Diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism in the elderly

P D Stein, A Gottschalk, H A Saltzman, M L Terrin, P D Stein, A Gottschalk, H A Saltzman, M L Terrin


The diagnostic features of acute pulmonary embolism among 72 patients greater than or equal to 70 years old were evaluated and compared with characteristics of pulmonary embolism among 144 patients 40 to 69 years and 44 patients less than 40 years old. Syndromes characterized by either 1) pleuritic pain or hemoptysis, 2) isolated dyspnea, or 3) circulatory collapse were observed with comparable frequency among patients greater than or equal to 70 years old and younger patients. One of these presenting syndromes occurred in 64 (89%) of the 72 patients greater than or equal to 70 years old. Those who did not show these syndromes were identified on the basis of unexpected radiographic abnormalities, which may have been accompanied by tachypnea or a history of thrombophlebitis. Among the 72 patients greater than or equal to 70 years with pulmonary embolism, dyspnea or tachypnea (respirations greater than or equal to 20/min) occurred in 66 (92%), dyspnea or tachypnea or pleuritic pain in 68 (94%) and dyspnea or tachypnea or radiographic evidence of atelectasis or a parenchymal abnormality in 72 (100%). Complications of angiography were evaluated among patients with and without pulmonary embolism. Major complications of pulmonary angiography among patients greater than or equal to 70 years old (2 [1%] of 200) were not more frequent than among younger patients (6 [1.1%] of 562) (p = NS). However, renal failure (major or minor) was more frequent in patients greater than or equal to 70 years old than in younger patients (6 [3%] of 200 versus 4 [0.7%] of 562) (p less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

Source: PubMed
