肺 LCNEC 患者的生存结局的临床试验
University Hospital of North Norway主动,不招人
Brigham and Women's HospitalJohns Hopkins University; Massachusetts General Hospital; Washington University School of Medicine 和其他合作者完全的居民对跨文化关怀的知识和态度 | 患者与临床医生接触中的人际关系和沟通技巧 | 患者对参与其护理的住院医师的满意度 | 患者手术后的临床健康结果美国
Institut Cancerologie de l'OuestDirection Générale de l'Offre de Soins未知
Peking University First HospitalPeking University People's Hospital; Peking University Third Hospital; Beijing Hospital; Beijing...完全的
Central Hospital, Nancy, FranceAgence de La Biomédecine; CIC 1433 EC CHRU de Nancy; Association France REIN招聘中
Melbourne HealthBarwon Health; Austin Health; Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia; St Vincent's Hospital; Epworth... 和其他合作者招聘中
Stefania CostiArcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-IRCCS完全的Complex Patients: Patients With High Level of Complexity Regardless of the Pathology of Origin
University Hospital, Clermont-FerrandDiagnostica Stago完全的
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre...尚未招聘心血管疾病 | 心血管疾病风险 | CVD患者死亡率 | CVD 和 T2DM 患者的死亡率 | T2DM 患者死亡率 | 两者都没有的患者的死亡率 | 心血管疾病的发病率
Saglik Bilimleri Universitesi Gulhane Tip Fakultesi完全的
Peter Martin HansenUniversity of Southern Denmark尚未招聘
University of BeykentKutahya Health Sciences University; Istanbul Aydın University完全的
Sylvestre KABURA完全的胃癌 | Mortality of Gastric Cancer | Overall Survival of Patients With Gastric Cancer
Peking Union Medical College Hospital尚未招聘
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman完全的ASA 身体状况 1 - 2 级且接受手术分娩(剖腹产)的患者
Assiut UniversityThe Queen Elizabeth Hospital未知
Peking University First HospitalThe Forth Medical Center of PLA General Hospital; Tianjin Orthopedic Hospital招聘中
Greater Baltimore Medical Center撤销
National Jewish HealthPatient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute; Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation完全的Pulmonary Fibrosis of Any Cause | Primary Supporters/Caretakers of Patients With Pulmonary Fibrosis美国
Universitaire Ziekenhuizen KU Leuven完全的Exploration of How Patients Deal With Side Effects From Chemotherapy比利时
michal roll招聘中
Fondation Ophtalmologique Adolphe de Rothschild招聘中
State University of New York - Downstate Medical...未知