Practical insights for paediatric otolaryngology surgical cases and performing microlaryngobronchoscopy during the COVID-19 pandemic

Claire Frauenfelder, Colin Butler, Ben Hartley, Lesley Cochrane, Chris Jephson, Robert Nash, Richard Hewitt, David Albert, Michelle Wyatt, Andrew Hall, Claire Frauenfelder, Colin Butler, Ben Hartley, Lesley Cochrane, Chris Jephson, Robert Nash, Richard Hewitt, David Albert, Michelle Wyatt, Andrew Hall


Paediatric otolaryngology practice involves examining and operating in anatomical locations with high levels of aerosol generation and transmission of COVID-19 to treating clinicians, especially from the asymptomatic patient populations including children. During the COVID-19 pandemic all emergent otolaryngological conditions affecting the airway, oral, and nasal cavities should be managed medically where possible and any operating deferred. We present guidelines for operating on paediatric otolaryngological patients when necessary during the COVID-19 pandemic, and incorporate experience gathered during microlaryngobronchoscopy on a COVID-19 positive infant at our institution.

Keywords: COVID-19; Coronavirus; Microlaryngobronchoscopy; Paediatric airway; SARS CoV2.

Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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