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Interfaces of Non-invasive Ventilation on Performance in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Exercise-NIV)

2019年1月8日 更新者:ADIR Association

Impact of Various Interfaces of Non-invasive Ventilation on Performance During Exercise in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

The purpose of this study is to determine wether the interface (facial or nasal mask) influences performance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exercising with non-invasive ventilation.




入学 (実際)



  • 適用できない




      • Bois-Guillaume、フランス
        • ADIR Association





18年歳以上 (大人、高齢者)






Inclusion Criteria:

  • Age > 18 years
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Gold III-IV
  • Eligible for pulmonary rehabilitation
  • Exercise limitation : at least respiratory limitation (ventilatory reserve ≤ 30%)

Non-inclusion Criteria:

  • Pregnant woman or likely to be
  • Familiar with home non-invasive ventilation
  • Patient under guardianship

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease





  • 主な目的:処理
  • 割り当て:ランダム化
  • 介入モデル:クロスオーバー割り当て
  • マスキング:なし(オープンラベル)


参加者グループ / アーム
実験的:CWLT with facial mask
This study has a cross-over design. Patients will achieve CWLT with non-invasive ventilation using facial or nasal mask in a randomised order.
Every patients will achieve 3 constant work load test (CWLT) at 75% Wpic. The first CWLT will be realized without any ventilatory support. The 2 others CWLT will be achieved with non-invasive ventilation support using facial or nasal interface in a randomized order.
実験的:CWLT with nasal mask
This study has a cross-over design. Patients will achieve CWLT with non-invasive ventilation using facial or nasal mask in a randomised order.
Every patients will achieve 3 constant work load test (CWLT) at 75% Wpic. The first CWLT will be realized without any ventilatory support. The 2 others CWLT will be achieved with non-invasive ventilation support using facial or nasal interface in a randomized order.



Endurance time (Tlim, in second) during Constant Work Load Test (CWLT).
時間枠:The outcome will be measure after every CWLT. The 3 CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum.
Patients will achieve 3 Constant Work Load Test Under different conditions (1 without noninvasive ventilation and 2 with noninvasive ventilation using in a randomised order facial or nasal mask). Endurance time (sec) will be recorded at the end of every test.
The outcome will be measure after every CWLT. The 3 CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum.


Comfort of different masks using numerical scale (0-10) after exercising with noninvasive ventilation.
時間枠:The outcome will be measure after every CWLT achieved with noninvasive ventilation. CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum.
The comfort of the different interfaces is assessed after every CWLT using numerical scale.
The outcome will be measure after every CWLT achieved with noninvasive ventilation. CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum.
Dyspnea during CWLT using modified Borg Scale (0-10).
時間枠:The outcome will be measure during every CWLT.The 3 CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum. Data will be collected every 30s during tests.
The dyspnea will be assessed every 30sec during CWLT. Results will be shown at Tlim (Tlim for the 3 tests) and iso time (defined as the Tlim or the shortest test).
The outcome will be measure during every CWLT.The 3 CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum. Data will be collected every 30s during tests.
Exhaustion during CWLT using modified Borg Scale (0-10).
時間枠:The outcome will be measure during every CWLT.The 3 CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum. Data will be collected every 30s during tests.
The exhaustion will be assessed every 30sec during CWLT. Results will be shown at Tlim (Tlim for the 3 tests) and iso time (defined as the Tlim or the shortest test).
The outcome will be measure during every CWLT.The 3 CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum. Data will be collected every 30s during tests.
Heart rate (rpm) during CWLT using capnograph.
時間枠:The outcome will be measure during every CWLT (with or without noninvasive ventilation).The 3 CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum. Data will be continuously collected.
Outcome will be continuously recorded. Results will be shown at Tlim (Tlim for the 3 tests) and iso time (defined as the Tlim or the shortest test).
The outcome will be measure during every CWLT (with or without noninvasive ventilation).The 3 CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum. Data will be continuously collected.
Blood pressure (mmHg) before and after every CWLT using electrical blood pressure device.
時間枠:The outcome will be assessed before and after every CWLT. The 3 CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum.
The outcome will be assessed before and after every CWLT. The 3 CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum.
Oxygen saturation (SpO2, %) during CWLT using capnograph.
時間枠:The outcome will be measure during every CWLT (with or without noninvasive ventilation).The 3 CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum. Data will be continuously collected.
Outcome will be continuously recorded. Results will be shown at Tlim (Tlim for the 3 tests) and iso time (defined as the Tlim or the shortest test).
The outcome will be measure during every CWLT (with or without noninvasive ventilation).The 3 CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum. Data will be continuously collected.
Transcutaneous carbon dioxide pressure (PtcCO2, mmHg) during CWLT using capnograph.
時間枠:The outcome will be measure during every CWLT (with or without noninvasive ventilation).The 3 CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum. Data will be continuously collected.
Outcome will be continuously recorded. Results will be shown at Tlim (Tlim for the 3 tests) and iso time (defined as the Tlim or the shortest test).
The outcome will be measure during every CWLT (with or without noninvasive ventilation).The 3 CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum. Data will be continuously collected.
Respiratory rate (rpm) during CWLT with noninvasive ventilation using ventilator monitoring.
時間枠:The outcome will be measure during CWLT with noninvasive ventilation. CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum.
Outcome will be continuously recorded. Results will be shown at Tlim (Tlim for the 2 tests) and iso time (defined as the Tlim or the shortest test).
The outcome will be measure during CWLT with noninvasive ventilation. CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum.
Inspiratory tidal volume (Vti, in liter) during CWLT with noninvasive ventilation using ventilator monitoring.
時間枠:The outcome will be measure during CWLT with noninvasive ventilation. CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum.
Outcome will be continuously recorded. Results will be shown at Tlim (Tlim for the 2 tests) and iso time (defined as the Tlim or the shortest test).
The outcome will be measure during CWLT with noninvasive ventilation. CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum.
Leak (liter per minute) during CWLT with noninvasive ventilation using ventilator monitoring.
時間枠:The outcome will be measure during CWLT with noninvasive ventilation. CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum.
Outcome will be continuously recorded. Results will be shown at Tlim (Tlim for the 2 tests) and iso time (defined as the Tlim or the shortest test).
The outcome will be measure during CWLT with noninvasive ventilation. CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum.


Ventilatory asynchronism during CWLT with noninvasive ventilation using ventilator monitoring.
時間枠:The outcome will be measure during CWLT with noninvasive ventilation. CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum.
Outcome will be continuously recorded.
The outcome will be measure during CWLT with noninvasive ventilation. CWLT will be carried out in different days, separate from 1 day minimum for a total time frame of 2 weeks maximum.





  • スタディチェア:David Debeaumont, MD、CHU-Hôpitaux de Rouen - Hôpital de Bois-Guillaume, Service de physiologie urinaire, digestive, respiratoire et sportive, Bois-Guillaume, France
  • スタディチェア:Tristan Bonnevie, PT, MsC、ADIR Association, Bois-Guillaume, France ; UPRES EA 3830, Institut de Recherche et d'Innovation Biomédicale de Haute-Normandie, Université de Rouen, Rouen, France
  • 主任研究者:Catherine Viacroze, MD、CHU-Hôpitaux de Rouen - Hôpital de Bois-Guillaume, Service de pneumologie, Bois-Guillaume, France


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一次修了 (実際)


研究の完了 (実際)







最初の投稿 (見積もり)



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  • Exercise-NIV

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