
Citoxlab, our newly established group, created through the merger of CiT and LAB Research, provides a comprehensive range of preclinical and specialty services from our facilities in France, Canada, Denmark and Hungary. With a combined capacity in excess of 800 employees, 27 000 rodents, 5 000 non-rodents, including 1 200 non-human primates on-site, and purpose built facilities of 60 000 m2 (645, 000 ft2), the new group is a major global player in the preclinical outsourcing arena. Our broad range of GLP and non GLP non-clinical services combined with our 40 years of experience is at the service of our customers to meet the demands of today’s complex global marketplace. We can provide you with accelerated product development, expansion into new markets, risk mitigation, reduced regulatory delays and improved quality. Reports from our four facilities have been successfully used by our clients in support of marketing authorization and new product approval submissions around the world, including to the European (EMA, ECHA), US (FDA and EPA) and Japanese (MHLW and MAFF) regulatory authorities. Citoxlab is committed to the humane treatment of the research animals entrusted to our care. We guarantee they will be treated with the highest standards of respect and compassion, and particular attention is accorded to housing conditions, social interaction and enrichment of their environment. Citoxlab’s ethics committees have established and rigorously enforce our ethics charter for Laboratory Animals. All employees must continuously demonstrate their commitment to animal welfare and are required to sign our ethics charter as a condition of initial and continuing employment. Since 2004, our high ethical standards have been recognized by accreditation from the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC). As a highly qualified service provider, we also strive to be flexible, accommodating and respond as quickly as possible to each of your individual needs.

For detailed contact information visit location pages below.

Citoxlab's locations around the world
