ACTonFOOD: opportunities of ACT to address food addiction

Roberto Cattivelli, Giada Pietrabissa, Martina Ceccarini, Chiara A M Spatola, Valentina Villa, Annalisa Caretti, Arianna Gatti, Gian Mauro Manzoni, Gianluca Castelnuovo, Roberto Cattivelli, Giada Pietrabissa, Martina Ceccarini, Chiara A M Spatola, Valentina Villa, Annalisa Caretti, Arianna Gatti, Gian Mauro Manzoni, Gianluca Castelnuovo

No abstract available

Keywords: Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT); CBT; bed; binge eating disorder; clinical psychology; eating disorders; food addiction; health psychology; obesity; psychotherapy; weight loss; weight management.


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