regeneron PharmaceuticalsTeva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd.完全的膝关节或髋关节骨关节炎美国, 保加利亚, 智利, 哥伦比亚, 丹麦, 爱沙尼亚, 德国, 香港, 匈牙利, 意大利, 立陶宛, 墨西哥, 秘鲁, 波兰, 罗马尼亚, 俄罗斯联邦, 南非, 西班牙, 瑞典, 乌克兰, 英国