Compositional clustering in task structure learning

Nicholas T Franklin, Michael J Frank, Nicholas T Franklin, Michael J Frank


Humans are remarkably adept at generalizing knowledge between experiences in a way that can be difficult for computers. Often, this entails generalizing constituent pieces of experiences that do not fully overlap, but nonetheless share useful similarities with, previously acquired knowledge. However, it is often unclear how knowledge gained in one context should generalize to another. Previous computational models and data suggest that rather than learning about each individual context, humans build latent abstract structures and learn to link these structures to arbitrary contexts, facilitating generalization. In these models, task structures that are more popular across contexts are more likely to be revisited in new contexts. However, these models can only re-use policies as a whole and are unable to transfer knowledge about the transition structure of the environment even if only the goal has changed (or vice-versa). This contrasts with ecological settings, where some aspects of task structure, such as the transition function, will be shared between context separately from other aspects, such as the reward function. Here, we develop a novel non-parametric Bayesian agent that forms independent latent clusters for transition and reward functions, affording separable transfer of their constituent parts across contexts. We show that the relative performance of this agent compared to an agent that jointly clusters reward and transition functions depends environmental task statistics: the mutual information between transition and reward functions and the stochasticity of the observations. We formalize our analysis through an information theoretic account of the priors, and propose a meta learning agent that dynamically arbitrates between strategies across task domains to optimize a statistical tradeoff.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Fig 1. Schematic example of independent and…
Fig 1. Schematic example of independent and joint clustering agents.
Top Left: The independent clustering agent groups each context into two clusters, associated with a reward (R) and mapping (ϕ) function, respectively. Planning involves combining these functions to generate a policy. The clustering prior induces a parsimony bias such that new contexts are more likely to be assigned to more popular clusters. Arrows denote assignment of context into clusters and creation of policies from component functions. Top Right: The joint clustering agent assigns each context into a cluster linked to both functions (i.e., assumes a holistic task structure), and hence the policy is determined by this cluster assignment. In this example, both agents generate the same two policies for the three contexts but the independent clustering agent generalizes the reward function across all three contexts. Bottom: An example mapping (left) and reward function (right) for a gridworld task.
Fig 2. Simulation 1.
Fig 2. Simulation 1.
A: Schematic representation of the task domain. Four contexts (blue circles) were simulated, each paired with a unique combination of one of two goal locations (reward functions) and one of two mappings. B: Number of steps taken by each agent shown across trials within a single context (left) and over all trials (right). Fewer steps reflect better performance. C: KL-divergence of the models’ estimates of the reward (left) and mapping (right) functions as a function of time. Lower KL-divergence represents better function estimates. Time shown as the number of trials in a context (left) and the number of steps in a context collapsed across trials (right) for clarity.
Fig 3. Simulation 2.
Fig 3. Simulation 2.
A: Schematic representation of the second task domain. Eight contexts (blue circles) were simulated, each paired with a combination of one of four orthogonal reward functions and one of four mappings, such that each pairing was repeated across two contexts, providing a discoverable relationship. B: Number of steps taken by each agent shown across trials within a single context (left) and over all trials (right). C: KL-divergence of the models’ estimates of the reward (left) and mapping (right) functions as a function of time.
Fig 4. “Diabolic rooms problem”.
Fig 4. “Diabolic rooms problem”.
A: Schamatic diagram of rooms problem. Agents enter a room and choose a door to navigate to the next room. Choosing the correct door (green) leads to the next room while choosing the other two doors leads to the start of the task. The agent learns three mappings across rooms B: Distribution of steps taken to solve the task by the three agents (left) and median of the distributions (right). C,D: Regression of the number of steps to complete the task as a function of grid area (C) and the number of rooms in the task (D) for the joint and independent clustering agents.
Fig 5. Performance of independent vs. joint…
Fig 5. Performance of independent vs. joint clustering in predicting a sequence XR, measured in bits of information gained by observation of each item.
Left: Relative performance of independent clustering over joint clustering as a function of mutual information between the rewards and transitions. Right: Noise in observation of XT sequences parametrically increases advantage for independent clustering. Green line shows relative performance in sequences with no residual uncertainty in R given T (perfect correspondence), orange line shows relative performance for a sequence with residual uncertainty H(R|T) > 0bits.
Fig 6. Meta-agent.
Fig 6. Meta-agent.
A: On each trial, the meta-agent samples the policy of joint or independent actor based on model evidence for each strategy. Both agents, and their model evidences, are updated at each time step. B: Overall performance of independent, joint and meta agents on simulation 1 C: Overall performance of independent, joint and meta agents on simulation 2 D,E: Probability of the selecting the policy joint clustering over time in simulation 1 (D) and simulation 2 (E).


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