A pilot feasibility trial of cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia in people with inflammatory bowel disease

Jessica K Salwen-Deremer, Michael T Smith, Kelly A Aschbrenner, Hannah G Haskell, Brittany C Speed, Corey A Siegel, Jessica K Salwen-Deremer, Michael T Smith, Kelly A Aschbrenner, Hannah G Haskell, Brittany C Speed, Corey A Siegel


Objective: Poor sleep is common in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), associated with worse overall disease course and predominantly attributable to insomnia. While cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is the recommended first-line treatment for chronic insomnia, it is untested in IBD. It is unclear if CBT-I will be as effective in this group given the extent of night-time symptoms people with IBD experience. Thus, we evaluated the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of CBT-I in IBD.

Design: We comprehensively assessed sleep in people with mild-to-moderately active IBD using questionnaires, daily diaries and actigraphy. People with significant insomnia symptoms were allocated to a single-arm, uncontrolled pilot feasibility study of gold-standard CBT-I treatment. They were then reassessed post-treatment.

Results: 20 participants with IBD completed a baseline assessment. 10 were experiencing insomnia and were allocated to CBT-I. All participants who were offered CBT-I elected to complete it, and all completed 5/5 sessions. Participants rated treatment acceptability highly and daily diary and actigraphy completion rates were >95%. At baseline, participants with insomnia evidenced significantly worse sleep than participants without insomnia. Following CBT-I, participants reported significant improvements in diary and actigraphy measures of sleep continuity, dysfunctional sleep-related beliefs and IBD disease activity.

Conclusion: CBT-I was feasible and acceptable and demonstrated a signal for efficacy in the treatment of insomnia in IBD. Importantly, the improvements in sleep continuity were consistent with the extant literature. Future fully powered randomised controlled studies should evaluate whether treatment of insomnia can improve other aspects of IBD, including pain and inflammation.

Trial registration number: NCT04132024.

Keywords: crohn's disease; inflammatory bowel disease; psychology; psychotherapy; ulcerative colitis.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing interests: None declared.

© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2021. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.


Figure 1
Figure 1
CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) diagram. Proceeding to phase II: CBT-I was based on Insomnia Severity Index score. CBT-I, cognitive–behavioural therapy for insomnia.


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