A protocol for recruiting and analyzing the disease-oriented Russian disc degeneration study (RuDDS) biobank for functional omics studies of lumbar disc degeneration

Olga N Leonova, Elizaveta E Elgaeva, Tatiana S Golubeva, Alexey V Peleganchuk, Aleksandr V Krutko, Yurii S Aulchenko, Yakov A Tsepilov, Olga N Leonova, Elizaveta E Elgaeva, Tatiana S Golubeva, Alexey V Peleganchuk, Aleksandr V Krutko, Yurii S Aulchenko, Yakov A Tsepilov


Lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration (DD) disease is one of the main risk factors for low back pain and a leading cause of population absenteeism and disability worldwide. Despite a variety of biological studies, lumbar DD is not yet fully understood, partially because there are only few studies that use systematic and integrative approaches. This urges the need for studies that integrate different omics (including genomics and transcriptomics) measured on samples within a single cohort. This protocol describes a disease-oriented Russian disc degeneration study (RuDDS) biobank recruitment and analyses aimed to facilitate further omics studies of lumbar DD integrating genomic, transcriptomic and glycomic data. A total of 1,100 participants aged over 18 with available lumbar MRI scans, medical histories and biological material (whole blood, plasma and intervertebral disc tissue samples from surgically treated patients) will be enrolled during the three-year period from two Russian clinical centers. Whole blood, plasma and disc tissue specimens will be used for genotyping with genome-wide SNP-arrays, glycome profiling and RNA sequencing, respectively. Omics data will be further used for a genome-wide association study of lumbar DD with in silico functional annotation, analysis of plasma glycome and lumbar DD disease interactions and transcriptomic data analysis including an investigation of differential expression patterns associated with lumbar DD disease. Statistical tests applied in each of the analyses will meet the standard criteria specific to the attributed study field. In a long term, the results of the study will expand fundamental knowledge about lumbar DD development and contribute to the elaboration of novel personalized approaches for disease prediction and therapy. Additionally to the lumbar disc degeneration study, a RuDDS cohort could be used for other genetic studies, as it will have unique omics data. Trial registration number NCT04600544.

Conflict of interest statement

YSA is a founder and co-owner of PolyOmica and PolyKnomics, private organisations that provide services, research, and development in the field of quantitative and statistical genetics and computational genomics. This does not alter our adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials. Other authors declare no conflicts of interest.


Fig 1. Patient selection.
Fig 1. Patient selection.
Sample size at various time-points of the project. Expected total sample size is 1,100. *Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics (NRITO) / Priorov National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics (Priorov CITO). **Conservative treatment.


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