이 페이지는 자동 번역되었으며 번역의 정확성을 보장하지 않습니다. 참조하십시오 영문판 원본 텍스트의 경우.

Vagus Nerve Preservation and Chronic Cough in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Surgery

2022년 10월 24일 업데이트: Kwhanmien Kim, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital

Prospective Randomized Controlled Study on the Effects of Vagus Nerve Pulmonary Branch Preservation During Video-assisted Thoracic Surgery Lobectomy in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Can it Decrease Postoperative Cough and Pulmonary Complications

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Surgical resection is the main treatment for resectable non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and lobectomy with systemic mediastinal lymph node dissection is the standard surgical method. However, a significant number of patients experience postoperative chronic cough; it is observed in about 60% of patients during the first year of outpatient clinic follow-up, and persistently lasts in about 24.7-50% during the 5 year follow-up period.

Several studies showed the association between vagus nerve and chronic cough. The bronchopulmonary vagal afferent C-fibers are responsible for cough, chest tightness and reflex bronchoconstrictions. It is expected that during the mediastinal lymph node dissection, the inevitable injuries to the pulmonary branch of vagus nerve is largely responsible for development of chronic cough. In other words, preservation of pulmonary branch of vagus nerve may reduce the incidence of chronic cough and relevant detrimental effects on quality of life.

Therefore, this prospective, randomized and controlled clinical study, aims to evaluate the effect of vagus nerve preservation on postoperative chronic cough in patients undergoing lobectomy with mediastinal lymph node dissection. In addition, the feasibility and oncologic safety of preserving pulmonary branch of vagus nerve during mediastinal lymph node dissection with minimally invasive surgery compared with conventional mediastinal lymph node dissection with minimally invasive surgery will also be investigated.

This trial will provide a new basis for oncologically feasible, safe and effective new surgical technique for mediastinal lymph node dissection in patients with early lung cancer undergoing minimally invasive surgery. Furthermore, the preventive effect of vagus nerve preservation on incidence of chronic cough will be objectively be proven and thus help to broaden the current knowledge of the role of vagus nerve and postoperative chronic cough.

연구 개요

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등록 (예상)



  • 해당 없음

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연구 연락처

연구 장소

    • Bundang
      • Seongnam-si, Bundang, 대한민국, 13620
        • 모병
        • Seoul National University
        • 연락하다:
          • Beatrice C Shih, MD
          • 전화번호: 821091094533
          • 이메일: 82430@snubh.org
        • 수석 연구원:
          • Kwhanmien Kim, MD.PhD.


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18년 (성인, 고령자)

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연구 대상 성별



Inclusion Criteria:

  1. Subjects clearly understand the purpose of the study, are willing and able to comply with the requirements to complete the study, and can sign the informed consent.
  2. Clinically suspicious of non-small cell lung cancer or tissue confirmed preoperatively
  3. Clinical stage T1-3/N0-1/M0
  4. Preoperative ECOG performance status 0-1
  5. Preoperative ASA class I-III
  6. Preoperative pulmonary function test FEV1 ≥ 60%, DLCO ≥ 60%
  7. Patients expected to achieve R0 (complete resection) via simple lobectomy and mediastinal lymph node dissection

Exclusion Criteria:

  1. Patients who smoked within 2 weeks prior to operation
  2. Patients who received antitussives and expectorants 2 weeks prior to operation
  3. Patients who are pregnant or breast feeding
  4. Patients with severe or uncontrolled psychological disorders
  5. Patients with severe pulmonary adhesion
  6. Patients who are ineligible for minimally invasive surgery; thoracotomy conversion
  7. Patients diagnosed with other malignancies within 2 years prior to operation
  8. Patients who received chemotherapy or radiotherapy within 6 months prior to operation
  9. Patients suspicious of clinical N2 or received neoadjuvant therapy prior to operation
  10. Patients with cough-related diseases; COPD, asthma, ILD, GERD
  11. Patients suspicious of lymph node metastasis/invasion around vagus nerve during the preoperative clinical staging evaluation

공부 계획

이 섹션에서는 연구 설계 방법과 연구가 측정하는 내용을 포함하여 연구 계획에 대한 세부 정보를 제공합니다.

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디자인 세부사항

  • 주 목적: 치료
  • 할당: 무작위
  • 중재 모델: 병렬 할당
  • 마스킹: 없음(오픈 라벨)

무기와 개입

참가자 그룹 / 팔
개입 / 치료
실험적: Pulmonary branch of vagus nerve preserved
Pulmonary branch of vagus nerve is preserved during the mediastinal lymph node dissection using minimally invasive surgery
During the mediastinal lymph node dissection using minimally invasive surgery, efforts to preserve the pulmonary branch of vagus nerve is made.
실험적: Pulmonary branch of vagus nerve not-preserved
Pulmonary branch of vagus nerve is not preserved during the mediastinal lymph node dissection using minimally invasive surgery
During the mediastinal lymph node dissection using minimally invasive surgery, efforts to preserve the pulmonary branch of vagus nerve is not made/ can be severed.

연구는 무엇을 측정합니까?

주요 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
Qualitative measurement of postoperative cough
기간: Preoperative day
Cough Visual Analog Scale (VAS) will be used for survey. The Cough VAS is a numeric scale from 0-10 scale, with 0 indicating that patient experiences no distress from cough and 10 indicating severe distress from cough.
Preoperative day
Qualitative measurement of postoperative cough
기간: Postoperative day (discharge day, an average of 1 week)
Cough Visual Analog Scale (VAS) will be used for survey. The Cough VAS is a numeric scale from 0-10 scale, with 0 indicating that patient experiences no distress from cough and 10 indicating severe distress from cough.
Postoperative day (discharge day, an average of 1 week)
Qualitative measurement of postoperative cough
기간: Postoperative 1 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Cough Visual Analog Scale (VAS) will be used for survey. The Cough VAS is a numeric scale from 0-10 scale, with 0 indicating that patient experiences no distress from cough and 10 indicating severe distress from cough.
Postoperative 1 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Qualitative measurement of postoperative cough
기간: Postoperative 2 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Cough Visual Analog Scale (VAS) will be used for survey. The Cough VAS is a numeric scale from 0-10 scale, with 0 indicating that patient experiences no distress from cough and 10 indicating severe distress from cough.
Postoperative 2 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Qualitative measurement of postoperative cough
기간: Postoperative 6 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Cough Visual Analog Scale (VAS) will be used for survey. The Cough VAS is a numeric scale from 0-10 scale, with 0 indicating that patient experiences no distress from cough and 10 indicating severe distress from cough.
Postoperative 6 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Qualitative measurement of postoperative cough
기간: Postoperative 12 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Cough Visual Analog Scale (VAS) will be used for survey. The Cough VAS is a numeric scale from 0-10 scale, with 0 indicating that patient experiences no distress from cough and 10 indicating severe distress from cough.
Postoperative 12 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Quantitative measurement of postoperative cough
기간: Preoperative day
The Korean version of the Leicester Cough Questionnaire will be used for survey. Comparison of preoperative and and postoperative change in objective cough frequency and quality of life among patients using the Leicester Cough Questionnaire, which is a 7 point Likert scale with a minimum value of 1 indicating chronic cough impacts participant life all of the time and a maximum value of 7 indicating chronic cough impacts participant life none of the time.
Preoperative day
Quantitative measurement of postoperative cough
기간: Postoperative day (discharge day, an average of 1 week)
The Korean version of the Leicester Cough Questionnaire will be used for survey. Comparison of preoperative and and postoperative change in objective cough frequency and quality of life among patients using the Leicester Cough Questionnaire, which is a 7 point Likert scale with a minimum value of 1 indicating chronic cough impacts participant life all of the time and a maximum value of 7 indicating chronic cough impacts participant life none of the time.
Postoperative day (discharge day, an average of 1 week)
Quantitative measurement of postoperative cough
기간: Postoperative 1 month follow up at outpatient clinic
The Korean version of the Leicester Cough Questionnaire will be used for survey. Comparison of preoperative and and postoperative change in objective cough frequency and quality of life among patients using the Leicester Cough Questionnaire, which is a 7 point Likert scale with a minimum value of 1 indicating chronic cough impacts participant life all of the time and a maximum value of 7 indicating chronic cough impacts participant life none of the time.
Postoperative 1 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Quantitative measurement of postoperative cough
기간: Postoperative 2 month follow up at outpatient clinic
The Korean version of the Leicester Cough Questionnaire will be used for survey. Comparison of preoperative and and postoperative change in objective cough frequency and quality of life among patients using the Leicester Cough Questionnaire, which is a 7 point Likert scale with a minimum value of 1 indicating chronic cough impacts participant life all of the time and a maximum value of 7 indicating chronic cough impacts participant life none of the time.
Postoperative 2 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Quantitative measurement of postoperative cough
기간: Postoperative 6 month follow up at outpatient clinic
The Korean version of the Leicester Cough Questionnaire will be used for survey. Comparison of preoperative and and postoperative change in objective cough frequency and quality of life among patients using the Leicester Cough Questionnaire, which is a 7 point Likert scale with a minimum value of 1 indicating chronic cough impacts participant life all of the time and a maximum value of 7 indicating chronic cough impacts participant life none of the time.
Postoperative 6 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Quantitative measurement of postoperative cough
기간: Postoperative 12 month follow up at outpatient clinic
The Korean version of the Leicester Cough Questionnaire will be used for survey. Comparison of preoperative and and postoperative change in objective cough frequency and quality of life among patients using the Leicester Cough Questionnaire, which is a 7 point Likert scale with a minimum value of 1 indicating chronic cough impacts participant life all of the time and a maximum value of 7 indicating chronic cough impacts participant life none of the time.
Postoperative 12 month follow up at outpatient clinic

2차 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
Serum TRPA1, TRPV1, bradykinin, PGE2 measurements
기간: Preoperative day
Measurement of TRPA1 (ng/mL), TRPV1 (ng/mL), bradykinin (pg/mL), PGE2 (pg/mL) (released from C-fibers) via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test to quantitatively measure the injures of the vagus nerve during the mediastinal lymph node dissection.
Preoperative day
Serum TRPA1, TRPV1, bradykinin, PGE2 measurements
기간: Postoperative 1 day
Measurement of TRPA1 (ng/mL), TRPV1 (ng/mL), bradykinin (pg/mL), PGE2 (pg/mL) (released from C-fibers) via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test to quantitatively measure the injures of the vagus nerve during the mediastinal lymph node dissection.
Postoperative 1 day
Serum TRPA1, TRPV1, bradykinin, PGE2 measurements
기간: Postoperative 2 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Measurement of TRPA1 (ng/mL), TRPV1 (ng/mL), bradykinin (pg/mL), PGE2 (pg/mL) (released from C-fibers) via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test to quantitatively measure the injures of the vagus nerve during the mediastinal lymph node dissection.
Postoperative 2 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Pulmonary function test
기간: Preoperative day
Routine PFT (FEV1%, FEV1/FVC%) check to evaluate the effects of vagus nerve preservation in pulmonary function
Preoperative day
Pulmonary function test
기간: Postoperative 1 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Routine PFT (FEV1%, FEV1/FVC%) check to evaluate the effects of vagus nerve preservation in pulmonary function
Postoperative 1 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Pulmonary function test
기간: Postoperative 2 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Routine PFT (FEV1%, FEV1/FVC%) check to evaluate the effects of vagus nerve preservation in pulmonary function
Postoperative 2 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Pulmonary function test
기간: Postoperative 6 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Routine PFT (FEV1%, FEV1/FVC%) check to evaluate the effects of vagus nerve preservation in pulmonary function
Postoperative 6 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Pulmonary function test
기간: Postoperative 12 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Routine PFT (FEV1%, FEV1/FVC%) check to evaluate the effects of vagus nerve preservation in pulmonary function
Postoperative 12 month follow up at outpatient clinic
Incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications, hospital stay and readmission, ICU care
기간: from admission for operation to until the date of first documented postoperative complication or readmission, whichever came first), assessed up to 30 days
from admission for operation to until the date of first documented postoperative complication or readmission, whichever came first), assessed up to 30 days
Histopathologic review of the total number of mediastinal lymph node dissected
기간: through study completion, an average of 1 year
Total number of dissected mediastinal lymph nodes and metastatic lymph nodes will be analyzed. Patient's preoperative clinical N stage and pathologic N stage will be compared; if pathologic N stage is higher than that of the clinical N stage, it will be considered as nodal upstaging.
through study completion, an average of 1 year

공동 작업자 및 조사자

여기에서 이 연구와 관련된 사람과 조직을 찾을 수 있습니다.


  • 연구 책임자: Kwhanmien Kim, MD. PhD, Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital

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