Effects of sculpture based art therapy in dementia patients-A pilot study

Kathrin Seifert, Annika Spottke, Klaus Fliessbach, Kathrin Seifert, Annika Spottke, Klaus Fliessbach


Art and art therapy open up interesting possibilities for dementia patients. However, it has not been evaluated scientifically so far, whether the art of sculpting has any benefits. In this non-randomized pilot study with twelve participants, we investigated the feasibility and acceptance of sculptural activity in patients with dementia and the effects on their well-being. A questionnaire was custom-designed to investigate five key aspects of well-being: mental state and concentration, corporeal memory, self-reliance, self-esteem and physicality. Remarkable improvements were seen in several subscales in the sculptural activity group, but not the control group: Mental state and concentration (nine of thirteen key aspects), self-reliance (four of five), self-esteem (one of one) and physicality (two of two). The results of this pilot study indicate the multidimensional effects of sculptural activity on patients living with dementia. The field would benefit greatly from further research.

Keywords: Art; Nursing; Psychiatry; Psychology.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Average changes in the control and therapy group in the category of interest over the course of the therapy.
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Average changes in the control and therapy groups in the category of general remembering over the course of the project.


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Source: PubMed
