Comfort during the bed bath-A randomised crossover trial on the effect of washing without water versus water and soap in nursing students

Fabian M V Groven, Sandra M G Zwakhalen, Gaby Odekerken-Schröder, Frans Tan, Jan P H Hamers, Fabian M V Groven, Sandra M G Zwakhalen, Gaby Odekerken-Schröder, Frans Tan, Jan P H Hamers


Aims and objectives: To compare the washing without water method with the water and soap method regarding comfort perceptions of the bed bath.

Background: Bathing affects nurses' and care recipients' comfort. Bedridden care recipients can be bathed in bed with water and soap or with washing without water products. Little is known about the differences between these two bed bath methods regarding comfort perceptions among care recipients and nurses.

Design: Crossover randomised laboratory-controlled trial, conducted from March 2018-November 2019, according to the CONSORT guidelines.

Methods: Nursing students were randomly allocated roles as a patient (who received both types of bed baths) or a nurse (who provided both types of bed baths). Also, the order in which the bed baths were received/provided was randomised. A total of 97 students were included in the analysis. Student patients filled out the Patient Evaluation of Emotional Comfort Experienced (PEECE) scale to measure emotional comfort and a single-item question on physical comfort after each bed bath. Student nurses filled out the Physical Demands scale after each bed bath to measure their physical comfort perceptions.

Results: No differences were found between the two bed bathing methods regarding student patients' emotional or physical comfort levels. Among student nurses, the washing without water method was less physically demanding than the water and soap method.

Conclusions: Taking into account time-efficiency and physical comfort for nurses, washing without water seems to be a valuable alternative to water and soap from a care recipient comfort perspective, which should be assessed in a clinical setting in future research.

Relevance to clinical practice: The washing without water method is less physically demanding for nurses and takes less time. It does not have a detrimental effect on care recipients' emotional and physical comfort. The trial is registered at (ID = NL6787).

Keywords: bed bath; comfort; crossover randomised trial; essentials of care; multi-actor perspective; nursing education; physical demands; time effectiveness; washing without water; water and soap.

Conflict of interest statement

The first author is a doctoral candidate at Maastricht University who is working on research which is partially funded by Arion Holding B.V. Employees of this holding were not involved in the collection, analysis, or interpretation of the data. Hence, the authors declare that they have no competing interests.

© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


Consort diagram of the trial flow


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