Quit4baby: results from a pilot test of a mobile smoking cessation program for pregnant women

Lorien C Abroms, Pamela R Johnson, Christina L Heminger, Judith M Van Alstyne, Leah E Leavitt, Jennifer M Schindler-Ruwisch, Jessica A Bushar, Lorien C Abroms, Pamela R Johnson, Christina L Heminger, Judith M Van Alstyne, Leah E Leavitt, Jennifer M Schindler-Ruwisch, Jessica A Bushar


Background: Text messaging (short message service, SMS) programs have been shown to be effective in helping adult smokers quit smoking. This study describes the results of a pilot test of Quit4baby, a smoking cessation text messaging program for pregnant smokers that was adapted from Text2quit.

Objective: The study aimed to demonstrate the feasibility and acceptability of Quit4baby for women currently enrolled in Text4baby, a perinatal health text messaging program.

Methods: Pregnant women enrolled in Text4baby and who were current smokers or had quit within the last 4 weeks (n=20) were enrolled in Quit4baby. Those under the age of 18, not pregnant, not current smokers, those using nicotine replacement therapy, and those not interested in participating were ineligible. Participants were surveyed at baseline and at 2 and 4 weeks postenrollment.

Results: Most participants responded to the program favorably. Highly rated aspects included the content of the program, skills taught within the program, and encouragement and social support provided by the program. Participants reported that the program was helpful in quitting, that the program gave good ideas on quitting, and that they would recommend the program to a friend. Suggestions for improvement included increasing the message dose and making the quitpal more interactive.

Conclusions: This pilot test provides support for the feasibility and acceptability of Quit4baby. Future studies are needed to assess whether Quit4baby is effective for smoking cessation during pregnancy.

Keywords: mobile health; pregnancy; text messaging; tobacco cessation.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflicts of Interest: Pamela Johnson is the Chief Health Officer and a stockholder and member of the board of Voxiva, Inc. The George Washington University has licensed the Quit4baby program to Voxiva, Inc.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Quit4Baby screenshot.


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