Study of semaglutide in diabetes with chronic kidney disease

This study is to learn more about how semaglutide may help fight chronic kidney disease in people with type 2 diabetes. We are doing this by looking into how semaglutide works in the kidneys. Participants will either get semaglutide or placebo (a 'dummy' medicine) - which treatment participants get is decided by chance. Semaglutide is a medicine doctors can prescribe in some countries for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Participants will get the study medicine in a pen. Participants will use the pen to inject the medicine into the skin once a week.

The study will last for about 1 year. Participants will have 11 visits to the clinic, and 2 phone visits. Some of the visits could be in different locations. Study staff will take blood samples at most of these visits. At 9 visits, participants will be asked to bring a sample of their first morning urine. At 4 of the visits participants will have to bring urine that they have collected over the last 24 hours.

The study includes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of participants' kidneys which is a test that shows a detailed picture of organs and other parts inside the body. The scan will last for 30 minutes, and is free of radiation.

The clinical trial started in April 23, 2021 and will continue throughout July 19, 2023.

Change in kidney oxygenation (medulla), BOLD MRI(R2) will be primary outcome measure. ratio.

For more details:

Clinical Research News

